Model of the monitoring process for early diagnosis of patients' health
Науковий ступінь
Рівень дисертації
Шифр та назва спеціальності
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This research paper presents an approach for resolving the monitoring task for early diagnosis process of patient’s health. The problem of the monitoring task for different sphere of life is considered. The model of the monitoring process has been developed in the form of an activity diagram. The analysis of existing medical information system for clinical monitoring is conducted. The analytical review of mathematical methods for resolving the monitoring task in medicine has been made. The BPMN-model of the monitoring for early diagnosis process has been formalized. Experimental studies were carried out on the example of determining the presence or absence of diabetes mellitus in a patient. The list of risk factors and set of symptoms of type 2 of diabetes mellitus have formed. The quality criteria have been chosen. The integral quality factor is proposed. The assessment process of the quality of the monitoring task for early diagnosis process indicates that developed method would determine the improving of the medical decision process.
Бібліографічний опис
Model of the monitoring process for early diagnosis of patients' health [Electronic resource] / K. Melnyk [et al.] // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. – 2021. – Vol. 3038. – Informatics & Data-Driven Medicine (IDDM 2021) : proc. of the 4th Intern. Conf., Valencia, Spain, November 19-21, 2021. – Electronic text data. – Valencia, 2021. – P. 250-259. – URL:, free (accessed 31.10.2022).