Математическая модель манжетных уплотнений из фторопласта для агрегатов пневмоавтоматики ракетных двигателей
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При использовании линейных дифференциальных уравнений упругой деформации тонкостенной цилиндрической оболочки переменной толщины исследовано напряженно-деформированное состояние фторопластовой манжеты с коническими боковыми поверхностями. Разработан расчетный метод для определения контактной силы между манжетой и цилиндрической поверхностью втулки или штока, который учитывает проникновение давления газа или смазки вглубь уплотняемого зазора, а также метод расчета контактной силы между манжетой и распорной пружиной, имеющей лепестковую форму. Предложены уточненные формулы для оценки силы трения в подвижных уплотнениях, которые предлагается использовать конструктору на стадии эскизного проектирования узла.
The stress-strained state of a PTFE lip seal with conic side surfaces applied to seal the valve and piston of a rocket engine gas pressure regulator is studied using linear differential equations of elastic deformations of a thin cylindrical shell. The one-dimensional aero elasticity problem arising in the analysis of PTFE lip seal and metal cylindrical wall contact is set and solved. Based on the problem a method for computing the effective clearance and gas leakage through the seal is developed. A new computing method for determining the contact force between the lip seal and the cylindrical surface of the sleeve or rod taking into account the penetration of gas pressure or lubrication inside the sealed gap is proposed. The theoretical laws of elastic-plastic deformation of fingers of a finger spring are studied; the method for calculating the pressure of the fingers on the wall of the PTFE lip seal is developed. The methods of experimental study of friction and gas leakage through a seal as well as the test results specifying the known dependencies of friction on the sealing pressure and sliding speed of PTFE are presented. New formulas for estimating the friction force in a flexible seal, which can be used at the stage of unit conceptual design, are proposed. The formulas take into account the elastic and plastic properties of PTFE, namely, the Young’s modulus and the Brinell hardness number.
The stress-strained state of a PTFE lip seal with conic side surfaces applied to seal the valve and piston of a rocket engine gas pressure regulator is studied using linear differential equations of elastic deformations of a thin cylindrical shell. The one-dimensional aero elasticity problem arising in the analysis of PTFE lip seal and metal cylindrical wall contact is set and solved. Based on the problem a method for computing the effective clearance and gas leakage through the seal is developed. A new computing method for determining the contact force between the lip seal and the cylindrical surface of the sleeve or rod taking into account the penetration of gas pressure or lubrication inside the sealed gap is proposed. The theoretical laws of elastic-plastic deformation of fingers of a finger spring are studied; the method for calculating the pressure of the fingers on the wall of the PTFE lip seal is developed. The methods of experimental study of friction and gas leakage through a seal as well as the test results specifying the known dependencies of friction on the sealing pressure and sliding speed of PTFE are presented. New formulas for estimating the friction force in a flexible seal, which can be used at the stage of unit conceptual design, are proposed. The formulas take into account the elastic and plastic properties of PTFE, namely, the Young’s modulus and the Brinell hardness number.
Ключові слова
упругость манжеты, контактная задача, утечки газа, коэффициент трения фторопласта, лепестковая пружина, sealing ring, sealing ring elasticity, contact problem, gas leakage
Бібліографічний опис
Математическая модель манжетных уплотнений из фторопласта для агрегатов пневмоавтоматики ракетных двигателей / С. А. Шевченко [и др.] // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Математичне моделювання в техніці та технологіях = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. of sci. papers. Ser. : Mathematical modeling in engineering and technologies. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. – № 6 (1178). – С. 124-143.