Исследование антиаритмической активности липосомальной формы цитохрома С
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ПП "Технологічний Центр"
Цель: целью работы явилось исследование антиаритмического действия свободной и липосомальной форм цитохрома С. Методы: липосомы получали методом липидной пленки с последующей гомогенизацией при высоком давлении. Определяли размер частиц и степень включения. Проведено изучение аритмии с использованием хлоридбариевой модели. Регистрировали время возникновения и продолжительность аритмии у каждого животного электрокардиографическим методом. Бария хлорид, в соответствии с общепринятой методикой, вводили в дозе 4 мг/кг. В качестве стандартного образца использовали амиодарон в дозе 5 мг/кг. Обе формы цитохрома С вводили внутривенно в дозе 10мг/кг. Результаты исследования: авторами предложена технология получения липосомальной формы цитохрома С, изучено включение субстанции в состав липосомы (не менее 95 %) и размеры полученных наночастиц (100–170 нм). Показано достоверное снижение времени аритмии при использовании цитохрома С. Липосомальная форма цитохрома С (10 мг/кг) проявляет более высокую активность по сравнению со свободной формой препарата и снижает время аритмии по сравнению с контролем более чем в 2 раза. Выводы: липосомальная форма цитохрома С является перспективным антиритмиком т. к. по сравнению с амиодароном, обладающим широким спектором побочных действий, отличается крайне низкой токсичностью. В дальнейших исследованиях планируется изучить дозозависимый эффект липосомальной формы цитохрома С и мембрано-стабилизирующие свойства в модельных экспериментах при ишемической болезни сердца и аритмиях.
Aim. The aim of research was to study antiarrhythmic activity of released and liposomal forms of Cytochrome C. Methods. The liposomes were obtained by lipid film method followed by homogenization at high pressure. The particles size and the degree of inclusion were determined. Arrhythmia was studied using the Barium chloride model. Arrhythmia occurrence and duration in each animal was recorded by the electrocardiographic method. Barium chloride, according to the conventional method, was administered at a dose of 4 mg/kg. Amiodarone was used as a reference sample at a dose of 5 mg/kg. Both forms of Cytochrome C were administered intravenously at a dose of 10 mg/kg. Results. Technology for obtaining the Cytochrome C liposomal form was offered by the authors; the substance inclusion into the liposome composition (not less than 95 %) and the obtained nanoparticles sizes (100–170 nm) were studied. A significant decrease in arrhythmia period during the use of Cytochrome C was observed. The liposomal Cytochrome C (10 mg/kg) shows a higher activity than the released form of the drug and reduces the arrhythmia period compared to the control more than 2 times. Conclusion. Liposomal Cytochrome C is a promising antiarrhytmicagent due to its low toxicity compared to Amiodarone having numerous adverse effects. In the further research, it is planned to study the dose-dependent effect of the liposomal Cytochrome C and membrane-stabilizing properties in model experiments with coronary heart disease and arrhythmia.
Aim. The aim of research was to study antiarrhythmic activity of released and liposomal forms of Cytochrome C. Methods. The liposomes were obtained by lipid film method followed by homogenization at high pressure. The particles size and the degree of inclusion were determined. Arrhythmia was studied using the Barium chloride model. Arrhythmia occurrence and duration in each animal was recorded by the electrocardiographic method. Barium chloride, according to the conventional method, was administered at a dose of 4 mg/kg. Amiodarone was used as a reference sample at a dose of 5 mg/kg. Both forms of Cytochrome C were administered intravenously at a dose of 10 mg/kg. Results. Technology for obtaining the Cytochrome C liposomal form was offered by the authors; the substance inclusion into the liposome composition (not less than 95 %) and the obtained nanoparticles sizes (100–170 nm) were studied. A significant decrease in arrhythmia period during the use of Cytochrome C was observed. The liposomal Cytochrome C (10 mg/kg) shows a higher activity than the released form of the drug and reduces the arrhythmia period compared to the control more than 2 times. Conclusion. Liposomal Cytochrome C is a promising antiarrhytmicagent due to its low toxicity compared to Amiodarone having numerous adverse effects. In the further research, it is planned to study the dose-dependent effect of the liposomal Cytochrome C and membrane-stabilizing properties in model experiments with coronary heart disease and arrhythmia.
Ключові слова
аритмия, цитохром С, липосомы, технология получения липосом, arrhythmia, cytochrome C, liposomes, technology of liposomes obtaining
Бібліографічний опис
Исследование антиаритмической активности липосомальной формы цитохрома С / Д. М. Пилипенко [та ін.] // ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science. – 2017. – № 3 (7). – С. 54-57.