Концептуальні положення відкрито-закритої моделі інноваційного процесу з інтелектуальною складовою

dc.contributor.authorКосенко, Олександра Петрівнаuk
dc.description.abstractРозглянуто загальний стан та основні тенденції зміни моделей організації інноваційного процесу. Доведено, що існуючі моделі недостатньо враховують інтелектуальну складову, яка є базовою під час розроблення інтелектуально-інноваційних технологій. Запропоновано авторську відкрито-закриту модель інноваційного процесу з інтелектуальною складовою та розроблено алгоритм її використання.uk
dc.description.abstractThe general situation and the main trends of changing the innovation process organization models are considered in the article. A retrospective review of models of the innovation process revealed the shortcomings of the existing models. First, in all the models there is no focus on the intellectual component of innovation. This deficiency is a common characteristic not only for Ukrainian companies. Second, the emphasis on certain models of openness to innovation today became sufficiently popular among industrial enterprises due to excessive openness of these models and insufficient representation in them the possibilities of using the closed innovation. Open innovation in principle is not a priority for the development, distribution and consumption. Third, the current model of organizing the innovation base is mostly focused on product-material innovation, providing a way out of the innovation process for new products. Fourth, the weakness of external innovation infrastructure enterprises in most cases makes their research units rely on their own capabilities. It is proved that the existing models do not take into account the intellectual component, which is the base for the development of intellectual and innovative technologies. In some cases, this leads to difficulties in the organization of intellectual innovation in the industry, especially in the formation of the program of commercialization of innovation and technology transfer on the basis of the audit process. Each of the models discussed in the article meets the requirements of innovative development of its time, is viable and has been used in the market or close to market conditions. It was found that one of the other models of the innovation process differs in certain characteristics, among them: the speed and flexibility to respond to innovation challenges of the external environment; sources of innovation; feedback, the level of start-ups etc. The author offers an open- closed model of innovation process with the intellectual component and the algorithm of its use. The model name was dictated by three main assumptions in its development. 1. The maximum openness to the concept of innovation, as it is envisaged in the model of a transfer of intellectual products (commercial or, in some cases, not commercial). 2. The maximum capacity of the enterprise internal consideration and taking into account its possible desire to leave the intellectual result as “a closed innovation”. 3. In the process of developing the intellectual innovation model one should consider developing intellectually meaningful product (intellectual property), for which the model provides a reliable legal protection. The overall job at “open-closed model with intellectual component” can be described using a phased method of use. In the article the main stages are described, their content is revealed, and recommendations for effective use are given. The main stages of the model include: market research, analysis and selection of market demand, ranking and planning, research, intellectual result, legal protection, the decision to use.en
dc.identifier.citationКосенко О. П. Концептуальні положення відкрито-закритої моделі інноваційного процесу з інтелектуальною складовою / О. П. Косенко // Вісник Нац. ун-ту "Львівська політехніка" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Проблеми економіки та управління. – Львів : Львівська політехніка, 2015. – № 815. – С. 215-224.uk
dc.publisherНаціональний університет "Львівська політехніка"uk
dc.subjectпромислові підприємстваuk
dc.subjectтехнологічний аудитuk
dc.subjectінтелектуальна власністьuk
dc.subjectinnovative processen
dc.subjectintellectual componenten
dc.subjectindustrial enterprisesen
dc.subjecttechnology auditen
dc.titleКонцептуальні положення відкрито-закритої моделі інноваційного процесу з інтелектуальною складовоюuk
dc.title.alternativeConceptual of open-closed model of innovation intellectual parten


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