К вопросу совершенствования методологии обучения плаванию студентов с боязнью воды
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Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет ім. К. Д. Ушинського
Статья посвящена изучению особенностей методики обучения плаванию студентов испытывающих страх пред водой. В исследовании приняли участие студенты юридического и политехнического университетов. Предложенный алгоритм методологии обучения плаванию учащихся с водобоязнью обеспечивает индивидуальный подбор средств и сокращает время обучения.
Swimming is an essential life skill and one of the available and useful kinds of sports. According to the long-term observations, at the beginning of every academic year there are many students who are unskilled swimmers or who cannot swim at all. Such students need special training methods. The methodology of teaching swimming is one of the most developed sections of the swimming theory. However, the issue of the methods of teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia still remains understudied. The success of teaching swimming to these people depends on their awareness of the reasons of their hydrophobia. Almost everybody comes to the conclusion that the hydrophobia is caused by the accidents in the water because of panic and fear. The article is aimed at examining the features of the methods of teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia, namely at studying the experience of teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia and developing methods of teaching swimming to these students. During the 2014-2015 academic year the experiment involving 14 students with hydrophobia has been conducted. The algorithm of the methodology for teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia has been presented in the article. It involves the imitation of technical elements on land; methods of adaptation to water with teaching breathing in the water (breathing-out); mastering of skills of lying and sliding on the water; teaching rowing movements; as well as teaching elements of starts and turns. The suggested algorithm contributes to the systematization, specification and application of early developed methods and components of technology for teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia. Conscious individual selection of the techniques ensures the purposefulness of the teaching process and reduces the time of training of students with hydrophobia. According to the results of the experiment, the students with hydrophobia have learnt to swim in a short period of time. The most important thing is that they have mastered some different kind of swimming techniques and are able to swim for 50 and more meters.
Swimming is an essential life skill and one of the available and useful kinds of sports. According to the long-term observations, at the beginning of every academic year there are many students who are unskilled swimmers or who cannot swim at all. Such students need special training methods. The methodology of teaching swimming is one of the most developed sections of the swimming theory. However, the issue of the methods of teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia still remains understudied. The success of teaching swimming to these people depends on their awareness of the reasons of their hydrophobia. Almost everybody comes to the conclusion that the hydrophobia is caused by the accidents in the water because of panic and fear. The article is aimed at examining the features of the methods of teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia, namely at studying the experience of teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia and developing methods of teaching swimming to these students. During the 2014-2015 academic year the experiment involving 14 students with hydrophobia has been conducted. The algorithm of the methodology for teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia has been presented in the article. It involves the imitation of technical elements on land; methods of adaptation to water with teaching breathing in the water (breathing-out); mastering of skills of lying and sliding on the water; teaching rowing movements; as well as teaching elements of starts and turns. The suggested algorithm contributes to the systematization, specification and application of early developed methods and components of technology for teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia. Conscious individual selection of the techniques ensures the purposefulness of the teaching process and reduces the time of training of students with hydrophobia. According to the results of the experiment, the students with hydrophobia have learnt to swim in a short period of time. The most important thing is that they have mastered some different kind of swimming techniques and are able to swim for 50 and more meters.
Ключові слова
физическая культура, виды спорта, учебный процесс, страх, водная среда, education, swimming, student, fear, water, hydrophobia
Бібліографічний опис
Баламутова Н. М. К вопросу совершенствования методологии обучения плаванию студентов с боязнью воды / Н. М. Баламутова, С. В. Ширяева, Л. В. Шейко // Наука і освіта. – 2016. – № 4. – С. 96-100.