Особливості професійного становлення майбутніх викладачів закладу вищої освіти

dc.contributor.authorГородничий, Олегuk
dc.description.abstractУ статті досліджено проблематику професійного становлення особистості у закладі вищої освіти, зокрема, розкрито особливості професіоналізації майбутніх викладачів вищої школи у процесі навчання. Було виявлено, що умовою змістовного професійного зростання особистості майбутнього викладача є розвиток деяких професійно необхідних якостей ― відповідальності, спрямованості на діяльність та компетентності. Було визначено, що професійний розвиток особистості тісно пов‟язаний із проблемою її ставлення до професії та зростання у професійній діяльності, а професіоналізм особистості виступає як сукупність психофізіологічних, психічних та особистісних змін, які відбуваються у процесі набуття знань задля успішного вирішення складних професійних питань. Було з'ясовано, що процес професійного становлення передбачає розвиток студентів та магістрантів як суб‟єктів освітньої та подальшої професійної діяльності, їх здатності до організації власних професійних та особистісно важливих дій.uk
dc.description.abstractProblem setting. Professional formation is an important component of personal development, which is characterized with the gradual formating of professionally required features and the development of the subject of future profes-sional activity as a personality. The modern rhythm of life requires a high level of profesioanalism from the person. The appeal of the educational system to the personal qualities of a specialist with a high level of professional competencies is the main goal of the training of students and master students for their further professional activity. Recent research and publications analysis. An analysis of scientific sources showed that the professional formation of the personality has an exceptional significance in the process of the future specialist development, the formation of one's professionalism and professional self-consciousness, as well as the success of his or her subsequent activity as a specialist. Problems of professional formation of future specialists are disclosed in works of foreign scientists (A. Maslow, K. Rogers, etc.), as well as domestic scientists (G. Abramova, O. Bondarenko, N. Volkova, S. Maksymenko, V. Morgun, V. Tatenko, T. Tytarenko, V. Panok, O. Resvan, N. Chepelieva, T. Yatsenko, and others). The set of statements about the significance and func-tions of specialist‟ professionalism for the success of professional activities was developed by such scholars, as H. Ball, E. Klimov, A. Markova, and others.Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main aspects of the professional formation of future lecturers of the higher education institution in modern conditions. Paper main body. Considering the training of students and master students as the period of professional formation, one can assume that this process is a development of professionally important qualities and abilities, professional knowledge and skills. It is accompanied with active, qualitative transformation of the inner world by the personality, which contributes to the development of the substantially new social life-style, the creative self-realization in the profession. The notion of 'professional formation' is widely used in psycho-pedagogical literature. Thus, T. Kudryavtsev determines the professional formation as a process of personal growth from the initial stages of the development of professional goals till the full realization in the profes-sional activity. According to E. Zeyer, professional formation is a formal creation of personality, which corresponds to the requirements of professional activity. It involves the use of the set in time ways of the social interaction of personality, its inclusion into various professionally and significant activities. In L. Mitina‟s conception the profes-sional is endowed with the ability to observe one's professional activity in a whole, but in the author's model there is no interconnection between the age and the degree of professional development of personality. In the acmeological conception of professional development there are considered the growth of the subject of labor to the level of a professional in the context of the general expansion of the subject's space of the personality, one‟s professional and moral enrichment, in connection with changes and development of the components of professionalism, normative regulation, motivation for self-development and pro-fessional achievements. Thus, the scientists paid attention not only to the issues of the formation of professional “Self” of the personality, but also to the problems of correlating of the stages of the specialist's development with one's personal peculiarities and the probable change of the professional vector. Since the formation of students and master students as specialists passes through professional training in higher education institutions, the training of specialists must include world-view, professional and personal components aimed at developing of professional consciousness, professional culture and professionally relevant personal qualities, and in mastering the relevant system of knowledge, technologies of practical work of the future specialist. The development of professional skills and self-improvement of a specialist should be systemic throughout the entire period of study at a higher education institution. Future specialists should develop their professional thinking, social activity, professional creativity and competence, develop their scientific world-view, work on critical thinking, ability to prognostication and spontaneity, general and psychological culture. Conclusions of the research. Thus, the condition of substantial professional growth of the personality of the future specialist is the development of some professionally necessary qualities, namely responsibility, direction and competence. The main system-forming factor of personality-oriented professional education is the development of a future specialist in the process of active interaction of participants in the learning, taking into account their experience, personal features and peculiarities of the educational environment of the higher education in-stitution. Professional development of the personality is closely connected with the problem of one's attitude to the profession and growth in professional activity. In this regard, the professional formation of a future lecturer during studies at a higher education institution requires from students and master students the complex intensive work not only in the direction of obtaining theoretical knowledge and skills of their practical application, but also activities aimed at self-development of the personality and the general culture.en
dc.identifier.citationГородничий О. Особливості професійного становлення майбутніх викладачів закладу вищої освіти / О. Городничий // Теорія і практика управління соціальними системами: філософія, психологія, педагогіка, соціологія. – 2019. – № 4. – С. 81-94.uk
dc.publisherНаціональний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"uk
dc.subjectпрофесійний розвиток особистостіuk
dc.subjectprofessional personal developmenten
dc.titleОсобливості професійного становлення майбутніх викладачів закладу вищої освітиuk
dc.title.alternativePeculiarities of professional formation of future lecturers of higher education institutionen


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