Эффект проекции Панини как средство уменьшения перспективных искажений
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Белорусский национальный технический университет
В статье описан метод на основе проекции Панини для уменьшения перспективных искажений изображений с большим углом обзора. Проведен анализ особенностей построения проекции Панини. Предложена реализация эффекта на графических ускорителях как результата постобработки. Показано, что перспективное проецирование трехмерной сцены на поверхность параболического цилиндра уменьшает искажения.
The method based on Panini projection to reduce perspective distortions of images with wide viewing angle is considered. The analysis of the features of construction of Panini projection is provided. A realization of the effect on the graphic accelerators as a result of post-processing is proposed. The results of using the described effect in computer graphics were obtained. A comparison of images in the perspective projection and Panini projection was carried out. It is shown that perspective projection of a three-dimensional scene onto the surface of a parabolic cylinder reduces distortions.
The method based on Panini projection to reduce perspective distortions of images with wide viewing angle is considered. The analysis of the features of construction of Panini projection is provided. A realization of the effect on the graphic accelerators as a result of post-processing is proposed. The results of using the described effect in computer graphics were obtained. A comparison of images in the perspective projection and Panini projection was carried out. It is shown that perspective projection of a three-dimensional scene onto the surface of a parabolic cylinder reduces distortions.
Бібліографічний опис
Качанов П. А. Эффект проекции Панини как средство уменьшения перспективных искажений / П. А. Качанов, А. А. Зуев, К. Н. Яценко // Системный анализ и прикладная информатика. – 2015. – № 4. – С. 49-53.