Готовность к адаптивному управлению современного менеджера в условиях конкуренции на рынке труда





Науковий ступінь

Рівень дисертації

Шифр та назва спеціальності

Рада захисту

Установа захисту

Науковий керівник

Члени комітету

Назва журналу

Номер ISSN

Назва тому


Imi-Nova, Chişinău, Moldova


The article analyzes the process of formation of readiness for adaptive management of future managers in the process of vocational training in the institution of higher education. Such organization of educational and educational process, which provides for correction of its components and system of interaction of subjects, is proposed for the purpose of activating the independent cognitive activity of students at each stage. Also defined are the main components of readiness for adaptive management in the process of training managers and teaching methods, with the help of which they can be formed. The article contains analytical material on the competitiveness of future managers in the labor market, subject to readiness for adaptive management. Also, the article includes suggestions on the use of master classes, including the author's "From Adaptive Leadership Leader in an Adaptive Organization" and "Time Management: Managing the Personal Effectiveness of a Modern Leader", in the educational process with the goal of forming readiness for adaptive management in the process of training managers.


Бібліографічний опис

Воробьева Е. В. Готовность к адаптивному управлению современного менеджера в условиях конкуренции на рынке труда / Е. В. Воробьева, Н. К. Чеботарев // Performanţe într-o economie competitivă : materialele conf. intern. : ed. a 5-a. – Chişinău : Imi-Nova, 2018. – P. 228-233.



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