Формування педагогічної культури майбутніх фахівців у галузі фізичної культури і спорту
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Національний педагогічний університет ім. М. П. Драгоманова
На тлі зростання ролі і значення фізичної культури і спорту в суспільному житті розглянуто феномен впливу фахівців цієї важливої сфери на інших людей, насамперед на молодь. Показано, що цей вплив може носити як позитивний, так і негативний характер. Доведено, що для позитивного впливу його суб’єктам має бути притаманна розвинена загальна і професійна культура, в структурі якої істотне місце посідає педагогічна культура. Саме вона здатна трансформувати вплив у виховання й особистісний розвиток об’єктів впливу, у формування у них системи гуманістичних життєвих цінностей. Підкреслено, що формування педагогічної культури має стати важливим компонентом їхньої освітньої і професійної підготовки з використанням інноваційних педагогічних технологій.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the nature and importance of the pedagogical culture of specialists in physical education and sports, and ways and methods of its formation in the educational process of their professional training. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of information sources, research and publications. The issue of the pedagogical culture is considered from various scientific aspects. The relevance of the issue is that the new requirements for higher education institutions oblige teachers to have a high level of competence in order to create positive conditions for the development of the personality of the future specialist in physical education and sports. Against the background of the growing role and importance of physical culture and sport in public life, the phenomenon of influence of specialists of this important sphere on other people, especially on the youth, is considered. It is shown that this influence can be in both ways positive and negative. It is proved that for the positive influence the subjects should have the developed general and professional culture, in the structure of which the pedagogical culture occupies an important place. It is able to transform the influence into the education and personal development of the objects of influence, and into the formation of a system of humanistic vital values. It is emphasized that the formation of pedagogical culture should become an important component of their educational and professional training by using innovative pedagogical technologies. The development of pedagogical culture of the future specialists in physical culture and sports is an integral part of the general culture and it increases the quality of education, the level of education of children, the training of young athletes, thus increasing the socio-cultural situation in the country. The analysis of the study allowed us to draw conclusions and perspectives for further scientific research.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the nature and importance of the pedagogical culture of specialists in physical education and sports, and ways and methods of its formation in the educational process of their professional training. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of information sources, research and publications. The issue of the pedagogical culture is considered from various scientific aspects. The relevance of the issue is that the new requirements for higher education institutions oblige teachers to have a high level of competence in order to create positive conditions for the development of the personality of the future specialist in physical education and sports. Against the background of the growing role and importance of physical culture and sport in public life, the phenomenon of influence of specialists of this important sphere on other people, especially on the youth, is considered. It is shown that this influence can be in both ways positive and negative. It is proved that for the positive influence the subjects should have the developed general and professional culture, in the structure of which the pedagogical culture occupies an important place. It is able to transform the influence into the education and personal development of the objects of influence, and into the formation of a system of humanistic vital values. It is emphasized that the formation of pedagogical culture should become an important component of their educational and professional training by using innovative pedagogical technologies. The development of pedagogical culture of the future specialists in physical culture and sports is an integral part of the general culture and it increases the quality of education, the level of education of children, the training of young athletes, thus increasing the socio-cultural situation in the country. The analysis of the study allowed us to draw conclusions and perspectives for further scientific research.
Бібліографічний опис
Формування педагогічної культури майбутніх фахівців у галузі фізичної культури і спорту / Борейко Н. Ю., Зінченко Л. В., Пономарьов О. С., Сластіна А. О. // Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету ім. М. П. Драгоманова. Сер. 15 : Науково-педагогічні проблеми фізичної культури (фізична культура і спорт) : зб. наук. пр. – Київ : НПУ, 2020. – Вип. 1 (121). – С. 25-30.