Суб'єктивні продуктогенні детермінанти формування математичної культури студентів вищих технічних навчальних закладів
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Донецький національний технічний університет
В статті здійснено структурно-функціональний факторний аналіз формування математичної культури особистості в процесі професійної підготовки у вищому технічному навчальному закладі, що дозволило виробити про неї фундоване модельне уявлення. Об'єктивно досліджено фактори, що безпосередньо залежать від суб'єкту навчання та виконано їх ранжування за вагомістю впливу на процес розвитку та формування математичної культури студентів, які навчаються за напрямом професійної підготовки "програмна інженерія". Пропонована модель внутрішніх факторів математичної культури особистості припускає експлікацію процесу формування.
In the article the structural and functional factor analysis of formation of mathematical culture of the person in the process of training in higher educational institution is carried out, which allowed developing a fundamental model idea. We examined objectively the factors that directly depend on the subject of training and fulfilled their ranking by the significance of influence on the development and formation of mathematical culture of Software Engineering students. The proposed mathematical model of the internal factors of mathematical culture of a person assumes the explication of the processes of formation and development of mathematical culture. To subjective determinants of formation of mathematical culture the author attributes the personality suitability factor, which in its turn has guided and unguided by individual reasons. As guided the following factors are reckoned: attitudinal determinants (images, ideals, personal sense, adherence to a particular lifestyle, life strategies, understanding a strong humanitarian potential of mathematics); value-motivational determinants (understanding and awareness of learning objectives, interest in mathematics, susceptibility of stimulation, acmeological focus of formation of mathematical culture of a person, setting to understanding, setting to intellectual veracity); self-education determinants (self-control: volume, frequency, quality, regularity, will, perseverance, ability to learn: regime, organization, hard work, mathematical ability on perception, learning, memory, thinking, creativity, readiness to self-development; non-static individual characteristics (interest, propensity, internal psychological setting to conscious and strong assimilation of knowledge, level of benefits and fear of failure, desire for achievements, obligatoriness, discipline, responsibility); level of overall erudition of students (ability to master the learning material of mathematical content, the total capacity for educational and cognitive activity, the ability to the kind of thinking applied in mathematics, mathematical literacy).
In the article the structural and functional factor analysis of formation of mathematical culture of the person in the process of training in higher educational institution is carried out, which allowed developing a fundamental model idea. We examined objectively the factors that directly depend on the subject of training and fulfilled their ranking by the significance of influence on the development and formation of mathematical culture of Software Engineering students. The proposed mathematical model of the internal factors of mathematical culture of a person assumes the explication of the processes of formation and development of mathematical culture. To subjective determinants of formation of mathematical culture the author attributes the personality suitability factor, which in its turn has guided and unguided by individual reasons. As guided the following factors are reckoned: attitudinal determinants (images, ideals, personal sense, adherence to a particular lifestyle, life strategies, understanding a strong humanitarian potential of mathematics); value-motivational determinants (understanding and awareness of learning objectives, interest in mathematics, susceptibility of stimulation, acmeological focus of formation of mathematical culture of a person, setting to understanding, setting to intellectual veracity); self-education determinants (self-control: volume, frequency, quality, regularity, will, perseverance, ability to learn: regime, organization, hard work, mathematical ability on perception, learning, memory, thinking, creativity, readiness to self-development; non-static individual characteristics (interest, propensity, internal psychological setting to conscious and strong assimilation of knowledge, level of benefits and fear of failure, desire for achievements, obligatoriness, discipline, responsibility); level of overall erudition of students (ability to master the learning material of mathematical content, the total capacity for educational and cognitive activity, the ability to the kind of thinking applied in mathematics, mathematical literacy).
Бібліографічний опис
Дубініна О. М. Суб'єктивні продуктогенні детермінанти формування математичної культури студентів вищих технічних навчальних закладів / О. М. Дубініна // Наукові праці ДонНТУ : всеукр. наук. зб. Сер. : Педагогіка, психологія і соціологія. – Донецьк : ДВНЗ ДонНТУ, 2014. – № 1 (15), ч. 1. – С. 164-169.