"Мыслящий тростник" или властелин духа
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Евразийский национальный университет им. Л. Н. Гумилева
Статья посвящена рассмотрению источников формирования и, следовательно, уяснению сущности человека не только как мыслящего, но и духовного существа. В качестве основных этапов формирования человека, как существа духовного рассматривается эстетический, этический и философский этап формирования духовности. Формирование эстетической формы духовного облика личности есть формирование открытости миру чувство святости и миропочитания. Оно связано с особым положением в человека в космосе, есть результат его творческой активности, как способности одновременно осознавать могущество, восхищаться грозными силами природы и противостоять им, осознавать таинство мироустроения. формировать катарсическое чувство возвышенного. В результате потрясения, удивления и смятения, возвышенного чувства одухотворённости, открытости миру возникает к способность самотрансцендентации и самоотстранения, как способности понимания своего духовного призвания. Следующими этапами рассматривается формирование ноосферной, ответственной личности, как этической формы духовности, пассионарности личности и, наконец, - философской её формы, как спосбности восприятия противоречий и проблем социального и индивидуального бытия.
The article is devoted to the consideration of the sources of formation and, consequently, to the understanding of the essence of man not only as a thinking, but also spiritual being. As the main stages of the formation of man as a spiritual being, the aesthetic, ethical and philosophical stage of the formation of spirituality is considered. Formation of the aesthetic form of the spiritual appearance of the individual is the formation of an openness to the world a sense of sanctity and world-worship. It is associated with a special position in man in space, is the result of his creative activity, as the ability to simultaneously realize the power, admire the formidable forces of nature and resist them, to realize the mystery of the world order. form a cathartic feeling of the sublime. As a result of shock, surprise and confusion, an exalted sense of spirituality, openness to the world, the ability to self-transcendence and self-alienation, as an ability to understand one's spiritual vocation, arises. The next stages consider the formation of a noospheric, responsible person, as an ethical form of spirituality, the passionarity of the individual, and, finally, its philosophical form, as the perception of contradictions and the problems of social and individual being.
The article is devoted to the consideration of the sources of formation and, consequently, to the understanding of the essence of man not only as a thinking, but also spiritual being. As the main stages of the formation of man as a spiritual being, the aesthetic, ethical and philosophical stage of the formation of spirituality is considered. Formation of the aesthetic form of the spiritual appearance of the individual is the formation of an openness to the world a sense of sanctity and world-worship. It is associated with a special position in man in space, is the result of his creative activity, as the ability to simultaneously realize the power, admire the formidable forces of nature and resist them, to realize the mystery of the world order. form a cathartic feeling of the sublime. As a result of shock, surprise and confusion, an exalted sense of spirituality, openness to the world, the ability to self-transcendence and self-alienation, as an ability to understand one's spiritual vocation, arises. The next stages consider the formation of a noospheric, responsible person, as an ethical form of spirituality, the passionarity of the individual, and, finally, its philosophical form, as the perception of contradictions and the problems of social and individual being.
Ключові слова
духовность, возвышенное, открытость миру, мышление, личность, облик моральный, spirituality, sublime, openness to the world, thinking, spiritual image
Бібліографічний опис
Мищенко В. И. "Мыслящий тростник" или властелин духа / В. И. Мищенко // Әлемдік философияның өзекті мәселелері, адам, оның санасы мен адамгершілігінің дамуы = Актуальные проблемы мировой философии, развитие человека, его сознания, нравственности = Actual problems of world philosophy, development of human, his consciousness, and morality : 3 Халықаралық ғылыми-теориялық конференция материалдары, 2018 жылдың 16-17 ақпаны, Астана, Қазақстан : 2 томдық. – Астана: Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы ЕҰУ баспасы, 2018. – б. 312-315.