Проблема человеческой самости в современном мире





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Мелитопольский государственный педагогический университет


Поднята проблема человеческой самости в современном мире. Актуализирован вопрос о само(о)сознании человеческой самости в условиях полифоничности тех культурных форм, которые эту самость формируют. Обозначены возможные пути само(о)сознания человека и формирования уникальной человеческой самости. Проведены параллели между человеком современным и человеком традиционного типа в ситуации пограничья. Обоснована актуальность понимания человека как сопротивляющейся человеческой самости в состоянии постоянного становления.
The article addresses to the human selfness problem in modern world. The author finds out the possible ways of the human self-consciousness and the unique human selfness formation. Also there was used the element of comparative approach to show the similarities between modern human and tradition one put in frontier area. The M. Foucauld’s philosophy was accepted as the theoretical basis of the research as well. The interpretation of human as the resistant human selfness in the permanent becoming state is grounded as topical. Thus human is the cultural and symbolic creature cognising himself in cultural forms. These symbolic forms we call knowledge are the basis of all transformations human makes. Nevertheless the defining knowledge about human as the unique one was not received yet. The essential human features can’t be reduced to the purely rational meaning; moreover the rational knowledge about it as well is depended on the human practice so it seems to be problematic. It means that human as a subject of transformative activity is producing by someone else, and any discourse would always tend to rationalisation. That’s why to acquire his selfness human has to escape into the areas free of rational thought. It’s obvious that modern world striving for ordering and normalisation causes in human the refutation of a great number of things even if those things guarantee long comfortable wealth life because the price is the lost unique independent selfness which is the basis of the future mankind development. For saving the selfness human has as well to refuse of the certain technical achievements though often those technics ensure the producing of human essentially. So the only way for human to come true is to realise himself in the frontier area without any rational control. We may find in modern culture a number of samples which sometimes are even not human but they define the possible ways of human becoming.


Бібліографічний опис

Городыская О. Н. Проблема человеческой самости в современном мире / О. Н. Городыская // Versus. – 2017. – № 1 (9). – С. 36-41.



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