Вплив історико-соціальних процесів на аксіологічні орієнтири у вищій художньо-педагогічній освіті в Україні
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В статті досліджуються головні фактори, що впливали на формування аксіологічних орієнтирів на кожному з етапів розвитку вищої художньо-педагогічної освіти ХХ століття. Показано, що зі зміною ідеологічного курсу, мінялися й аксіологічні орієнтири в організаційно-виховній системі вищої освіти, яка, у свою чергу, організовувала соціум із його духовними та моральними запитами. Доведено, що з утворених радянських освітніх інституцій і програм, нові ком-ністичні орієнтири спрямовували особистість на колективне життя, в якому губилася його індивідуальність і самостійність. Процес виховання майбутніх художників-педагогів мав стати принципово новим соціальним явищем, що був орієнтований на підготовку радянських кадрів, озброєних широкими знаннями і методами розуміння природи та суспільства і підготовлених для творчої діяльності в суспільно-виробничому процесі.
The article examines the main factors that influenced the formation of axiological landmarks in each of the defined stages of higher art and pedagogical education of the 20th century. It is shown that changes in the ideological course also caused changes of the axiological landmarks in the organizational and educational system of higher education, which in turn organized the society with its spiritual and moral demands. It is proved that with the formation of the Soviet educational institutions and programs new communist landmarks directed people to collective life, where one would lose their individuality and independence. The process of education of future teachers-artists was to become a fundamentally new social phenomenon that was aimed at training Soviet teachers armed with extensive knowledge and methods of understanding nature and society and prepared for creative work in socio-productive process. The study conducted shows that the synthesis of art and production practice was possible due to educating a new generation of teachers who had been specially trained in higher art education institutions and various educational courses there. The paper characterizes the specificity of training the future teachers of fine arts with their key feature being the provision of practical and utilitarian knowledge to the students. Through completing these tasks of the proletarian education, teachers of the fine arts profile in turn shaped and transformed both the art school and art in general according to the new values. A number of issues are defined regarding the development of continuity in teaching, improvement of the selection of students for art and pedagogical institutions, and formation of a network of art and graphic departments at the pedagogical institutes.
The article examines the main factors that influenced the formation of axiological landmarks in each of the defined stages of higher art and pedagogical education of the 20th century. It is shown that changes in the ideological course also caused changes of the axiological landmarks in the organizational and educational system of higher education, which in turn organized the society with its spiritual and moral demands. It is proved that with the formation of the Soviet educational institutions and programs new communist landmarks directed people to collective life, where one would lose their individuality and independence. The process of education of future teachers-artists was to become a fundamentally new social phenomenon that was aimed at training Soviet teachers armed with extensive knowledge and methods of understanding nature and society and prepared for creative work in socio-productive process. The study conducted shows that the synthesis of art and production practice was possible due to educating a new generation of teachers who had been specially trained in higher art education institutions and various educational courses there. The paper characterizes the specificity of training the future teachers of fine arts with their key feature being the provision of practical and utilitarian knowledge to the students. Through completing these tasks of the proletarian education, teachers of the fine arts profile in turn shaped and transformed both the art school and art in general according to the new values. A number of issues are defined regarding the development of continuity in teaching, improvement of the selection of students for art and pedagogical institutions, and formation of a network of art and graphic departments at the pedagogical institutes.
Паньок Т. Вплив історико-соціальних процесів на аксіологічні орієнтири у вищій художньо-педагогічній освіті в Україні / Т. Паньок // Теорія і практика управління соціальними системами: філософія, психологія, педагогіка, соціологія. – 2016. – № 3. – С. 123-135.