Лидерство как основа успешной деятельности современного профессионала





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Institutul Internațional de Management Imi-Nova


In this article leadership, is considered as necessary process for achievement of vital success of the personality. The fact that the leader in collective has to be the charismatic personality is reasoned. It is the charismatic leader who can effectively combine the role of the demanding boss with the role of the inspirer, the visionary leader, the leader behind whom the members of the organization follow not necessarily as subordinates, but as loyal followers and associates. It is described the structure of the charismatic leader's personality. The author derived an absolutely new coefficient - OQ (uniqueness coefficient). A technique has been developed that helps to find and develop the qualities of a charismatic leader. Seventy qualities are singled out, and they are grouped into 4 groups: cognitive emotional, moral-strong-willed, socially communicative and individually paradoxical. General functions of managment and leadership are singled out. The article concludes that it is for today that the preparation of leaders is possible and necessary for progress in all spheres of life. The lack of leaders at all levels of the organization management can be supplemented by training relevant personnel.


Ключові слова

лидер, лидерство, харизматический лидер, руководитель, традиционный интеллект, эмоциональный интеллект, коэффициент жизненной энергии, коэффициент духовности, коэффициент уникальности

Бібліографічний опис

Романовский А. Г. Лидерство как основа успешной деятельности современного профессионала / Александр Романовский, Т. В Жушма, А. Н. Шквыря // Performanţe într-o economie competitivă : [materialele conferinţei internaţionale, Chișinău, Moldavie] : ed. a 5-a / Inst. Intern. de Management "Imi-Nova" ; com. şt.: Valentin Răilean (preşedinte) [et al.]. – Chişinău : Imi-Nova, 2018. – С. 35-39.



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