Сучасні напрями вдосконалення систем приготування та очищення бурових розчинів
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Полтавський національний технічний університет ім. Юрія Кондратюка
Виконано огляд сучасних конструкцій устаткування для приготування й очищення бурового розчину, що сприятиме вибору найбільш прийнятного варіанта комплектуючого обладнання при оснащенні нових та існуючих циркуляційних систем бурових установок. Описано сучасний стан та можливі напрями вдосконалення циркуляційних систем. Визначено перспективні напрями: блочне виконання циркуляційної системи, вибір і оптимізація конструкції змішувача. Розглянуто такі базисні варіанти змішувачів: 1) гідравлічні змішувачі (запропоновано застосування багатоствольного сопла, що збільшує число Рейнольдса (Re) в робочій зоні); 2) високоефективні лопатеві мішалки типу "Тurbotron" (запропоновано їх моделювання за допомогою програмного комплексу SolidWorks Flow Simulation і варіант модернізації); 3) статичні змішувачі (встановлено, що число Re в зоні l = 10 d знаходиться в межах 10⁵–10⁷).
Flushing the well – one of the most important processes in the drilling, which includes various technological operations: preparation of drilling mud, quality cleaning (regeneration), adjustment of process parameters, properties. Successful, high-quality and trouble-free construction of wells is primarily determined by the perfection of the washing and applied with the equipment. During the period 1990–2015 years was circulating upgrading of modern equipment, providing technical and solution of environmental problems in cleaning wells. Its quality and reliability grow, as a result of stronger tendency to purchase cheaper products Drilling Company domestic production. The purpose of the work – a review of contemporary designs equipment for preparation and cleaning of mud, which will contribute to the selection of the most appropriate option kit at the hardware equipment of new and existing circulation drilling rigs systems. The information on the current state and possible ways to improve the circulation systems and their components for the equipment, when equipping new rigs and upgrading old ones. Perspective directions: block execution of the circulation system, the selection and optimization of the design of the mixer. Consider these basic options mixers: 1) Hydraulic mixers. Substantial efficiency can be achieved with a significant increase in the Reynolds number of the working mixing zone, it is possible in the transition from a compact jet to dispersion. Therefore, a promising direction for further improvement of the system of preparation of drilling fluid is to develop hydro ejector mixer with multicore nozzle. 2) High-efficiency impellers type "Тurbotron". Proposed their modeling using the software package SolidWorks Flow Simulation (simulation of the flow of liquids and gases) and version upgrades. 3) Static mixers. A static mixer is a precision engineered device for the continuous mixing of fluid materials. The energy needed for mixing comes from a loss in pressure as fluids flow through the static mixer. One design of static mixer is the plate-type mixer and another common device type consists of mixer elements contained in a cylindrical (tube) or squared housing. Typical construction materials for static mixer components included stainless steel, polypropylene, Teflon, PVDF, PVC, CPVC and polyacetal. The calculated data of Reynolds number Re are within 10⁵–10⁷, correspond with foreign research and respond "fully developed turbulence", which provides high efficiency homogenization and rapid dissolution of the reagents, which determines the quality of the mud. It can be assumed that with the information presented in this work, drilling companies will have an opportunity to choose the most acceptable variant circulation system and standard equipment to them at the snap of new rigs and upgrade existing ones.
Flushing the well – one of the most important processes in the drilling, which includes various technological operations: preparation of drilling mud, quality cleaning (regeneration), adjustment of process parameters, properties. Successful, high-quality and trouble-free construction of wells is primarily determined by the perfection of the washing and applied with the equipment. During the period 1990–2015 years was circulating upgrading of modern equipment, providing technical and solution of environmental problems in cleaning wells. Its quality and reliability grow, as a result of stronger tendency to purchase cheaper products Drilling Company domestic production. The purpose of the work – a review of contemporary designs equipment for preparation and cleaning of mud, which will contribute to the selection of the most appropriate option kit at the hardware equipment of new and existing circulation drilling rigs systems. The information on the current state and possible ways to improve the circulation systems and their components for the equipment, when equipping new rigs and upgrading old ones. Perspective directions: block execution of the circulation system, the selection and optimization of the design of the mixer. Consider these basic options mixers: 1) Hydraulic mixers. Substantial efficiency can be achieved with a significant increase in the Reynolds number of the working mixing zone, it is possible in the transition from a compact jet to dispersion. Therefore, a promising direction for further improvement of the system of preparation of drilling fluid is to develop hydro ejector mixer with multicore nozzle. 2) High-efficiency impellers type "Тurbotron". Proposed their modeling using the software package SolidWorks Flow Simulation (simulation of the flow of liquids and gases) and version upgrades. 3) Static mixers. A static mixer is a precision engineered device for the continuous mixing of fluid materials. The energy needed for mixing comes from a loss in pressure as fluids flow through the static mixer. One design of static mixer is the plate-type mixer and another common device type consists of mixer elements contained in a cylindrical (tube) or squared housing. Typical construction materials for static mixer components included stainless steel, polypropylene, Teflon, PVDF, PVC, CPVC and polyacetal. The calculated data of Reynolds number Re are within 10⁵–10⁷, correspond with foreign research and respond "fully developed turbulence", which provides high efficiency homogenization and rapid dissolution of the reagents, which determines the quality of the mud. It can be assumed that with the information presented in this work, drilling companies will have an opportunity to choose the most acceptable variant circulation system and standard equipment to them at the snap of new rigs and upgrade existing ones.
Бібліографічний опис
Білецький В. С. Сучасні напрями вдосконалення систем приготування та очищення бурових розчинів / В. С. Білецький, М. В. Ткаченко // Збірник наукових праць [Полтавського національного технічного університету імені Юрія Кондратюка]. Сер. : Галузеве машинобудування, будівництво = Academic Journal. Ser. : Industrial Machine Building, Civil Engineering / редкол. С. Ф. Пічугін [та ін.]. – Полтава : ПНТУ, 2016. – Вип. 2 (47). – С. 301-310.