Theoretical aspects of study of polymerization processes taking place during forming polysaccharide hydrogels with amino acids







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In the article the method of synthesis and analysis of physical and chemical properties of film-forming edible gels basing on compositions of uronic polysaccharides cross-linked with calcium nanoparticles. The prospects for the practical use of synthesized compositions on the basis of high-guluronate sodium alginate and low-ester amidated pectin as materials for provision of film-forming edible gels is determined. The interphase boundary in the composite hydrogel is analyzed, which is a transition layer in which the properties change gradually (transition from the properties of phase 1 to the properties of phase 2), while the second phase, with consideration of interphase interactions, is responsible for morphology of film-forming edible gels. The nature of the interactions between the components that is determined to covalent bonds in block- and graft copolymers, forming interpolymer complexes at the expense of appearances of hydrogen bonds, donor/acceptor, ionic and hydrophobic interactions of functional groups, as well as due to engagements of macromolecular chains in interpenetrating and semi-interpenetrating polymer networks. There were studied functions of low-molecular weight polyuronate fractions in binding calcium and calcium-induced gelling of normal low methoxyl pectin (LMP) - the fractions of pectin with two different degrees of esterification (DE), as well as of alginate with two different mannuronate/ guluronate (M/G). It was established that solution on the basis of P:A (pectin/alginate) compositions have properties of non-Newtonian liquids, which viscosity depends on shear stress. It was found that content of nonfilm-forming additives shall be within molecular ratios with consideration of binding points. The water solubility of two-ingredient films and their moisture permeability were determined, and it was shown that the solubility increases in proportion with growth of content of cross-linking agents while growth of moisture permeability is just inconsiderable. The results of the work became the scientific basis for the development of technology of food coatings that self-organize and biodegrade under standard conditions.
У статті розглянуто метод синтезу та аналізу фізико-хімічних характеристик гелів харчових плівкоутворюючих на основі композицій уронових полісахаридів, зшитих наночастинками кальцію. Визначено необхідність створення гідрогелів харчових плівкоутворюючих. Досліджено функції низькомолекулярних поліуронатних фракцій в зв'язуванні кальцію і індукованого кальцієм гелеутворення нормального низькометокси-пектину. Результати роботи стали науковим підґрунтям для розробки технології харчових покриттів, що самоорганізуються і біодеградують при стандартних умовах.


Ключові слова

film-forming edible gels, uronic polysaccharides, sodium alginate, low-ester amidated pectin, calcium ions, synthesized composites, гелі харчові, гелі плівкоутворюючі, полісахариди уронові, альгінат натрію, пектин низькоетерифікований, іони кальцію, композити синтезовані

Бібліографічний опис

Gorodnichaya A. Theoretical aspects of study of polymerization processes taking place during forming polysaccharide hydrogels with amino acids / A. Gorodnichaya, Y. Pyvovarov, O. Neklesa // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. works. Ser. : New solutions in modern technologies. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 53 (1274). – С. 60-64.




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