Лідерство в системі поведінкових компетенцій фахівця з управління проектами
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Шифр та назва спеціальності
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Назва тому
Переважання командного характеру діяльності фахівців з управління проектами висуває високі вимоги до їх особистісного розвитку, а отже й до прищеплення їм поведінкових компетенцій. В системі цих компетенцій чільне місце належить лідерству. Тому виявлення потенційних лідерів і наступний цілеспрямований розвиток їхнього лідерського потенціалу постає важливим завданням навчально-виховного процесу. На підставі узагальнення практичного досвіду цієї діяльності розглянуто шляхи, методи і педагогічні технології, які допомагають успішно вирішити це завдання. Наведено також застосовувану технологію контролю знань студентів.
The predominance of the group nature of the activity of experts in project management makes high demands on their personal development and, consequently, on the introduction of their behavioral competencies. In the system of these competencies the leading place belongs to management. Therefore, the identification of potential leaders and the subsequent targeted development of their leadership potential are an important task of the educational process. On the basis of generalization of the practical experience of this activity, ways, methods and pedagogical technologies that help to successfully solve this problem are considered. The paper suggests effective methods for developing leadership potential. They are based on the application of innovative pedagogical technologies, new methods and techniques that reflect the world experience of project management. One of such methods is the formation in the future specialist of a unified unification of professional and social competencies. The main pedagogical technologies include the formation of a command character in project management. This is an important factor in the effective implementati on of project activities when students master the basic provisions of the system of behavioral competencies. This requires not only the preparation of a specialist of high professional and social competence, but also the training of a specialist capable and ready for self-training and self-improvement. To identify potential leaders among students, it is proposed to use active teaching methods such as business and role games, problem analysis, tests, questioning and diagnosing the level of development of certain personal qualities. In the article, for an objective and fair assessment of the student's leadership potential, it is suggested to use an open or anonymous assessment of each other's students by the students. When identifying and developing leadership qualities among students as future specialists in project management, it becomes necessary to develop leadership skills for each teacher. The teacher's leadership manifests itself in benevolent demand, in an effort to help each student build his own life trajectory and consist ently and persistently introduce it into the practice of his activities and behavior, and the character interacts and relationships with other people.
The predominance of the group nature of the activity of experts in project management makes high demands on their personal development and, consequently, on the introduction of their behavioral competencies. In the system of these competencies the leading place belongs to management. Therefore, the identification of potential leaders and the subsequent targeted development of their leadership potential are an important task of the educational process. On the basis of generalization of the practical experience of this activity, ways, methods and pedagogical technologies that help to successfully solve this problem are considered. The paper suggests effective methods for developing leadership potential. They are based on the application of innovative pedagogical technologies, new methods and techniques that reflect the world experience of project management. One of such methods is the formation in the future specialist of a unified unification of professional and social competencies. The main pedagogical technologies include the formation of a command character in project management. This is an important factor in the effective implementati on of project activities when students master the basic provisions of the system of behavioral competencies. This requires not only the preparation of a specialist of high professional and social competence, but also the training of a specialist capable and ready for self-training and self-improvement. To identify potential leaders among students, it is proposed to use active teaching methods such as business and role games, problem analysis, tests, questioning and diagnosing the level of development of certain personal qualities. In the article, for an objective and fair assessment of the student's leadership potential, it is suggested to use an open or anonymous assessment of each other's students by the students. When identifying and developing leadership qualities among students as future specialists in project management, it becomes necessary to develop leadership skills for each teacher. The teacher's leadership manifests itself in benevolent demand, in an effort to help each student build his own life trajectory and consist ently and persistently introduce it into the practice of his activities and behavior, and the character interacts and relationships with other people.
Ключові слова
лідерські якості, лідерський потенціал, система підготовки фахівців, педагогічні технології, leadership qualities, leadership potential, pedagogical technologies
Бібліографічний опис
Гринченко М. А. Лідерство в системі поведінкових компетенцій фахівця з управління проектами / М. А. Гринченко, О. С. Пономарьов, О. В. Лобач // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Серія: Стратегічне управління, управління портфелями, програмами та проектами = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Series: Strategic management, portfolio, program and project management : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. – № 2 (1278). – С. 81-87.