Фінансова складова системи соціальних пільг
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Заклад вищої освіти "Міжнародний університет бізнесу і права"
У статті досліджено сучасний стан фінансового забезпечення системи соціальних пільг. Визначено соціальні пільги як основні фінансові важелі впливу на параметри соціальної системи, які можуть підлягати відносно швидкому коригуванню. З огляду на здатність соціальних пільг як фінансових важелів чітко реагувати на зміни умов і завдань, які стоять перед суспільством, важливо під час підготовки нових заходів стимулювання соціально-економічного розвитку проводити оцінювання вигід та можливих негативних наслідків використання соціальних пільг. Окреслено критерії класифікації соціальних пільг. Здійснено аналіз допомог, пільг, субсидій, компенсаційних виплат домогосподарствам в Україні за 2008–2018 роки. Акцентовано увагу на заходах з упорядкування системи надання пільг задля визначення обсягів фінансових ресурсів у бюджетах. Запропоновано рекомендації щодо підвищення ефективності системи соціальних пільг як фінансового важеля соціального захисту населення.
The article investigates the current state of financial support for the social benefits system. Social benefits have been identified as the main financial levers of influence on the parameters of the social system, which can be adjusted relatively quickly. Given the ability of social benefits as financial levers to respond clearly to changes in conditions and challenges facing society, it is important to assess the benefits and potential negative effects of using social benefits when preparing new measures to stimulate socio-economic development. The criteria for classifying social benefits are outlined. Among all privileges, the largest in terms of the number of types of group are privileges for rent, payment for housing and communal services and purchase of solid and liquid domestic fuel; benefits for housing and improving living conditions; public transit and suburban and long distance transportation privileges; benefits for the purchase/provision of medicines, dispensary and treatment, as well as health resort / treatment. In the process of improving the financial support of the privilege system in Ukraine, the main criterion for the differentiation of privileges should be the need, since it is advisable to consider privileges as a form of social support. The analysis of allowances, benefits, subsidies, compensation payments to households in Ukraine for 2008–2018 has been carried out. Despite the increase in the size of social benefits during 2008–2018, their share in the structure of total household incomes remained almost unchanged. Only in 2016–2018, the share of non-cash benefits and subsidies for housing and communal services, electricity and fuel increased. This situation was caused by a sharp rise in energy prices and the introduction of a new income-subsidized housing subsidy procedure in 2015 to offset the cost of living for low-income households. The introduction of a unified information and analytical system in the field of social protection will lead to the solution of the contradictions of social policy and financial capabilities of the state. Emphasis is placed on streamlining the system of granting benefits to determine the amount of financial resources in the budgets. Recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the social benefits system as a financial lever for social protection of the population are offered.
The article investigates the current state of financial support for the social benefits system. Social benefits have been identified as the main financial levers of influence on the parameters of the social system, which can be adjusted relatively quickly. Given the ability of social benefits as financial levers to respond clearly to changes in conditions and challenges facing society, it is important to assess the benefits and potential negative effects of using social benefits when preparing new measures to stimulate socio-economic development. The criteria for classifying social benefits are outlined. Among all privileges, the largest in terms of the number of types of group are privileges for rent, payment for housing and communal services and purchase of solid and liquid domestic fuel; benefits for housing and improving living conditions; public transit and suburban and long distance transportation privileges; benefits for the purchase/provision of medicines, dispensary and treatment, as well as health resort / treatment. In the process of improving the financial support of the privilege system in Ukraine, the main criterion for the differentiation of privileges should be the need, since it is advisable to consider privileges as a form of social support. The analysis of allowances, benefits, subsidies, compensation payments to households in Ukraine for 2008–2018 has been carried out. Despite the increase in the size of social benefits during 2008–2018, their share in the structure of total household incomes remained almost unchanged. Only in 2016–2018, the share of non-cash benefits and subsidies for housing and communal services, electricity and fuel increased. This situation was caused by a sharp rise in energy prices and the introduction of a new income-subsidized housing subsidy procedure in 2015 to offset the cost of living for low-income households. The introduction of a unified information and analytical system in the field of social protection will lead to the solution of the contradictions of social policy and financial capabilities of the state. Emphasis is placed on streamlining the system of granting benefits to determine the amount of financial resources in the budgets. Recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the social benefits system as a financial lever for social protection of the population are offered.
Ключові слова
фінанси соціального захисту, соціальні пільги, фінансові важелі, соціальні виплати, населення, соціальна справедливість, social security finance, social benefits, financial leverage, social benefits, population, social justice
Бібліографічний опис
Насібова О. В. Фінансова складова системи соціальних пільг / О. В. Насібова // Бізнес-навігатор. – 2019. – Вип. 6.1-2 (56). – С. 155-161.