Исследование любви как основы права на примере Прав Человека

dc.contributor.authorФидровская, Мария Георгиевнаru
dc.description.abstractВ этой статье мы рассмотрим права человека и на их примере мы докажем, что любовь действительно лежит в основе закона. Более того, мы рассмотрели права человека с позиций любви, и оказалось, что они действительно являются очень успешным законодательным решением в соответствии с позициями любви, а также они настоящая победа гуманизма, поскольку они действительно глубоко выражают любовь к человеку в своей идее и своих правах.ru
dc.description.abstractIn this article we will consider human rights and on their example we will prove that love does really lie in the grounds of the law, moreover, we looked at human rights from the positions of the love and it turned out that they really are a very successful legislative decision according to the positions of love and also they turned to be a real victory of humanism as they really deeply express love to a human being in their idea and their rights. Relevance: In the modern society, where on the one hand rules the values of understanding, kindness and democracy, however the wars still continue, rises the frequency of terrorism, the freedom and rights of people in particular societies are oppressed. Thus we can conclude that it is necessary to find the universal method and fundament for solving these problems, thereby to lead the society to the consistency and to realization of the higher aims. Moreover, because the noted problems still exist, we can conclude that the previous proposed philosophical solutions are not enough and it is necessary to find something different. Thus our aim is, having defined love to be the ground of the law, suggest the love to be used consciously in the legislative activity, maybe with further study and development of this concept. Introduction: Human rights are very important and it is a new subject in the Philosophy of the law, but it hasn’t been studied enough yet. Of course the most art of the optimists of the philosophy of the law think that human rights and liberal democratic state have high value and that they are a real achievement of world history. Novelty: In this article we try to give the interpretation of the grounds of the moral and thus of the law, as it is. According to this, having found those fundaments, we decided that human rights could be a good example, because it is a contemporary new phenomenon in the field of the law and thus this example should be more striking and obvious for us. Targets and goals: In this article we want to prove and to note that love is the ground of the law. And the aim of the article is that this achievement should be used is legislation. The goals are: to prove on the example of human rights that the fundament of the law is the love; to check connection of humanism, love and genesis of the human rights; and to suggest an interesting theological concept of the law.en
dc.identifier.citationФидровская М. Г. Исследование любви как основы права на примере Прав Человека / М. Г. Фидровская // Science and Education a New Dimension. Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2020. – VIII (40), Iss. 232. – P. 54-57.ru
dc.publisherSociety for Cultural and Scientific Progress in Central and Eastern Europeen
dc.titleИсследование любви как основы права на примере Прав Человекаru
dc.title.alternativeStudy of love as a fundament of the law on the example of Human rightsen


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