Професіограма фахівця в галузі програмної інженерії
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Назва тому
Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"
The author works out the software engineer’s professiogram on the basis of competence approach. Taking into account that software engineering is the driving force of economic growth at the current stage of the society development, the necessity of the increased attention to this field specialists training at the higher educational institutions of Ukraine was shown. The article deals with the main activities of specialists in the field of software products industry and identifies the necessary personal qualities and abilities for such specialists from the acmeological point of view. Our study is intended to contribute to a more rational profession selection of future employees by providing them with the opportunity to analyze their own professional and personal qualities, and as a result, to achieve maximum effectiveness of their own work and to be in demand and competitive specialists. According to the author, acquaintance of future specialists with a specialist’s professiogram and the use of its elements in the educational process at a technical college will increase the commitment to achieve a high level of professionalism and to correct the direction of the activity. The history of the profession formation and its importance to the society which are added to the professiograms, are aimed at arousing interest, motivating, and attracting the young people’s attention at such an important stage of life, as the choice of a future profession.
Бібліографічний опис
Дубініна О. М. Професіограма фахівця в галузі програмної інженерії / О. М. Дубініна // Педагогіка і психологія професійної освіти : наук.-метод. журн. – 2014. – № 1. – С. 94-105.