Вплив системи живлення бензинового двигуна на тягово-швидкісні властивості легкового автомобіля
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Хмельницький національний університет
У статті наведені результати аналітичного дослідження тягово-швидкісних властивостей автомобіля зі штатною карбюраторною системою живлення та електронною розподіленою системою впорскування бензину типу LH-Motronic зі зворотнім зв’язком і системою нейтралізації відпрацьованих газів.
The article contains results of the analytical research traction-speed performance of the automobile with the standard carburettor feed system and a distributed electronic petrol injection type LH-Motronic with feedback system and waste gases neutralization system. The dynamic factor D at maximum speed (Vmax= 22,749 m/s) determines the resistance coefficient of the road ψv, which for automobile with petrol injection is ψv = 0,074, which on 6% more than at the engine carburettor system. The maximum dynamic factor Dmax, which is corresponded to the highest road resistance and characterized by a factor ψmax. Overcoming road by automobile for uniform motion in first gear with injection where ψmax= 0,377, and the carburettor ψmax = 0,36, which is 5% less than with injection system petrol. Acceleration of automobile in every gear at the given road conditions (ψ = 0,02) increase by 6% with petrol injection. Acceleration to Vmax= 22,749 m/s (nd = 3200 min-1) with the injection system continues to τ = 22,43 seconds. The distance travelled by the vehicle during this time is S = 303,07 m, respectively, decreased by 6% than with the carburetor system. The research is indicated that replacement by carburettor system for the help of system type LH-Motronic improves tractionspeed characteristics of the automobile.
The article contains results of the analytical research traction-speed performance of the automobile with the standard carburettor feed system and a distributed electronic petrol injection type LH-Motronic with feedback system and waste gases neutralization system. The dynamic factor D at maximum speed (Vmax= 22,749 m/s) determines the resistance coefficient of the road ψv, which for automobile with petrol injection is ψv = 0,074, which on 6% more than at the engine carburettor system. The maximum dynamic factor Dmax, which is corresponded to the highest road resistance and characterized by a factor ψmax. Overcoming road by automobile for uniform motion in first gear with injection where ψmax= 0,377, and the carburettor ψmax = 0,36, which is 5% less than with injection system petrol. Acceleration of automobile in every gear at the given road conditions (ψ = 0,02) increase by 6% with petrol injection. Acceleration to Vmax= 22,749 m/s (nd = 3200 min-1) with the injection system continues to τ = 22,43 seconds. The distance travelled by the vehicle during this time is S = 303,07 m, respectively, decreased by 6% than with the carburetor system. The research is indicated that replacement by carburettor system for the help of system type LH-Motronic improves tractionspeed characteristics of the automobile.
Ключові слова
карбюратор, електронна система впроскування, гази відпрацьовані, трикомпонентний каталітичний нейтралізатор, automobile, petrol engine, system of injection, carburettor system
Бібліографічний опис
Славін В. В. Вплив системи живлення бензинового двигуна на тягово-швидкісні властивості легкового автомобіля / В. В. Славін // Вісник Хмельницького національного університету. Технічні науки = Herald of Khmelnytskyi national university. Technical sciences. – 2015. – № 4, т. 227. – С. 25-29.