Результати аналізу думки студентів вітчизняних ЗВО щодо сили прояву детермінант якості вищої освіти як підгрунтя для вдосконалення механізмів державного управління її забезпеченням

dc.contributor.authorМороз, Світлана Анатоліївнаuk
dc.contributor.authorБука, Станіславuk
dc.contributor.authorБука, Інта Станіславівнаuk
dc.contributor.authorМороз, Володимир Михайловичuk
dc.description.abstractВ публікації висвітлено результати опитування студентів щодо сили прояву окремих детермінант якості вищої освіти. За результатами аналізу відповідей респондентів було встановлено факт домінування тих з складових змісту феномену якості вищої освіти, які пов’язані з формуванням конкурентних переваг фахівця та його здатністю до отримання більшого рівня заробітної плати. Найменша за силою прояву значущість у формуванні категоріального змісту якості вищої освіти на думку студентів відведена детермінантам можливості людини здійснювати особистісний розвиток та розуміти зміст подій навколо себе. В статті обґрунтовано напрями вдосконалення змісту та практики використання нормативно-правового механізму державного управління забезпеченням якості вищої освіти та подано пропозиції щодо зміни фокусу уваги у тлумаченні змісту відповідної категорії.uk
dc.description.abstractProblem setting. A programme about the activity of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine which was recently approved with Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine determines the issues related with providing training for competitive specialists in the system of universities of higher education on the level of one of the most priority objectives of the Government for the next five years. Such level of attention to the higher education quality is due to the fact that only 25% of employers are satisfied with the level of training of specialists in the system of higher education. The complexity of the Government's programme task is related to the diversity of manifestations of the content of the higher education quality phenomenon and inequality of stakeholders thoughts about the strength of the manifestations of its determinants. Solving the problem connected with the importance of the determinants of the higher education quality in its final content will lead to improving of the effectiveness of the implementation of state policy in the field of higher education. Recent research and publications analysis. The problematics of higher education quality, as well as the issue of its providing, always remain in the focus of the scientific attention of researchers. Among the latest publications of the relevant sphere we should pay attention to those which were published by V. P. Andrushhenko, V. P. Andrushchenko, Yu.V. Bekh, Ye. I. Pinchuk, N. G. Batechko, G. P. Klimova, V. I. Lugovy`j, Zh. V.Talanova, S. V. Mudra, O. G. Romanovs`ky, V. P. Sadkovyi and other scientists. We should pay attention to the works of A. Craft, R. Dicker, M. Garcia, A. Kelly, H. Mulrooney, B. Ruben and other foreign researchers. Despite the a sufficient level of scientific study of the problematics of the higher education quality, some areas of its positioning in the framework of scientific knowledge are still open to further scientific research. Paper objective. Basing on the results of the analysis of the students' point of view as for the level of manifestation of some of the determinants of the higher education quality phenomenon, to substantiate the ways to improve some of the mechanisms of public administration over providing of the higher education quality on both the University and state levels. Paper main body. As a tool for obtaining information from students about the level of the manifestation of individual determinants of the higher education quality, the survey method in the form of interviews and questionnaires was chosen. With the help of the interview method, the wording of the questionnaire questions was clarified, as well as the variants of possible variants of answers were determined. 585 respondents aged 18 to 35 years from Kharkiv, Poltava, Sumy, as well as controlled by Ukraine parts of Donetsk and Lugansk regions took part in the survey, out of which 43 people acted as interviewees, and 542 students as respondents in the questionnaire procedure. Due to the results of analysis obtained from the respondents of the questionnaires there were identified such a significance of the determinants of the higher education quality forming its final content: to be more competitive in the labour market – 30%; the ability to receive higher wages – 30%; the ability to ensure their positioning within a particular social group – 20%; the ability to obtain the full development of their personality –12%; the ability to understand the nature and content of the surrounding events – 8%. The held research revealed the students' concentration on the material and career components of the content of the higher education quality phenomenon, as well as on the gradual loss of significance (weight) in the so-called humanitarian determinants. So, we have to state the contradiction to the provided in the law of Ukraine "on higher education" content of the category of the higher education quality (theoretical aspect) with its real actualization in the system of value orientations of students (practical aspect). Conclusions of the research. Taking into account the results of the survey we can make such conclusions. First of all, we propose to strengthen the block of social and humanitarian disciplines, especially in the framework of teaching of natural Sciences and mathematics, technology, sports and profile with the aim to ensure the compliance of practical activities which holds University of Higher Education about giving real meaning to the phenomenon of higher education quality defined in regulatory documents of Ukraine to the standards. We also propose you to consider an opportunity to supplement the content of general competency standards for higher education, regardless of their industry sphere, regulations regarding the ability of the graduate to understand the content of social and humanitarian development of a social object. Moreover, we propose to change the content of the criteria for assessing the educational program quality with the help of focusing on the attention of competencies' importance not only for the professional activity of the future specialist, but also for the realisation of the citizen's rights and duties. Secondly, we propose to consider the possibility of government establishing free for access and qualitative in its content of massive online courses and the so-called open universities with the aim to compensate the loss society and the state gets from the objective process of reducing the number of Institutions of Higher Education and increasing the minimum amount (total) of test points of the External independent evaluation of a particular subject within the admission to an educational programme, as, nowadays, it is the vector regarding at the level of one of the possible ways to improve the quality of higher education. The creation of a network of relevant institutions will not only partially compensate for the inevitable reduction in the number of Universities of higher education lose state's human capital, but also create conditions for the full development of the individual outside the University. In addition, the use with the person of the opportunities allowing an individual development, which are offered online courses and open universities, on the one hand, can allow person to increase the level of their professional knowledge in the specialty, and on the other – actualizes the possibility of stratification transition from the one social group to another one without training in the traditional University of Higher Education.en
dc.identifier.citationРезультати аналізу думки студентів вітчизняних ЗВО щодо сили прояву детермінант якості вищої освіти як підгрунтя для вдосконалення механізмів державного управління її забезпеченням / С. Мороз [та ін.] // Теорія і практика управління соціальними системами: філософія, психологія, педагогіка, соціологія. – 2019. – № 4. – С. 95-111.uk
dc.publisherНаціональний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"uk
dc.subjectстандарти вищої освітиuk
dc.subjectкритерії оцінювання якості освітніх програмuk
dc.subjectstandards of higher educationen
dc.subjectcriteria quality assessment of educational programsen
dc.titleРезультати аналізу думки студентів вітчизняних ЗВО щодо сили прояву детермінант якості вищої освіти як підгрунтя для вдосконалення механізмів державного управління її забезпеченнямuk
dc.title.alternativeThe results of the analysis of the students' opinions of the domestic universities of hiugher education about the level of manifistation of the determinants of the higher education quality as a basis for improvement of mechanisms of state management onerthe higer education qualityen


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