Особенности рекламы в сфере услуг
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В статье рассматриваются общие тенденции рекламы, а также особенности рекламы в сфере услуг. Услуги как предмет купли-продажи имеют специфические особенности, отличные от товара, что проявляется и в рекламной деятельности тоже. Такие специфические черты требуют специальных подходов к организации рекламной деятельности, что обусловило актуальность выбранной темы. Рассмотрены роль рекламы и ее влияние в современном обществе. Роль продвижения предприятий сферы услуг рассмотрена с точки зрения эффективного маркетинга. Проанализированы поведенческие факторы потребителей, влияющие на эффективность работы фирмы в сфере услуг, а также их влияние на рекламу. Определена последовательность разработки концепции предприятия сферы услуг для формирования непосредственно рекламной кампании предприятия.
The article considers general trends in advertising, as well as features of advertising in the service sector. Services as a subject of purchase and sale have specific features that are different from the goods, which is manifested in advertising activities, too. Such specific features require special approaches to the organization of advertising activities, which determined the relevance of the chosen topic. The role of advertising and its influence in modern society are considered. The role of promotion of service enterprises is considered from the point of view of effective marketing. The behavioral factors of consumers that affect the efficiency of the firm's work in the service sector, as well as their impact on advertising, are analyzed. The sequence of development of the concept of a service enterprise has been determined for the formation of the company's advertising campaign itself.
The article considers general trends in advertising, as well as features of advertising in the service sector. Services as a subject of purchase and sale have specific features that are different from the goods, which is manifested in advertising activities, too. Such specific features require special approaches to the organization of advertising activities, which determined the relevance of the chosen topic. The role of advertising and its influence in modern society are considered. The role of promotion of service enterprises is considered from the point of view of effective marketing. The behavioral factors of consumers that affect the efficiency of the firm's work in the service sector, as well as their impact on advertising, are analyzed. The sequence of development of the concept of a service enterprise has been determined for the formation of the company's advertising campaign itself.
Бібліографічний опис
Романчик Т. В. Особенности рекламы в сфере услуг / Т. В. Романчик, К. Г. Вышиванюк // Вісник Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут" (економічні науки) : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. – № 19 (1295). – С. 40-43.