Кафедра "Хімічна техніка та промислова екологія"
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Від 1999 року кафедра має назву "Хімічна техніка та промислова екологія", попередня назва – кафедра механічного устаткування хімічних виробництв.
Кафедра механічного устаткування хімічних виробництв була організована 18 жовтня 1946 року у складі факультету технології неорганічних речовин Харківського хіміко-технологічного інституту. Становлення кафедри пов’язане з іменами доцентів Георгія Веніаміновича Петрова, М. Ковальова, Абрама Натановича Цейтліна, Анісіма Рудольфовича (Рувиновича) Ястребнецького . У 1960 році на базі кафедри створено Факультет хімічного машинобудування.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту механічної інженерії і транспорту Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 2 доктора та 14 кандидатів технічних наук, 4 доктора філософії; 3 співробітника мають звання професора, 12 – доцента.
Результати пошуку
Публікація Multi-component wastewater from finely dispersed impurities treatment intensification(Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland, 2024) Bosiuk, Alona; Shkop, Andrii; Kulinich, Serhii; Samoilenko, Dmytro; Shestopalov, Oleksii; Tykhomyrova, Tetiana SergiivnaThe article deals with the intensification of flocculation wastewater treatment from finely dispersed suspended dust particles that are formed in the foundry shop at machine-building productions. The dependence of the floc sedimentation rate and wastewater clarification on solid phase concentration and flocculant flow rate was experimentally researched using model wastewater created by mixing dust and water. The multicomponent impurities of ionic flocculants on the aggregation process impact were experimentally proven, and anionic and cationic flocculants combination high efficiency was shown. The optimal parameters for the wastewater treatment process were established. The best flocculating effect and minimum flocculant consumption were observed at a solid phase concentration of 8-14 g/l. It was established that the most effective aggregate formation process is observed when two flocculants’ types are used simultaneously: anionic A-19 and cationic K-7, not each type separately. Flocculant flow rate experimental and calculated dependences for the wastewater treatment process depending on solid phase concentration and floc sedimentation speed necessary for effective sedimentation have been established. A technological scheme for wastewater treatment from suspended dust impurities that are formed in foundry shop at machine-building enterprise has been developed. The scheme includes: wastewater flocculation; water clarification in a sedimentation tank; and water deironing by aeration with coagulant addition and further filtration. It is proposed to use purified water in enterprise technological cycle that helps to reduce tap water consumption.Документ Influence of structural descriptions of underbody of bicarbonate columns on duration of period of their operation and ecologization of process(РС Tесhnology Cеntеr, 2021) Porokhnia, Mykola; Shestopalov, Oleksii; Bukhkalo, Svitlana; Novozhylova, TetianaObject of research: optimization of the operation period of bicarbonate columns by optimizing their design features. Investigated problem: increasing the efficiency, environmental friendliness and dura tion of the bicarbonate columns by optimizing the design of the sludge discharge unit. Main scientific results: the article analyzes the main design features of bicarbonate columns for the production of purified sodium bicarbonate. A relationship has been es tablished between the design of the apparatus, the intensity of mixing and the duration of the apparatus operation without stopping for washing. On the basis of the existing prob lems, laboratory and industrial experiments were carried out at one of the soda plants, aimed at increasing the efficiency of operation of the bicarbonate columns of the purified sodium bicarbonate shop. So, due to the modernization of the design of the sludge un loading unit and the identification of the optimal amount and month of the location of the mesh trays, an increase of 1.5-2 times in the duration of operation of the columns without stopping for washing was achieved. This contributed to an increase in plant productivity and environmental friendliness of the process due to a decrease in the amount of liquid waste generated during the washing of the column equipment. Area of practical use of the research results: enterprises for the production of purified sodium bicarbonate of food and pharmaceutical quality. Innovative technological product: design solutions for bicarbonate columns and the technology of carbonization of soda-bicarbonate solution for the production of purified sodium bicarbonate. Scope of application of the innovative technological product: soda production, food and pharmaceutical industries.Публікація The results of surface wastewater treatment of a machine-building enterprise from petroleum product contamination(National Institute of Research and Development in Mechatronics and Measurement Technique, 2024) Bosiuk, Alona; Shkop, Andrii; Kulinich, Serhii; Loboiko, Viacheslav; Sakun, Antonina; Shestopalov, Oleksii; Filenko, OlesyaPetroleum pollution is an urgent and serious problem that has a negative impact on environmental safety and the state of the environment. Petroleum products that enter water resources cause a number of negative consequences, including water and soil pollution, reduced quality of natural ecosystems, as well as threats to biodiversity and human health. The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of methods for treating surface wastewater of a machine-building enterprise from poll ution by petroleum products. In the course of the work, the results of cleaning the surface wastewater of the machine-building enterprise from pollution by petroleum products, samples of which were taken from the rainwater intake well at different depths – 30, 60 and 80 cm. A purification scheme has been developed and optimized, which includes the introduction of Al2(SO4)3 coagulant and A-19 flocculant into wastewater. Purification efficiency is achieved at about 95% at optimal reagent doses of 60-80 mg/L coagulant and 2-2.5 mg/L flocculant. The advantage of the conducted studies is the possibility of using the obtained data and methods for the analysis of wastewater with a similar composition of contaminants. It has been experimentally established that the simultaneous administration of reagents or the use of only one of them has lower efficiency and leads to insufficient purification of water from petroleum products. Neutralization of ion resistance contributes to the formation of coagulation structures, and to increase them it is recommended to use a flocculant to form and increase the size of aggregates. The results of the studies confirmed the prospect of using flotation to further separate the emerging petroleum flocculi, which allows to reduce the amount of reagents used and improve the efficiency of water treatment. The obtained data are important for practical application in the field of wastewater treatment from petroleum products at machine-building enterprises, contributing to the improvement of the quality of water resources and compliance with environmental safety requirements.Документ Green areas state assessment within the urban territories(Scientific Route OÜ, 2022) Shestopalov, Oleksii; Tykhomyrova, Tetyana; Lebedev, Volodymyr; Stadnik, VeronikaThe urbanized environment is a complex heterogeneous system that is constantly changing. In large cities, there is a complex stress effect on living organisms. Different areas of the city may be permanently or temporarily dominated by a cer tain stress factor. Vegetation is a component of urban landscapes, which are natural and artificial objects of various functional purposes. The ecological functions of green spaces include: environmental protection, environmental regulation and aesthetic functions. All these functions play an important role within residential buildings, especially in children’s playgrounds. Various types of damage to green spaces negatively affect their main functions. The susceptibility to damage of woody plants by insects depends on anthropogenic factors of the environment, which lead to the weakening of plants and to the loss of resistance to these types of negative influences. The resistance of plants to diseases often decreases under the influence of transport and industrial pollution in the external environment. The purpose of the study is phytopathological analysis of the green areas state on children’s playgrounds in Kharkiv. Green plantations state assessment methods of urban areas using various technical means are analyzed. Green plantings condition and morbidity analysis using one of the offered methods is carried out. Accord ing to the results of phytopathological analysis, it was determined that 100 % of the species Aesculus hippocastanum L., which grow on playgrounds in Kharkiv, are affected by Cameraria ohridella. Among the bushes, Syringa vulgaris L. and Spiraea L. are the most affected by diseases and pests.Публікація Environmental management implementation in wastewater treatment at a machine-building enterprise: from theory to practice(EDP Sciences, 2023) Bosiuk, Alona; Filenko, Olesya; Shkop, Andrii; Kulinicn, Serhii; Tykhomyrova, Tetiana Sergiivna; Shestopalov, OleksiiThis study examines environmental management implementation in the context of wastewater treatment at machine-building enterprises. The article aims to assess how effectively environmental management is used in the wastewater treatment system to ensure rational resource use. It is noted that wastewater contains a significant amount of various pollutants that must be removed before disposal. A wastewater samples analysis was carried out to assess the environmental management implementation's effectiveness. The changes in the concentration of the pollutants during three months were found: the hydrogen indicator decreased from 7.83 mg/dm3 to 7.58 mg/dm3. The oil product concentration increased from 22.2 mg/dm3 to 3.4 mg/dm3, while the fat concentration remained stable. The received results provide important information for improving the wastewater treatment system and environmental management implementation. To ensure environmental safety and compliance with environmental standards, it is necessary to implement environmental management in wastewater treatment at machine-building enterprises. The optimal wastewater treatment technology choice and monitoring program development are described. The article contains practical recommendations for the implementation of environmental management at a machine-building enterprise and aperspective on this direction of development. The research is relevant and useful for machine-building complexes that have problems with wastewater treatment and aim to implement environmental management.Документ Investigation of flocculation efficiency in treatment of wet gas treatment slime of ferroalloys production(Технологічний центр, Полтавський державний аграрний університет, 2017) Shkop, Andrii; Briankin, Oleksandr; Shestopalov, Oleksii; Ponomareva, N.Досліджені склад і особливості флокуляції шламів водооборотного циклу виробництва феросплавів. Виявлено, що хімічний склад і концентрація твердої фази шламів змінюється в часі. Встановлено, що особливості змішення шламів з флокулянтом грають важливу роль у флокулоутворенні. Для очищення шламів рекомендовано вводити флокулянт двома порціями 35–40% і 60–65% відповідно з часом змішення до 30 секунд першої дози і близько 10 секунд другої.Документ Investigation of the treatment efficiency of fine-dispersed slime of a water rotation cycle of a metallurgical enterprise(Технологічний центр, Полтавський державний аграрний університет, 2017) Shkop, Andrii; Briankin, Oleksandr; Shestopalov, Oleksii; Ponomareva, N.Досліджені особливості очищення шламів водооборотного циклу металургійного виробництва. Виявлено, що надходження завислих часток в шламові води відбувається періодично і нерівномірно. Встановлено, що шлами газоочищення металургійного підприємства містять до 93% дрібнодисперсної фракції твердої фази класу менше 20 мкм. Рекомендовано застосування лабораторних тестів якості шламу і ефективності флокуляції. В ході промислових випробувань встановлена можливість очищення шламу з ефективністю до 99 % флокуляційно-відцентровим способом із застосуванням методики лабораторних тестів.Документ Optimization of floccular cleaning and drainage of thin dispersed sludges(Scientific Route, Estonia, 2020) Shestopalov, Oleksii; Briankin, Oleksandr; Rykusova, Nadegda; Hetta, Oksana S.; Raiko, Valentina; Tseitlin, MusiiThe efficiency of solid phase retention and dehydration of finely dispersed products of a coal processing plant and a metallur gical enterprise on the module for cleaning and dewatering sludge is investigated. A technique for selecting the operating parameters of equipment based on the determination of the strength criterion of flocs is proposed. A methodology for technological tests has been developed to control the flocculation process and optimize the flow of flocculant depending on the concentration of the solid phase. Industrial tests on the module for wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering using flocculants proved the effectiveness of the developed methodology. It is shown that the conditions for conducting tests on flocculation should correspond to the operating conditions of the circuit apparatus for cleaning and dewatering sludge. These conditions include sludge performance, sludge flow rate in the cross section of pipes and apparatuses, and the flow time from the flocculator to the centrifuge. During the testing of the Module, the solids retention efficiency of 97–99 % was achieved with the strength criteria of flocs in front of a centrifuge of 2–2.5 mm/s. The conditions for the high efficiency of the apparatus chain are the optimization of the aggregation process itself. It is revealed that for the formation of strong flocs it is necessary to regulate the concentration of the solid phase. For coal sludge, the concentration of the solid phase before the flocculant is fed must be maintained no higher than 50–60 g/l, and for gas treatment sludge – no higher than 20–25 g/l. Correction of the concentration of sludge before the flocculator is possible by diluting it with clarified water to the optimum concentration for aggregation. It is found that the moisture content of the sediment and the efficiency of the retention of the solid phase depend on the strength criterion of the flocs. Therefore, the optimization of the flocculant flow rate is possible by controlling and the residual floccule deposition rate after mechanical action in front of the dewatering equipment. The flocculant flow rate must be adjusted depending on the concentration of the solid phase in the sludge to achieve the desired criterion for the strength of the flocs.Документ Studying patterns in the flocculation of sludges from wet gas treatment in metallurgical production(PC Technology center, 2019) Shestopalov, Oleksii; Briankin, Oleksandr; Tseitlin, Musii; Raiko, Valentina; Hetta, Oksana S.The influence of a solid phase concentration in the model sludges of wet gas purification, as well as the flocculant consumption, on a change in the solid phase sedimentation rate and the strength of floccules has been examined. This is important because fluctuations in the solid phase concentration in waste water represent an uncontrolled process that significantly affects the kinetics of the solid phase sedimentation and leads to an increase in the flocculant consumption. We have proposed a procedure for determining the sedimentation rate of the flocculated sludge and the strength of floccules following the hydromechanical influence, which takes into consideration the solid phase concentration and the flocculant consumption. The study was carried out on model waste water, synthesized by mixing the dust from dry gas purification at actual production site with water. It has been determined that the solid phase concentration affects the rate of floccule deposition. It has been established that the optimum conditions for aggregate formation within a given model system are observed at the solid phase concentration in the interval 8–12 g/l. Increasing the solid phase concentration above 16 g/l decreases the floccule sedimentation rate disproportionately to the flocculant concentration. It is possible to reduce flocculant consumption and to optimize its dosage by carrying out a cleaning process taking into consideration the specified patterns. It was established that the hydromechanical influence on aggregates exerts the destructive effect, whose degree depends on the solid phase concentration. In particular, increasing the rate of fluid motion leads to greater damage to floccules than increasing the time for a less intense exposure. The way to minimize the destructive effect on floccules could be lowering the suspension transportation speed resulting from a decrease in the installation performance or through the increased cross-section of the channel (a pipeline). An increase in the solid phase concentration of the model system above 16 g/l is accompanied by a significant reduction in the strength of floccules. Therefore, when designing wastewater treatment plants that utilize flocculants, it is necessary to provide optimum conditions for aggregation and to minimize the hydromechanical effects on floccules by lowering the velocity of fluid motion.Документ Development of methods for estimating the environmental risk of degradation of the surface water state(PC Technology center, 2018) Rybalova, O.; Artemiev, Sergey; Sarapina, M.; Tsymbal, Bohdan; Bakhareva, A. ; Shestopalov, Oleksii; Filenko, O.We presented three new methods for assessment of the environmental risk of deterioration of a surface water state. We defined the ecological risk of deterioration of surface water at the state level as an addition of the integrated parameter of the state of surface waters and the integral index of anthropogenic loading. We used the official information of the National Report on the state of the environment of Ukraine to calculate the mentioned indicators. We developed classifications of anthropogenic loading on aquatic ecosystems and ecological risk of deterioration of water ecosystems. The assessment of the ecological risk of deterioration of surface water state in Ukraine showed that there are watercourses of the Siversky Donets river basin in the most dangerous state. A base of the methodology for assessment of the risk of water ecosystem well-being disruption is the determination of all parameters of the state of quality of surface waters that exceed the ecological standards using the probit-regression model. The process of determining ecological risk for watercourses of the Siversky Donets river basin in Kharkiv region showed a high level of danger to the well-being of the water ecosystem of the Udi river. We obtained the forecast of climatic changes by parameters of temperature and volumes of precipitation in Kharkiv region. We investigated the dynamics of wastewater discharge to the Udi river for the period from 1992 to 2016. The study on an influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the ecological state of the Udi river revealed that the impact of wastewater discharge with a correlation coefficient of 0.747 is a significant factor. The application of a new methodology for assessment of the risk of degradation processes made it possible to determine a list of small rivers in Kharkiv region, which require implementation of measures based on the analysis of water use efficiency, taking into consideration landscape and ecological features of a catchment area. We proposed an algorithm for the improvement of water protection strategy based on determining the ecological risk of deterioration of the condition of surface water at the state, regional and local levels. The improvement of water preservation strategy aims at introduction of an integrated interactive surface water quality management.