Кафедра "Ділова іноземна мова та переклад"
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Кафедра "Ділова іноземна мова та переклад" була заснована в грудні 1998 року з ініціативи професорів Михайла Дмитрович Годлевського, Віктора Яковича Заруби, Олександра Сергійовича Куценка та колишнього ректора НТУ "ХПІ", професора Юрія Трохимовича Костенка.
Викладачі кафедри є членами міжнародних професійних організацій викладачів англійської мови, розробляють і упроваджують інтенсивні програми вивчення іноземної мови, які дозволяють випускникам вільно володіти професійною термінологією іноземною мовою.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту соціально-гуманітарних технологій Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють 11 кандидатів філологічних наук, 6 співробітників мають звання доцента.
Результати пошуку
Документ Tutoring as a means of individualizing the educational process: an experimental study(Rezekne Academy of Technologies, 2024) Vyshkivska, Vanda; Sylenko, Yuliia; Shykyrynska, Oleksandra; Myroshnychenko, Viktoriia; Shevchenko, Viktoria; Kozlov, YevhenThe new information type of society has qualitatively changed the concept of training future specialists. Currently, technocratic relations in the "teacher-student" system are being replaced by humanistic ones, with a transition to cooperation with students as active subjects of the individualized educational process. The authors of the article, taking into account the European experience of individualizing education, analyzed the peculiarities of using tutoring technology as a means of individualizing the education of master's students in the conditions of mixed education. The results of the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment, the participants of which were teachers and master's students of Dragomanov Ukrainian State University (Kyiv), National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kharkiv), Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University (Vinnytsia), are presented. The purpose of the confirmatory experiment was to identify the level of understanding of university teachers, as well as master's students – future teachers of the essence of tutoring technology and the presence of experience in using it in professional activities. The article proves that the use of tutoring technology in conditions of mixed learning allows students of higher education to gain experience in independent planning, obtaining and improving educational results. It is substantiated that the acquisition of such experience takes place during the work of tutors (with systematic tutoring support) on individual tutorials, which contain multi-level complex tasks from a certain educational subject. The role and place of the scientific essay as a component of tutoring technology and as a means of individualizing the educational process, which ensures the development of independent creative thinking of students, the formation of their ability to structure information, skillful presentation of arguments, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and formulate conclusions, is characterized.Документ Мультимедійні технології в навчанні(FOP Marenichenko V. V., 2024) Карачова, Дар'я Володимирівна; Мирошниченко, Вікторія МарківнаДокумент Distance learning of a foreign language in the context of neuropedagogical factors(LUMEN Publishing, 2024) Lakhmotova, Yuliia; Sadovets, Olesia; Orlovska, Olha; Martynyuk, Olena; Myroshnychenko, Viktoriia; Lebedieva, LiudmylaThe relevance of the article lies in the fact that in our time, the organization of distance learning when learning a foreign language is extremely relevant. The purpose of the article: to find out the main terms and forms of distance learning; consider the features of online education; explore platforms for the convenient organization of online learning; highlight the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning when learning a foreign language as an aspect of neuropedagogical training. Work methods: compare the analysis of literary sources on the research problem; to systematize the researched; compare the benefits of distance learning. The novelty of using mobile technologies, which is extremely effective and necessary when learning a foreign language online. Results: synchronous, asynchronous and mixed learning are distinguished among distance learning forms. E-learning is a basic form that has both advantages and disadvantages. Blackboard is widely used among e-learning platforms. Conclusion: the role of the teacher who uses interactive forms of learning for mobile learning has changed. The Internet provides a wide selection of modern materials for learning a foreign language. Students and teachers accept online education with desire and interest, increase their information and communication competence. Physical activity is necessary for long-term work on educational platforms.Документ Innovative educational technologies in the professional training of specialists: modern aspects(Academy of Silesia, 2023) Briukhovetska, I.; Golikova, O.; Myroshnychenko, V.Документ Синтаксис, граматика і морфологія наукових текстів(FOP Marenichenko V. V., 2023) Буйвол, Олег Вікторович; Мирошниченко, Вікторія МарківнаДокумент Щодо трансформації при перекладі англомовних хімічних термінів українською мовою(FOP Marenichenko V. V., 2023) Буйвол, Олег Вікторович; Мирошниченко, Вікторія МарківнаДокумент The semiotic approach to literary translation(LUMEN Publishing, 2022) Shapoval, Mariana; Povoroznyuk, Roksolana; Novytska, Oksana; Golikova, Oksana; Nykytchenko, Kateryna; Myroshnychenko, ViktoriiaThe current study aims to make an overall semiotic analysis of translation strategies used to reproduce the imagery and relevant cultural features in John Fowles’ “The Collector.” Regarding literary translation as a cross-cultural dialogue aimed to achieve both artistic and aesthetic effects contributes much to analyzing the semiotic features of the translated discourse and deciphering the relevant socio-cultural information decoded in the source language text. Therefore, it has been decided that translation is a communicative act that facilitates the transfer of meaning in a cross-cultural perspective and focuses on reproducing the source language semiosphere. The semiotic approach is well-established in translation studies with the subtlety of methods and criteria. Therefore, it was considered that the analysis of lexico-semantic, grammatical and stylistic translation strategies would usefully supplement and extend the scope of literary text research. In the current study, comparing the source and target language texts has shown that the translator employs various translation transformations to transmit the author’s pragmatic intent and socially relevant information in the target language.Документ Особливості перекладу текстів науково-технічного стилю (на прикладі IT-сфери)(Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2021) Мирошниченко, Вікторія Марківна; Шкурченко, Анастасія ЮріївнаДокумент Граматична семантика в художньому перекладі(Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2021) Агібалова, Тетяна Миколаївна; Голікова, Оксана Миколаївна; Мирошниченко, Вікторія МарківнаДокумент Problems of intercultural communication in the field of modern translation(Baltija Publishing, 2021) Karachova, D. V.; Myroshnychenko, V. М.; Ahibalova, T. М.