Кафедра "Електричний транспорт та тепловозобудування"

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Від 2000 року кафедра має назву "Електричний транспорт та тепловозобудування", попередня назва – кафедра "Локомотивобудування" (від 1956), первісна назва – кафедра "Паровозобудування".

Кафедра "Паровозобудування" була заснована у 1893 році. Засновником напрямку навчання інженерів-паровозобудівників є професор Петро Матвійович Мухачов.

Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту енергетики, електроніки та електромеханіки. Кафедрою здійснено понад 100 випусків спеціалістів – локомотивобудівників.

У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 3 доктора технічних наук, 5 кандидатів технічних наук; 3 співробітника мають звання професора, 3 – доцента, 1 – старшого наукового співробітника.


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 10 з 41
  • Ескіз
    Оптимізація параметрів електромеханічного амортизатора для електробуса
    (ПП "Технологічний центр", 2024) Любарський, Дмитро Борисович; Любарський, Борис Григорович
  • Ескіз
    Моделювання процесу відриву колеса від нерівності для колісної машини з гідропневматичною підвіскою
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Дущенко, Владислав Васильович; Нанівський, Роман Антонович; Воронцов, Сергій Миколайович; Маслієв, Вячеслав Георгійович; Маслієв, Антон Олегович
    Представлено математичну модель процесу відриву колеса від нерівностей для колісної машини з гідропневматичною підвіскою, що має нову кінематичну схему. Розглянуто розрахунок моменту початку відриву, динаміку руху колеса в процесі відриву та моменту його зустрічі з нерівністю. Розраховано точні кінематичні і силові фактори та складено диференційне рівняння руху колеса в процесі відриву. Отримані результати дозволять забезпечити високу точність математичного моделювання руху колісної машини по нерівностях при дослідженні плавності ходу, навантаженості силової установки, трансмісії та ходової частини, а також забезпечення керованості і стійкості руху.
  • Ескіз
    Mathematical model of mechanical subsystem of traction electric drive of an electric locomotive
    (Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, 2021) Goolak, S.; Sapronova, S.; Tkachenko, V.; Riabov, Ie.; Overianova, L.; Yeritsyan, B.
    The mathematical model of the mechanical subsystem of the traction electric drive of the four-axle section of the locomotive is developed in the article. The peculiarity of the model is taking into account the interconnected vertical oscillations of the locomotive and torsional oscillations in traction transmission and the influence of the anti-discharge device on the processes in the traction electric drive. This allows taking into account the relationship of oscillations of the crew of the locomotive, which have a significant impact on the processes in the electrical part of the traction drive. The model describes the oscillations of the locomotive body, two carts, four wheel pairs, traction motors and gearboxes. When developing the model, the assumption of linear dependence of stiffness and damping coefficients on displacements and velocities is accepted. Coupling of a wheel with a rail is described by means of the approximated dependence. The oscillations of the rails and the bases of the rail track are introduced into the model. As perturbation for vertical oscillations the roughness of a rail track is accepted. The model takes into account the influence of traction force and vertical oscillations of the crew on the unloading of the axles of the locomotive. This will allow us to study the processes of realization of the locomotive's maximum traction forces in the traction mode and in the mode of electrodynamics braking. The use of the developed mathematical model of the mechanical subsystem will allow taking more fully into account the mutual influence of electrical processes and mechanical oscillations on each other, which will increase the accuracy of modeling. The model can be used for research of freight electric locomotives such as VL10, VL11, VL82, VL80, 2EL4, 2EL5 in order to further improve their traction electric drives, in particular, to determine the rational modes of application of the anti-unloading device in traction and braking modes. Further application of the mathematical model is possible to assess the performance of the traction drive and the locomotive in general in the study of modern traction drives, in particular, asynchronous, the use of which is possible on the above locomotives.
  • Ескіз
    An Estimation of the Energy Savings of a Mainline Diesel Locomotive Equipped with an Energy Storage Device
    (2024) Riabov, Ievgen; Goolak, Sergey; Neduzha, Larysa
    The method of improving a two-section mainline diesel locomotive by using energy storage in the traction system is considered. A mathematical model was developed to study the movement of a diesel locomotive based on the recommendations and provisions of the theory of locomotive traction. For this purpose, the movement of a diesel locomotive as part of a train along a given section of a track was studied. It was determined that the use of an energy storage device on a diesel locomotive will allow up to 64% of the energy spent on train traction to accumulate. The use of energy storage in the accumulator during electrodynamic braking ensured a reduction in fuel consumption by about 50%, regardless of the options for equipping the traction system of the diesel locomotive with an energy accumulator. It is established that regardless of the options for equipping the traction system of the diesel locomotive with an energy storage device, the indicators characterizing the degree of use of the diesel engine do not change. These research results can be used in works devoted to the improvement of the control system of energy exchange between the accumulator and traction engines of diesel locomotives.
  • Ескіз
    Simulation of the operation of the on-board energy storage in the tractional system of a quarry locomotive
    (State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, 2024) Kondratieva, Liliia; Overianova, Liliia; Tkachenko, Viktor; Riabov, Ievgen; Demydov, Oleksandr
    The ways of updating the rolling stock of open-pit railways have been considered and the main methods of using the energy storage on the locomotive for open-pit railways have been determined. A mathematical model has been developed, which includes a model of train movement along the railway section and during maneuvering and a model of energy processes in the traction system with onboard energy storage. Simulations were performed in a cycle that included movement from the crushing plant to the transshipment point with empty dump trucks, maneuvering during loading, movement from the crushing plant to the transshipment point with loaded dump trucks, and maneuvering during unloading. The simulation took into account the limitation of power consumption at the level of 4000 kW. The parameters of the energy storage device were determined, for which Toshiba SCiB 20Ah-HP cells were selected. The power of the energy storage is 3600 kW, and the energy capacity is 414 kWh. The use of modules for the formation of an energy storage device is proposed. It was determined that the energy consumption per work cycle with the selected energy exchange algorithm taking into account electrodynamic braking is about 200 kWh, and the charge reduction per drive cycle is 36%. The service life of the energy storage with the selected cells is estimated at 8 years.
  • Ескіз
    Research on the application of on-board energy storage on an electric locomotive for quarry railway transport
    (2023) Kondratieva, L. Yu.; Overianova, L. V.; Riabov, Ie. S.; Yeritsyan, B. Kh.; Goolak, S. O.
    Methods of using on-board energy storage system on rolling stock are considered. Their use ensures a reduction in energy consumption and reduces the impact on the environment. Concepts of managing energy flows in the traction system of an electric rolling stock equipped with onboard energy storage systems are considered. It is proposed to apply the concept of control on an electric locomotive for quarry railway transport, which consists in reducing the current consumption from the traction network during the acceleration of the rolling stock and compensating the power during movement with the lowest voltage on the current receiver. For the selected control concept, a simulation of the train movement on the test section was carried out while varying the value of the limit current consumed by the electric locomotive from the traction network. The power of the energy storage device and its working energy capacity is determined. Based on the results of the study, it is justified to limit the current consumed by the electric locomotive of the traction network at the level of 600 A.
  • Ескіз
    Research and Optimization of Hybrid On-Board Energy Storage System of an Electric Locomotive for Quarry Rail Transport
    (2023) Goolak, Sergey; Kondratieva, Liliia; Riabov, Ievgen; Lukoševicius, Vaidas; Keršys, Arturas; Makaras, Rolandas
    Operation modes of rolling stock at mining enterprises are considered and analyzed. The justification of the need to replace it with a modern specialized electric locomotive for quarry railway transport, equipped with an asynchronous traction electric drive and an on-board energy storage system, is presented. The determination of the parameters and structure of the on-board energy storage system, based on the condition of power compensation with limited power consumption from the traction network and ensuring the autonomous movement of the electric locomotive, is considered. This study was carried out by modeling the processes of energy exchange in the traction system of an electric locomotive. The use of lithium cells and supercapacitors in energy storage is considered. Variants of the hybridization of energy storage were studied from the standpoint of minimizing the weight, size, and cost indicators. It was established that reducing the mass of the energy storage device, which includes lithium cells and supercapacitors, leads to an increase in the cost of one kilowatt-hour of energy storage capacity, which reduces the attractiveness of capital expenditures for the creation of such an energy storage device. Hybridization of the energy storage device by combining lithium cells of different types practically does not improve its weight, size, and cost indicators. The recommended option is a storage capacity of energy based on LTO elements, for which it is necessary to select elements in order to minimize weight, size, and cost indicators.
  • Ескіз
    Assessment of the On-Board Energy Storage Parameters of the Locomotive for Rail Quarry Transport
    (Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2022) Riabov, Ievgen; Kondratieva, Liliia; Overianova, Liliia; Goolak, Sergiy
    The use of on-board energy storage on a locomotive for rail quarry transport is considered. Three scenarios of energy consumption in the power supply of traction electric drive and auxiliary locomotive systems using on-board energy storage system (OESS) are considered. For each of the scenarios, simplified mathematical models of processes have been developed, which describe the energy exchange in the traction and auxiliary systems during exploitation of OESS. The input data for the calculations are the dependence of the power at wheel of locomotive on time, which is determined by the results of solving the traction task for the section railway line. Calculations has been made for the studied scenarios of OESS operation using data of locomotive operation at PJSC “Poltava Ferrexpo Mining”. It is defined that the parameters of OESS depend on the energy consumption scenario. It is proposed to use OESS on the locomotive with electric traction drive based on induction motors for PJSC “Poltava Ferrexpo Mining” according to energy consumption scenarios, which provide power from OESS during shunting and power from OESS when shunting with co-powered from the catenary for guide lifts.
  • Ескіз
    Determination of the working energy capacity of the on-board energy storage system of an electric locomotive for quarry railway transport during working with a limitation of consumed power
    (Warsaw University of Technology, 2023) Kondratieva, Liliia; Bogdanovs, Arturs; Overianova, Liliia; Riabov, Ievgen; Goolak, Sergey
    The use of specialized rail rolling stock which is used for transporting ore from the quarry to the crushing plant at mining enterprises is analyzed here. Electric locomotives with an asynchronous traction electric drive and an on-board energy storage system are considered for use. The calculated dependencies of the electric locomotive tractive power were analyzed and it was established that on flat sections of the track profile, the movement is carried out with a power that does not exceed 50% of the nominal one. The movement with the nominal power is carried out on the controlled uphill during the cargo half-passage. To ensure the necessary power for movement in such areas, the use of an on-board energy storage system is proposed, which should feed the traction system while limiting the power consumed from the catenary. This happens when the voltage on the pantograph drops to a minimum level. The aim of this work is to determine the on-board energy storage system parameters during the operation of the electric locomo-tive with limitation of the power consumed from the traction network. Mathematical models of the energy exchange processes in the electric locomotive traction system have been developed. The criteria for comparing options for cal-culating the parameters of the on-board energy storage system have been proposed. The criteria take into account the reduction of energy consumption during movement, the efficiency of energy storage, and the complete use of the on-board energy storage system in terms of power and working energy capacity. Based on the calculation results, it was determined that the use of an energy storage device with a power of 3,540 kW and an operating energy capacity of 63.5 kWh provides a 10% reduction in energy consumption, which is being consumed while moving along the sample section of the road. The current that can be consumed by an electric locomotive with such parameters of the on-board energy storage system is limited by 600 A.
  • Ескіз
    Increasing the energy efficiency of the multi-motor traction electric drive of an electric locomotive for railway quarry transport
    (2023) Riabov, Ievgen; Goolak, Sergey; Kondratieva, Liliia; Overianova, Liliia
    The improvement of the energy efficiency of an electric locomotive for railway quarry transport with a multi-motor traction electric drive while disconnection of the traction electric motors has been investigated. Mathematical models of the movement of the train on the track section and during manoeuvring, as well as the model of the energy exchange processes in the traction electric drive, which are used to perform the traction task when the train moves on the track section, have been developed. Through mathematical modelling, the calculation of energy during movement on the track section was performed with all connected and partially disconnected electric motors. When part of the electric motors are disconnected, the energy consumption is reduced by 10% for the cargo half-passage, and by 27% for the empty direct passage. The reduction of energy consumption with disconnected electric motors during manoeuvring has been noticed. The obtained results confirm the expediency and necessity of conducting research aimed to increase the energy efficiency of the multi-motor traction electric drive of an electric locomotive for railway mining transport.