Кафедра "Педагогіка та психологія управління соціальними системами ім. акад. І. А. Зязюна"

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Від 2014 року кафедра має назву "Педагогіка та психологія управління соціальними системами ім. акад. І. А. Зязюна", первісна назва – "Педагогіка та психологія управління соціальними системами".

Кафедра "Педагогіка та психологія управління соціальними системами" – перша та єдина в Україні кафедра серед технічних ЗВО України, яка цілеспрямовано займається проблемами лідерства та управлінської підготовки на різних рівнях освіти, створена 15 лютого 2000 року. Від 2000 року під керівництвом чл.-коресп. НАПН України, доктора педагогічних наук, професора Олександра Георгійовича Романовського функціонує наукова школа лідерства "Формування особистості лідера в науці, освіті, бізнесі", від 2015 року – Центр лідерства.

Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту соціально-гуманітарних технологій Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".

У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 2 доктора педагогічних наук, 1 доктор наук з державного управління, 12 кандидатів педагогічних, 11 – психологічних, 2 – технічних, 1 – мистецтвознавства, 1– філософських, 1 – наук з державного управління; 5 співробітників мають звання професора, 21 – доцента.


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 10 з 16
  • Ескіз
    The public administration and environmental tourism
    (2021) Hren, L. M.; Naden, E. V.; Aliieva, P. I.; Husarov, K. A.; Stankevych, S. V.; Koroleva, E. N.; Matsyura, M. V.
    The authors developed an ecological and management approach to internal and external ecological tourism based on the existing network of specially protected natural areas – national parks and reserves in Ukraine. Analysis of the current condition of tourism in national parks shows the need for more effective public administration of environmental tourism and recreation in the two following areas: creating conditions for the development of regulated environmental tourism and recreation; minimizing the negative impact of tourism and recreation on natural complexes and historical and cultural objects. The authors draw attention to the fact that it is essential to understand the role of ecotourism public administration and its social responsibility for nature’s fate. Accordingly, the authors proproposed a set of priorities to ensure the effective public administration of ecological tourism in specially protected natural areas.
  • Ескіз
    The philosophy of environmental management: evolution of the scientific conceptions
    (2021) Hren, L. M.; Chebotarev, M. K.; Ruban, A. V.; Shvedun, V. O.; Sysoieva, S. I.; Stankevych, S. V.; Smirnova, L. N.; Sokolov, A. S.
    It is noted that the knowledge of mutual connection of the processes taking place in nature moves forward thanks to four great discoveries in natural science: discovery of the cell; law of conservation and transformation of energy; evolutionary teachings of Darwin and creation of a periodic system of elements by D.I. Mendeleyev. It is emphased that based on the use of industrial and domestic waste, there is a saving of huge state funds for purification of environmental pollution, preservation of humanity from abnormal natural pollution of environment (an environmental emergency on a global scale and a biological emergency originating from living creatures and organisms). It is proved that receiving from the environment of means of livelihood in necessary quantity, which were completely restored due to natural processes of biotic circulation, people returned to the biosphere what was used by other living beings for the activity. It is underlined that scientific research carried out by academic and sectoral institutions on environmental issues should be expanded; it is needed to ensure the development and implementation of scientifically sound environmental and economic standards that determine environmental requirements for economic activities.
  • Ескіз
    Opportunities and challenges for development of rural green tourism in Ukraine: the puplic management aspect
    (2022) Hrabar, Nataliia; Hren, L. M.; Karlyuk, S. V.
    The role of rural green tourism as one of the ways for agricultural production sustainable development is researched in this article; it is proved that rural tourism in Ukraine enhances development of villages’ infrastructure, enables popularizing the history, folklore, culture and traditions among the local citizens and on the global scale alike; it is also a cause for rural homesteads improvement and benefits the hosting families’ financial state. The following problem issues for rural tourism subjects are distinguished: organizational disjointedness, insufficient development of the basic and auxiliary infrastructure, not high enough service level, and lack in advertising and informing activity in promoting the relevant products and services. It is accentuated on regional offices for agriculture, local authorities and public organizations having great opportunities for green rural tourism development and influencing it significantly; microsocial and macro-social barriers are mentioned that impede this sector’s development. The importance of agri-tourist homesteads owners’ interest and initiative in forming and development of local and regional unions and significance of their support by local authorities and the regional and central power bodies, scientific and public organizations in facilitating the activation of green rural tourism development in Ukraine is proved.
  • Ескіз
    Civil competences of the head of a social institution as an important prerequisite for national security of the country
    (2021) Hren, L. M.; Chebotarev, Mykola
    Social work is aimed at meeting the vital and social needs of man. An important mission is assigned by the state to the head of a social institution who has a high level of professional competence. Competence is a key concept that characterizes the quality of professional training of the head of a social institution, his readiness for social activities and is one of the important factors in improving the quality of social services in the state. The essential features of the state personnel policy confirm the need for high professional competence in public administration. Competence is a concept that logically comes from attitudes to values and from skills to knowledge. The head of a social institution must have formed civic competencies, which is a prerequisite for national security. Participation in international projects (for example, in the Swiss-Ukrainian project "Development of Civic Competences in Ukraine – DOCCU") aims to use the best international experience in the formation of civic competences, promotes awareness of educators, civil servants, local governments on democratic citizenship and human rights. The structure of civic competence of the head of a social institution, which contains cognitive, value and activity components. Such projects contribute to the creation of conditions for the head of a social institution to acquire skills of civil law activity, self-organization and self-government. Conclusions and prospects for further research. So, based on the above, we came to the following conclusions: - the level of formation of civic competencies of the head of the social institution is an indicator of his readiness to perform his professional duties; - civic competencies of the head of a social institution, based on the national interests of the state, are an important prerequisite for national security; - We see the introduction of the obligatory discipline "Formation of civic competencies of the future head of a social institution" in the educational program "Social work" as a promising direction of further research.
  • Ескіз
    A pedagogue’s facilitation competency in teaching foreign students
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Hren, L. M.; Cherkashyn, Andrii; Karlyuk, Serhii
    On the outcomes of analyzing the scientific literature on pedagogic facilitation, it is proved in the article that no issues concerning a higher education institution pedagogue’s facilitative competence in foreign students training have been raised by scientists; the notions of “competence”, “professional interests”, “facilitation”, “facilitator pedagogue”, “facilitation competence” are defined; the role of a facilitator pedagogue in forming persistent interest in foreign students to their future professional activity is disclosed, as well as requirements for his or her personality and professional traits; on the experience of work with foreign students, conclusion is made concerning the use of interactive methods of teaching at the lectures and in practical classes; an example is given of possible topics and questions to be discussed at trainings, pedagogical workshops on facilitation pedagogy; it is noted that a facilitator pedagogue is to apply creative approach to teaching foreign students, forming in them not only interest in future professional activity, but also the pedagogue’s facilitative competence.A pedagogue’s facilitation competency in teaching foreign students.
  • Ескіз
    Mechanisms of interaction of vocational (vocation-and-technical) training with employers
    (Видавництво "Дике Поле", 2019) Hren, L. M.
  • Ескіз
    Directions to improve normative-legal mechanism of vocation-and-technical training management
    (Ассоциация открытой дипломатии, Грузия, 2018) Hren, L. M.; Moroz, V. M.
    В тезисах раскрыто понятие системы профессионально-технического образования и перспективные направления в улучшении его качества благодаря государственной политики в сфере образования.
  • Ескіз
    Administrative-legal mechanism of state management of vocational (vocation-and technical) training system in Ukraine
    (Ассоциация открытой дипломатии, Грузия, 2018) Hren, L. M.
    В тезисах раскрыта роль административно-правового механизма государственного регулирования системы профессионального (профессионально-технического) образования в Украине и законов, которые определяют государственную политику в сфере профессионально-технического образования.
  • Ескіз
    Management mechanisms in the context of digitization of all spheres of society
    (Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo, Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador, 2020) Pomaza-Ponomarenko, A. L.; Hren, L. M.; Durman, O. L.; Bondarchuk, N. V.; Vorobets, V.
    Digitalization transforms public policy. It forms new models of public administration based on knowledge about the behavior of social groups. This study experimentally confirms the lack of impact of e-government and digitalization on the quality of life. It is proved that the new state policy is not aimed at ensuring socio-economic well-being, but the management of the collective consciousness of the masses. The economic benefits of digitization are insignificant. Digital policy provides a greater level of transparency in order to obtain its own benefits: the development of public-private partnerships, attracting investment in digital infrastructure, openness of digital governance. The article proves that the modernization of public policy under the influence of digitalization forms a new era of digital leadership, which actually provides the possession of information about the behavior of social groups.
  • Ескіз
    Problematic aspects of state policy modernization in the conditions of digitalization
    (IAEME Publication, India, 2020) Pomaza-Ponomarenko, A. L.; Hren, L. M.; Durman, O. L.; Bondarchuk, N. V.; Vozniuk, E. V.
    The economy of a country that uses digitalization processes can be called successful and efficient, forasmuch as it saves time and simplifies the procedures for applying to government bodies. The state policy that was applied during the digitalization process included a wide range of different indicators, and it was taken into account during the country’s transition to digitalization processes. It has been analyzed that the development of informatization processes, the emergence of industries using innovative products and technologies have led to striking changes that are contributing to shaping the current state of the economy, as well as modernizing state policy in the conditions of digitalization. It has been revealed that currently the governments of the leading countries of the world are already making significant efforts to unify state management processes to the maximum in order to avoid inappropriate costs for improving the functions of outdated systems. It has been proved that the implementation of systems, digitalization of the economy, access to administrative resources online - all this should indicate accessibility and simplification, however, in Ukraine and in other countries of the world there are certain problems with access to the Internet. Such indicators, as: world internet usage and population statistics 2020 year-q1 estimates, internet world Penetration Rates by Geographic Regions - 2020 Q1 (%) have been analyzed; the dynamics of the indicator of communication subscribers’ amount as of January 1, 2018 - January 1, 2019 (thousands of persons) has been tracked. The problematic aspects of state policy modernization in the conditions of digitalization have been highlighted and ways to solve them have been proposed.