Кафедра "Педагогіка та психологія управління соціальними системами ім. акад. І. А. Зязюна"
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Від 2014 року кафедра має назву "Педагогіка та психологія управління соціальними системами ім. акад. І. А. Зязюна", первісна назва – "Педагогіка та психологія управління соціальними системами".
Кафедра "Педагогіка та психологія управління соціальними системами" – перша та єдина в Україні кафедра серед технічних ЗВО України, яка цілеспрямовано займається проблемами лідерства та управлінської підготовки на різних рівнях освіти, створена 15 лютого 2000 року. Від 2000 року під керівництвом чл.-коресп. НАПН України, доктора педагогічних наук, професора Олександра Георгійовича Романовського функціонує наукова школа лідерства "Формування особистості лідера в науці, освіті, бізнесі", від 2015 року – Центр лідерства.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту соціально-гуманітарних технологій Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 2 доктора педагогічних наук, 1 доктор наук з державного управління, 12 кандидатів педагогічних, 11 – психологічних, 2 – технічних, 1 – мистецтвознавства, 1– філософських, 1 – наук з державного управління; 5 співробітників мають звання професора, 21 – доцента.
Результати пошуку
Документ Individual and Social Self-Perception Determinants Among School Going Adolescents(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2021) Pidbutska, N. V.; Knysh, A. Ye.; Kvasnyk, O. V.; Shapolova, VictoriiaThe aim of the research is to define individual psychological traits of adolescents that influence the formation of their self-perception. An empirical study was conducted on the basis of general education schools, boarding schools for the hearing impaired students and orphanages of the Kharkiv region (Ukraine). The study included 86 children. In accordance with this aim empirical methods were applied: Self-perception profile for adolescents (SPPA), Freiburg Multifactorial Personality Questionnaire (FPI), An Adolescent’s Character Traits Questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. It has been found that self-perception of general education school students is determined by depressiveness, shyness, extroversion, and stuck type of accentuation; in adolescents with hearing impairments – friendliness, reactive aggressiveness, extroversion, emotive and anxiety types of accentuation; in orphans – pedantic and dysthymic types of character accentuation.Документ Error-Oriented Motivation of Turkish Students During their Adaptation to a Foreign University(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2020) Pidbutska, N. V.; Knysh, A. Ye.The article deals with the problem of error-oriented motivation of Turkish students during the adaptation process to a foreign university (on an example of a Ukrainian university). Research was conducted on two samples of first year students: 45 Turkish and 61 Ukrainian students. An error-oriented motivation questionnaire and survey were used to identify strategies for student response to mistakes and the main problems of adaptation. It was determined that Turkish students are more likely to use a Learning from mistakes strategy and are more exposed to such adaptation problems as communication problems with the administration, difficulties in adapting to the new social environment, and emotional problems.Документ Leadership Detection Across Social Media Hashtags(2022) Romanovskyi, O. G.; Pidbutska, N. V.; Knysh, A. Ye.; Vorobieva, YevheniiaThe paper deals with the problem of identifying leaders on the basis of social media hashtags. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the growing interest of employers in employees with developed leadership qualities and the need for clear and accurate detection of leadership abilities without recourse to in-depth psychodiagnostic testing. In this connection, the analysis of the content of social networks of seekers can be a reliable way to identify potential leaders. With a view to studying the specifics of the use of social media hashtags, a group of 214 students (average age 21.4 ± 1.2) studying in various professional fields (technical, humanities, social sciences) was selected, including 109 women and 105 men. The Transformational Leadership Questionnaire was used to study the level of leadership development. To study the attitude to different types of hashtags, we’ve developed a questionnaire aimed at evaluating different types of hashtags. Descriptive statistics and Ttest methods were used to process the study data. The study has found that leaders prefer mixed hashtags, using verbs and calls to action. Not leaders prefer short hashtags with nouns and expressions of their own feelings. The features of the hashtags used by leaders on social media identified in the study can be used in modern professional selection for a prompt and comprehensive assessment of job seekers.Документ Elomia Chatbot: the Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in the Fight for Mental Health(2021) Romanovskyi, O. G.; Pidbutska, N. V.; Knysh, A. Ye.The article is presenting results of controlled study of effectiveness of Elomia chatbot in educing tendency to depression, anxiety and negative emotional effects. Elomia was developed using artificial intelligence technologies. In the process of developing a chatbot following technologies were used: RoBERTa(NER) for identification names and locations; COSMIC for identification of human emotions; DIALOGPT for answers generation; DistilBERT (SQuAD) for pointing the most relevant information in the script; GECToR for spelling check. Elomia is able to identify the main psychological problems of the client and offer him the most suitable support option using first aid techniques and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. To check the effectiveness of the chatbot it was conducted a study that included three stages: 1) the formation of experimental and control samples; 2) baseline testing; 3) final testing. The study used psychological research methods: 1) Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) to diagnose a tendency to depression; 2) General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) to diagnose a tendency to generalized anxiety disorder; 3) Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) to diagnose of prevailing (positive / negative) emotional affects. 412 volunteers (202 women, 210 men, ages 19 to 23 years old) who identified their tendency to depression, anxiety and low mood were selected in students social networks groups of Kharkiv region as participants of research. It was found that regular usage of Elomia contributes to a significant reduction in the high tendency to depression (up to 28%), anxiety (up to 31%), and negative affects (up to 15%).Документ Motivation Behind the Preference of Distance Education of Higher Education Students(Foundation Pro Scientia Publica, Poland, 2022) Pidbutska, N. V.; Knysh, A. Ye.; Chebakova, Yu. G.; Shtuchenko, I. Ye.; Babchuk, OlenaIt was determined that 38% of students are positive about distance education and see great opportunities for its implementation. But only 22.75% of students consider distance learning to be the best option for educational process organisation, and 21.8% are in favour of an exclusive face-to-face format. The most popular form among students is a mixed form of education (55.45%). Students with a positive attitude to distance education are characterised by the highest scores on intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy and career motivation.Документ Connection between personal perfectionism and efficiency of students’ learning activities(Foundation Pro Scientia Publica, Poland, 2020) Romanovskyi, O. G.; Pidbutska, N. V.; Shtuchenko, I. Ye.; Knysh, A. Ye.The level of learning efficiency of students depends on the pace of learning, the quality of learning, the ability to generalize and synthesize new information. Positive statistically significant correlations were found between perfectionism and student learning efficiency.Документ The self-esteem of the it manager as the basis for the success of the organization(2020) Pidbutska, N. V.; Knysh, A. Ye.; Chebakova, Yu. H.The aim of the publication was to clarify the connection between the level of self-esteem of the IT-manager and the success of the organization he heads. As indicators of the success of the organization were considered: 1) profit growth; 2) the number of projects completed during the year; 3) staff turnover; 4) employee satisfaction with work. The study involved 18 managers who represented 8 Ukrainian IT companies. Study has shown that self-esteem of manager affects not only his professional success, but also success of the organization. There are statistically significant differences in the level of self-esteem of IT managers representing companies with different levels of success. The most successful are those companies run by managers with average level of self-esteem.Документ Psychological Safety of Volunteers During the War(Foundation Pro Scientia Publica, Poland, 2023) Pidbutska, N. V.; Demidova, Yu. Ye.; Knysh, A. Ye.It was determined that the largest subgroup in the general group of respondents were volunteers with a high level of emotional exhaustion (46%) – these are people who feel general tension and do not remember the last time they experienced positive emotions. Among all the indicators of psychological safety, the indicators of moral-communicative and internal comfort turned out to be the least developed.Документ Gender aspects of empathy in online learning of adolescents(Foundation Pro Scientia Publica, Poland, 2020) Pidbutska, N. V.; Demidova, Yu. Ye.; Knysh, A. Ye.During the study, the aim has been achieved and all the objectives have been fulfilled, in particular: 1) “involvement in online learning” and "quality of online learning" are defined as criteria for online learning successful performance; 2) expert assessment of the study results is carried out, allowing us to determine that female participants show mainly medium and high levels of online learning performance, while male participants show low and medium-level results; 3) it is determined that the correlation between the level of performance of online learning and empathy in the group of girls is higher than in the group of boys.Документ Individual-psychological properties of persons with different level of education(Харківський національний педагогічний університет ім. Г. С. Сковороди, 2018) Pidbutska, N. V.; Chebakova, Julia G.Aim: To identify the motivational-value and individual-characterological characteristics typical for persons with higher education. Disclosure of their psychological structural model of personality in comparison with persons with incomplete higher, special or secondary education. Material: 58 respondents took part in the study. Men - 22, women - 36. Average age of the sample is 32.7 years. Respondents with higher education (n = 29, average age 33.3, standard deviation 10.06), and having an average, special, incomplete higher (n = 29, average age 32.3, standard deviation 10 4). Results. It is established that persons with incomplete higher, special or secondary education have significant value orientations such as active social contacts, creativity, achievements in family life, personal prestige, material support and spiritual satisfaction in the field of hobbies. Their value field is made up of such terminal values as family life and the sphere of hobbies. It was found that respondents with higher education differ in communicative, self-controlling, purposefulness, organizational qualities, focus on results in activity and power. They are aimed at achieving success in professional activities and building their own careers. The psychological structure of the personality of the more educated respondents have been identified. Factor 1 "Value component of the personality structure", factor 2 "Emotional component of the personality structure" and factor 3 "Institutions in the motivational-need sphere." The psychological structure of less educated respondents according to the results of factor analysis has the following factors: factor 1 "Family values of personality" factor 2 "Personal properties and attitudes in the motivational-need sphere of the individual" and factor 3 "Material values".