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Зараз показуємо 1 - 10 з 15
  • Ескіз
    Multispheroidal model of magnetic field of uncertain extended energy-saturated technical object
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2025) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Chunikhin, K. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.
    The implementation of strict requirements for magnetic silence of elongated energy-saturated technical objects – such as naval vessel and submarines is largely determined by the adequacy of mathematical models to the signatures of a real magnetic field. Aim. Simplification of mathematical modeling of the magnetic field of an uncertain extended energy-saturated object based on the development and application of a multispheroidal model of its magnetic field instead of the well-known multidipole model. Methodology. Coordinates of the geometric location and magnitudes of spatial extended spheroidal harmonics of spheroidal sources of multispheroidal model of magnetic field calculated as magnetostatics geometric inverse problems solution in the form of nonlinear minimax optimization problem based on near field measurements for prediction far extended technical objects magnetic field magnitude. Nonlinear objective function calculated as the weighted sum of squared residuals between the measured and predicted magnetic field COMSOL Multiphysics software package used. Nonlinear minimax optimization problems solutions calculated based on particle swarm nonlinear optimization algorithms. Results. Results of prediction far magnetic field magnitude of extended technical objects based on designed multispheroidal model of the magnetic field in the form of spatial prolate spheroidal harmonics in prolate spheroidal coordinate system using near field measurements with consideration of extended technical objects magnetic characteristics uncertainty. Originality. For the first time the method for design of multispheroidal model of magnetic field of uncertain extended energy-saturated technical object based on magnetostatics geometric inverse problems solution and magnetic field spatial spheroidal harmonics calculated in prolate spheroidal coordinate system taking into account of technical objects magnetic characteristics uncertainties developed. Practical value. It is shown the possibility to reduce the number of spheroidal sources of the magnetic field for adequate modeling of the real magnetic field based on the developed multispheroidal model compared to the number of well-known dipole sources of the magnetic field in the multidipole model of the magnetic field.
  • Ескіз
    Method for prediction magnetic silencing of uncertain energy-saturated extended technical objects in prolate spheroidal coordinate system
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Kutsenko, A. S.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Chunikhin, K. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.
    Development of method for prediction by energy-saturated extended technical objects magnetic silencing based on magnetostatics geometric inverse problems solution and magnetic field spatial spheroidal harmonics calculated in prolate spheroidal coordinate system taking into account of technical objects magnetic characteristics uncertainties. Methodology. Spatial prolate spheroidal harmonics of extended technical objects magnetic field model calculated as magnetostatics geometric inverse problems solution in the form of nonlinear minimax optimization problem based on near field measurements for prediction far extended technical objects magnetic field magnitude. Nonlinear objective function calculated as the weighted sum of squared residuals between the measured and predicted magnetic field COMSOL Multiphysics software package used. Nonlinear minimax optimization problems solutions calculated based on particle swarm nonlinear optimization algorithms. Results. Results of prediction extended technical objects far magnetic field magnitude based on extended technical objects spatial prolate spheroidal harmonics of the magnetic field model in the prolate spheroidal coordinate system using near field measurements with consideration of extended technical objects magnetic characteristics uncertainty. Originality. The method for prediction by extended technical objects magnetic cleanliness based on spatial prolate spheroidal harmonics of the magnetic field model in the prolate spheroidal coordinate system with consideration of magnetic characteristics uncertainty is developed. Practical value. The important practical problem of prediction extended technical objects magnetic silencing based on the spatial prolate spheroidal harmonics of the magnetic field model in the prolate spheroidal coordinate system with consideration of extended technical objects magnetic characteristics uncertainty solved.
  • Ескіз
    The method for design of electromagnetic hybrid active-passive shielding by overhead power lines magnetic field
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, Nikitina; Bovdui, I. V.; Chunikhin, K. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.
    Development of the method for designing electromagnetic hybrid active-passive shield, consisting from active and multy-circuit passive parts, which is characterized by increased effectiveness of reducing the industrial frequency magnetic field created by twocircuit overhead power lines in residential buildings. Methodology. The designing problem of electromagnetic hybrid active-passive shield including robust system of active shielding and multy circuit passive shield of initial magnetic field comes down to a solution of the multy-criteria two-player zero-sum antagonistic game. The game payoff vector calculated based on the finite element calculations system COMSOL Muliphysics. The game solution calculated based on the particles multyswarm optimization algorithms. Results. During the design of the electromagnetic hybrid active-passive shield the coordinates of the spatial arrangement of 11 circuits passive shield and the coordinates of the spatial location of one compensation winding, as well as the current and phase in this winding of the active shielding system are calculated. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of hybrid active and multy-circuit passive shield by magnetic field in residential building from two-circuit power transmission line with a «Barrel» type arrangement of wires presented. Originality. For the first time the method for designing hybrid active and multycircuit passive shield, consisting from active and multy-circuit passive parts, which is characterized by increased effectiveness of reducing the magnetic field of industrial frequency created by two-circuit overhead power lines in residential buildings is developed. Practical value. Based on results of calculated study the shielding efficiency of the initial magnetic field what is confirmed by experimental studies determined that shielding factors whith only multy-circuit passive shield is more 1.2 units, whith only active shield is more 4 units and with electromagnetic hybrid active-passive shield is more 6.2 units. It is shown the possibility to reduce the level of magnetic field induction in residential building from two-circuit power transmission line with a «Barrel» type arrangement of wires by means of electromagnetic hybrid active shielding with single compensating winding and multy-circuit passive shielding with 11 circuit passive shield to 0.5 μT level safe for the population.
  • Ескіз
    The method for design of combined electromagnetic shield for overhead power lines magnetic field
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Chunikhin, K. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.
    Aim. Development of the method of designing a combined electromagnetic shield, consisting of active and passive parts, to improve the effectiveness of reduction of industrial frequency magnetic field created by two-circuit overhead power lines in residential buildings. Methodology. The problem of design of combined electromagnetic shield including robust system of active shielding and electromagnetic passive shield of initial magnetic field solved based on of the multi-criteria two-player antagonistic game. The game payoff vector calculated based on the finite element calculations system COMSOL Muliphysics. The game solution calculated based on the particles multiswarm optimization algorithms. During the design of combined electromagnetic shields spatial location coordinates of shielding winding, the currents and phases in the shielding winding of active shielding, geometric dimensions and thickness of the electromagnetic passive shield are calculated. Results. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of combined electromagnetic passive and active shielding of magnetic field in residential building from power transmission line with a "Barrel" type arrangement of wires presented. Originality. For the first time the method of designing a combined electromagnetic shield, consisting of active and passive parts, for more effective reduction of the magnetic field of industrial frequency created by two-circuit overhead power lines in residential buildings is developed. Practical value. Based on results of calculated and experimental study the shielding efficiency of the initial magnetic field determined that shielding factors whith only electromagnetic passive shield is more 2 units, whith only active shield is more 4 units and with combined electromagnetic passive and active shield is more 10 units. It is shown the possibility to reduce the level of magnetic field induction in residential building from power transmission line with a "Barrel" type arrangement of wires by means of a combined electromagnetic passive and active shielding with single compensating winding to 0.5 μT level safe for the population.
  • Ескіз
    Method for design of two-level system of active shielding of power frequency magnetic field based on a quasi-static model
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Kutsenko, A. S.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.
    Development of method for design a two-level active shielding system for an industrial frequency magnetic field based on a quasistatic model of a magnetic field generated by power line wires and compensating windings of an active shielding system, including coarse open and precise closed control. Methodology. At the first level rough control of the magnetic field in open-loop form is carried out based on a quasi-static model of a magnetic field generated by power line wires and compensating windings of an active shielding system. This design calculated based on the finite element calculations system COMSOL Multiphysics. At the second level, a stabilizing accurate control of the magnetic field is implemented in the form of a dynamic closed system containing, in addition plant, also power amplifiers and measuring devices of the system. This design calculated based on the calculations system MATLAB. Results. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of optimal two-level active shielding system of magnetic field in residential building from power transmission line with a «Barrel» type arrangement of wires by means of active canceling with single compensating winding are presented. Originality. For the first time, the method for design a two-level active shielding system for an power frequency magnetic field based on a quasi-static model of a magnetic field generated by power line wires and compensating windings of an active shielding system, including coarse open and precise closed control is developed. Practical value. It is shown the possibility to reduce the level of magnetic field induction in residential building from power transmission line with a «Barrel» type arrangement of wires by means of active canceling with single compensating winding with initial induction of 3.5 µT to a safe level for the population adopted in Europe with an induction of 0.5 µT
  • Ескіз
    Method for prediction and control by uncertain microsatellite magnetic cleanliness based on calculation and compensation magnetic field spatial harmonics
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Chunikhin, K. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.
    Aim. Development of method for prediction and control the microsatellite magnetic cleanliness taking into account the uncertainties of the magnetic characteristics of the microsatellite, based on calculation the magnetic field spatial spherical harmonics in the area of the onboard magnetometer installation and using compensating multipoles. Methodology. Spatial spherical harmonics of microsatellite magnetic field in the area of the onboard magnetometer installation calculated as solution of nonlinear minimax optimization problem based on near field measurements for prediction far spacecraft magnetic field magnitude. Nonlinear objective function calculated as the weighted sum of squared residuals between the measured and predicted magnetic field. Values of the compensating dipoles, quadrupoles and octupoles and coordinates of them placement inside the spaceship for compensation of the dipoles, quadrupoles and octupoles components of the microsatellite initial magnetic field also calculated as solution of nonlinear minimax optimization problem. Both solutions of this nonlinear minimax optimization problems calculated based on particle swarm nonlinear optimization algorithms. Results. Results of prediction spacecraft far magnetic field magnitude based on spacecraft spatial spherical harmonics of the magnetic field using near field measurements and compensation of the dipoles, quadrupoles and octupoles components of the initial magnetic field with consideration of spacecraft magnetic characteristics uncertainty for ensuring the microsatellite magnetic cleanliness. Originality. The method for prediction and control by spacecraft magnetic cleanliness based on calculation spatial spherical harmonics of the magnetic field in the area of the onboard magnetometer installation using compensation of the dipoles, quadrupoles and octupoles components of the initial magnetic field with consideration of magnetic characteristics uncertainty is developed. Practical value. The important practical problem of ensuring the magnetic cleanliness of the «Sich-2» microsatellite family based on the spatial spherical harmonics of the magnetic field model using the compensation of the dipole, quadrupole and octupole components of the output magnetic field of the sensor for the kinetic parameters of the neutral component of the space plasma at the point of installation of the on-board magnetometer LEMI-016 by setting the compensating dipole, quadrupole and octupole with consideration of spacecraft magnetic characteristics uncertainty solved. References 59, figures 2.
  • Ескіз
    Method for control by orbital spacecraft magnetic cleanliness based on multiple magnetic dipole models with consideration of their uncertainty
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Chunikhin, K. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.
    Development of method for control by orbital spacecraft magnetic cleanliness based on multiple magnetic dipole models using compensation of the initial magnetic field with consideration of magnetic characteristics uncertainty. Methodology. Orbital spacecraft multiple magnetic dipole models calculated as solution of nonlinear minimax optimization problem based on near field measurements for prediction orbital spacecraft far magnetic field magnitude. Nonlinear objective function calculated as the weighted sum ofsquared residuals between the measured and predicted magnetic field. Weight matrix calculated as inverse covariance matrix of random errors vector. Values of magnetic moments and coordinates of placement of compensating magnetic dipoles for compensation of the orbital spacecraft initial magnetic field also calculated as solution of nonlinear minimax optimization problem. Both solutions of this nonlinear minimax optimization problems calculated based on particle swarm nonlinear optimization algorithms. Results. Results of prediction spacecraft far magnetic field magnitude based on orbital spacecraft multiple magnetic dipole models using near field measurements and compensation of the initial magnetic field with consideration of orbital spacecraft magnetic characteristics uncertainty for ensuring the orbital spacecraft magnetic cleanliness. Originality. The method for control by orbital spacecraft magnetic cleanliness based on multiple magnetic dipole models using compensation of the initial magnetic field with consideration of magnetic characteristics uncertainty is developed. Practical value. An important practical problem of ensuring orbital spacecraft magnetic cleanliness based on orbital spacecraft multiple magnetic dipole models using near field measurements and compensation of the initial magnetic field with consideration of orbital spacecraft magnetic characteristics uncertainty solved.
  • Ескіз
    Optimization of spatial arrangement of magnetic field sensors of closed loop system of overhead power lines magnetic field active silencing
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Voloshko, O. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.
    Development of a method for optimization of spatial arrangement and angular position of magnetic field sensors of a closed system to ensure maximum efficiency of active silencing canceling of the magnetic field generated by overhead power lines. Methodology. Spatial arrangement and angular position of magnetic field sensors of closed loop system of overhead power lines magnetic field active silencing determined based on binary preference relations of local objective for multi-objective minimax optimization problem, in whith the vector objective function calculated based on Biot–Savart law. The solution of this vector minimax optimization problem calculated based on nonlinear Archimedes algorithm of multi-swarm multi-agent optimization. Results. Results of simulation and experimental research of optimal spatial arrangement and angular position of magnetic field sensors of a closed system to ensure maximum efficiency of active silencing of the magnetic field generated by overhead power lines with a barrel-type arrangement of wires. Originality. The method for optimization of spatial arrangement and angular position of magnetic field sensors of a closed system to ensure maximum efficiency of active shielding of the magnetic field generated by overhead power lines is developed. Practical value. An important practical problem optimization of spatial arrangement and angular position of magnetic field sensors of a closed system to ensure maximum efficiency of active silencing of the magnetic field generated by overhead power lines has been solved.
  • Ескіз
    The method of multi-objective parametric design of magnetic field active canceling robust system for residential multy-story buildings closed to double-circuit overhead power lines
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Voloshko, O. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.
    Aim. Development the method of multi-objective parametric design for robust system of active canceling of magnetic field based on binary preference relations of local objective for multi-objective minimax optimization problem. Methodology. Spatial location coordinates of the compensating winding and the current in the shielding winding were determined during the preference-based multi-objective parametric design of systems of active canceling based on solution of the vector minimax optimization, in whith the vector objective function calculated based on Biot-Savart's law. The solution of this vector minimax optimization problem calculated based on nonlinear Archimedes algorithm. Components of Jacobi matrix and Hesse matrix calculated based on multi-swarm multi-agent optimization. Results. Theoretically and experimentally confirmed the effectiveness of reducing the level of the magnetic field in residential multy-storey old building of a doublecircuit overhead power transmission lines with a barrel-type arrangement of wires by means of active shielding with two compensation winding. Originality. The method of multi-objective parametric design for robust system of active canceling of magnetic field based on binary preference relations of local objective for multi-objective minimax optimization problem is developed. Practical value. It is shown the possibility to reduce the level of magnetic field in residential multy-storey old building closed to double-circuit overhead power transmission lines with a barrel-type arrangement of wires by means of system of active canceling with two canceling winding to a level safe for the population with an induction of 0.5 μT.
  • Ескіз
    Synthesis of an effective system of active shielding of the magnetic field of a power transmission line with a horizontal arrangement of wires using a single compensation winding
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Voloshko, O. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.
    Aim. The theoretical and experimental studies of the effectiveness of reducing the level of the magnetic field in two-storey cottage of the old building of a power transmission line with a horizontal arrangement of wires by means of active shielding with single compensation winding. Methodology Spatial location coordinates of the compensating winding and the current in the shielding winding were determined during the design of systems of active screening based on solution of the vector game, in whith the vector payoffs is calculated based on Biot-Savart's law. The solution of this vector game calculated based on algorithms of multi-swarm multi-agent optimization. Results The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the effectiveness of reducing the level of the magnetic field in two-storey cottage of the old building of a power transmission line with a horizontal arrangement of wires by means of active shielding with single compensation winding are presented. Originality. For the first time, the theoretical and experimental studies of the effectiveness of reducing the level of the magnetic field in two-storey cottage of the old building of a power transmission line with a horizontal arrangement of wires by means of active shielding with single compensation winding are considered. Practical value. From the point of view of the practical implementation it is shown the possibility to reduce the level of magnetic field in two-storey cottage of the old building from power transmission line with a horizontal arrangement of wires by means of active shielding with single compensation winding to the sanitary standards of Ukraine.