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Документ Расчет волнового сопротивления копланарно связанных линий пакета пленочного кабеля(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Антонова, В. А.; Борщев, В. Н.; Резник, А. П.In paper the designed mathematical model for calculation of a characteristic impedance of a signal cable taking into account finite width of conductors of multiplayer coplanar coupled lines, and outcomes of researches of dependence of a characteristic impedances from geometrical sizes of conductors, clearances between them and thickness of a covering film is reduced. The possibility of obtaining of optimal characteristic impedance of transmissions lines is shownДокумент Оптимизация лопатки рабочего колеса турбокомпрессора по критерию собственной частоты колебаний(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Жовдак, В. А.; Иглин, Сергей Петрович; Смирнова, Л. М.; Солошенко, В. А.The optimization problem for blade of the turbocompressor for internal combustion engine boosting turbine wheel is solved. The objective function is the first natural frequency, variable parameters are blade thicknesses in FEM-grid nodes. 2D shell model of blade with triange finite element is used. We use the modification of the quazi-Newton optimization method with BFGS-formula, cube approximation in the 1D search and sliding along boundless. Numerical results are presentedДокумент Напряженное состояние в винтовой обмотке тороидальной магнитной системы электрофизической установки под действием температуры(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Зайцев, Б. Ф.; Асаёнок, А. В.State if stress of the toroidal magnetic system winding of a result of the warm-up is considered. The 3D FEM with special system of the representation of geometry is used. Analysis of results and comparison with other solution are presentedДокумент Управление нестационарными колебаниями мембраны(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Янютин, Е. Г.; Воропай, Алексей ВалериевичThe method of controlling non-stationary vibrations of rectangular membrane is presented. The control is based on loading the membrane by additional controlling force, whose function of change in time is unknown. The problem is reduced to the first-kind Volterra integral equation, which is solved numerically by Tikhonov regularization method. Example of the vibrations eliminating in one of the membrane points is consideredДокумент Нестационарное деформирование многослойных упругих тел в форме прямоугольного параллелепипеда(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Янютин, Е. Г.; Светличная, С. Д.; Томилка, Н. Н.The unsteady déformation of multilayered elastic solids in the shape of rectangular parallelepiped is investigated using the dynamic theory of elasticity. Motion equations and systems of primary, boundary and contact conditions are satisfied exactly owing to this methodДокумент Задача о контактном взаимодействии анизотропных тороидальных оболочек(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Верещака, Сергей МихайловичThe variant of account two of anisotropic of shells of rotation in the form of the tor is offered at action of internal pressure. The considered shells have a general axis and their appropriate surfaces are placed on certain distance one from another. The analysis of distribution of contact pressure will be carried out which arises on a local sites between shells at action of static loading. The account of a task is carried out on a basis of the vectorially nonlinear theory of shells in view of deformations of cross shiftДокумент К вопросу об упрочнении материалов импульсным нагружением(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Вакуленко, К. В.; Сотрихин, С. Ю.; Чернобрывко, М. В.The problem of strengthening constructions elements, which were subject to influencing of the impulsive loading is examined. The mathematical model of process with variation of loading is built. Wave equalization is decided and the numeral experiment for rail steel is conductedДокумент Лазерная диагностика потоков. Часть 1. Двумерные модуляторы лазерного излучения(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Товажнянский, Леонид Леонидович; Капинос, Василий Максимович; Никитина, Е. В.; Никитин, А. М.Plans of acoustic-optical coherent radiation modulators with fluid fissile devices and the mathematical description of bidimentional acoustic modulation processes are given. The main feature of the described modulator is to derive coherent rays individually oriented in space. Theoretical results for acoustic excitation angles from п/3 to п/2 are observationally confirmedДокумент Специализированные системы автоматизированного исследования прочностных и жесткостных характеристик элементов технологической оснастки(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Ткачук, Николай АнатольевичIt is proposed the structure of specialized computer-aided design (SCAD). The SCAD enable to make 3-D and finite-elements models of the machine tools elements. The numerical determination of strength and rigidity enable to determine the machine tools elements constructive parametersДокумент Конечноэлементный расчет магнитных цепей активных магнитных подшипников на основе уравнений магнитостатики(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Смирнов, М. М.; Мартыненко, Геннадий Юрьевич; Бабенко, Игорь НиколаевичIn work the technique of account of magnetic circuits of active magnetic bearings by a method of final elements and processing of results is of fered with the purpose of definition of discrete parameters of magnetic circuit. The example of account of magnetic circuit with stator as octopole is given