Работа бортового электромеханического инерционного накопителя энергии в тяговом приводе пригородного электропоезда
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ДП "Державний науково-дослідний центр залізничного транспорту України"
Исследуется работа бортового электромеханического инерционного накопителя энергии в составе тягового электропривода пригородного электропоезда в цикле "торможение – стоянка – разгон". Созданы математические модели процесса обмена энергией между тяговыми электродвигателями и накопителем, позволяющие определить эффективность от применения накопителя и показать пути ее повышения.
On-board energy storage as a part of traction electric drive of local trains in the cycle "braking - parking – acceleration" is investigated. Electromechanical inertial energy storage device with an accumulator in the form of an annular flywheel and an electromechanical transducer based on inverted DC machine with a semiconductor switch is considered. Mathematical models for the study of the process of energy exchange between traction motors and the energy storage are created. The energy effect of the on-board storage by a recovery coefficient, utilization coefficient and the integral coefficient of efficiency is estimated. The results of numerical simulation of processes of energy exchange during braking and acceleration local trains are presented. Indicators of the effectiveness of the drive are received, as well as ways to improve the quality of the investigated technology are introduced.
On-board energy storage as a part of traction electric drive of local trains in the cycle "braking - parking – acceleration" is investigated. Electromechanical inertial energy storage device with an accumulator in the form of an annular flywheel and an electromechanical transducer based on inverted DC machine with a semiconductor switch is considered. Mathematical models for the study of the process of energy exchange between traction motors and the energy storage are created. The energy effect of the on-board storage by a recovery coefficient, utilization coefficient and the integral coefficient of efficiency is estimated. The results of numerical simulation of processes of energy exchange during braking and acceleration local trains are presented. Indicators of the effectiveness of the drive are received, as well as ways to improve the quality of the investigated technology are introduced.
Ключові слова
бортовой накопитель, тяговый электропривод, энергетическая эффективность, обмен энергией, электроподвижной состав
Бібліографічний опис
Омельяненко В. И. Работа бортового электромеханического инерционного накопителя энергии в тяговом приводе пригородного электропоезда / В. И. Омельяненко, Л. В. Оверьянова // Залізничний транспорт України. – 2015. – № 1 (110). – С. 44-49.