Публікація: The current state and trends of international trade in goods on the example of the Kharkiv region
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Premier Publishing s.r.o., Austria
The development of international trade at the national and regional levels increases the country's foreign trade potential, improves its image, promotes the development of the domestic commodity market. International trade in goods is important for the country's balance of payments and for the movement of capital. The development of international trade in goods of the region testifies to its economic potential.
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Бібліографічний опис
Posokhov I. M. The current state and trends of international trade in goods on the example of the Kharkiv region / I. M. Posokhov, O. O. Khodyrieva, L. S. Marchuk // Perspectives of science and education : proc. of the 6th Intern. youth conf., 14th December, 2018, New York, USA / ed. L. Koenig. – Vienna : Premier Publishing s.r.o., 2018. – P. 132-136.