Развитие лидерского потенциала будущего инженера как основа его конкурентноспособности в услоовиях рыночной экономики





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Institutul Internațional de Management Imi-Nova


In the article attention is accented on the value of research of development of leader potential by foreign and home scientists. The market conditions of economic development of country produce for providing of his competitiveness a presence for the young specialist of technical profile population of customers to his competence, mobility, creativity, organizational and communicative capabilities such distinguish among that, as: creative going near business, initiativeness, operationability, experience and knowledge, independence, organization, persistence, responsibility, exactness, executiveness, mental abilities, assiduousness, capacity, industriousness, executiveness, discipline, executiveness, honesty.It is indicated on the feature of long-term researches from the problems of leadership by the scientists of department of pedagogics and psychology of management the frames of society of the National technical university the "Kharkiv polytechnic institute". The program of development of leader potential is described in a technical university The basic tasks of training are reflected from development of leader potential, worked out in a technical university.


Ключові слова

leadership, development of leader potential, center of leadership, training, technical university, лідерство, розвиток лідерського потенціалу, центри лідерства, навчання, технічнs університети

Бібліографічний опис

Гура Т. В. Развитие лидерского потенциала будущего инженера как основа его конкурентноспособности в услоовиях рыночной экономики / Татьяна Гура // Performanţe într-o economie competitivă : [materialele conferinţei internaţionale, Chișinău, Moldavie] : ed. a 5-a / Inst. Intern. de Management "Imi-Nova" ; com. şt.: Valentin Răilean (preşedinte) [et al.]. – Chişinău : Imi-Nova, 2018. – С. 235-244.



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