A model for estimating the security level of mobile applications: a fuzzy logic approach




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In this paper a model for solving the problem of estimating the security level of mobile applications was proposed. The estimation is performed based on a fuzzy inference system of the Mamdani type. The input criteria were defined as the most important security threats by applying the Analytic hierarchy process method. The pairwise comparison matrix was constructed from mobile security research on OWASP Top 10 Mobile Risks. The proposed methodology can be applied for any kind of mobile applications available for modern platforms, except specific cases when security analyst does not have a sufficient amount of information about the chosen application for performing the security level testing. Mobile security analysts can easily make further decisions about comprehensive mobile application security based on the results obtained with the help of the introduced model.


Бібліографічний опис

A Model for Estimating the Security Level of Mobile Applications: a Fuzzy Logic Approach [Electronic resource] / O. Yanholenko [et al.] // Intelligent Information Technologies & Systems of Information Security (IntelITSIS'2020) : proc. of the 1st Intern. Workshop, June 10-12, 2020. – Electronic text data. – Khmelnytskyi, 2020. – Vol. 2623. – [P. 252-266], 15 p. – Access mode: https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2623/paper22.pdf, free (date of the application 04.03.2023.).



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