Публікація: Інформаційно-комунікаційні технології – чинник трансформації структури економічної системи
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Статтю присвячено проблемі впливу розвитку інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій на структуру економічної системи. Аналізується зв'язок між кількістю інформації, доступної економічному суб'єкту для прийняття рішення, швидкістю її передавання та повнотою збереження – з одного боку, і побудовою структури економічної системи та темпами її розвитку – з іншого. Зокрема, висвітлюються умови виникнення і розвитку та передумови деактивації посередницької інфраструктури ринку, роль розвитку інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у цьому процесі. Здійснено спробу інформаційної інтерпретації причин появи та сутності грошей як інструмента ринкової комунікації. Розвиток засобів інформатизації та комунікації розглядається як чинник зменшення рівня загальних транзакційних витрат при здійсненні економічних процесів.
The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of the development of information and communication technologies on the structure of the economic system. The urgency of the problem is due to the need to understand the factors that determine the structure and scenarios of economic development in the transition to the fifth information revolution. The informational essence of connections in any economic system requires consideration of phenomena and processes in terms of their impact on the state of economic entities, ensuring their communications, the emergence of the system. Therefore, the article implements a systematic approach as a single methodological principle. Accordingly, within the limits of the specified approach the following methods are used: activity method as the active system – economic in its development and transformation is investigated; the functioning of the system and its elements is analyzed under conditions of uncertainty; elements of the system are presented as interacting with each other and with the system. In the process of research, the economic system is considered as a unity of material, energy, information flows and as one that is constantly changing its state. Thus, the evolution of the structure of the economy from the pre-market period to the present is studied as a process of interaction of economic entities – the division of labor, its specialization, cooperation. Each stage of the development of communication of economic entities is closely related to a certain stage in the evolution of the means of obtaining, analyzing, storing and transmitting information. This relationship provides both incentives for the development of information technology and the impetus for the development of communications between economic entities. In turn, the development of communications provided a reduction in transaction costs of economic entities in case of changes in organizational forms of activity. We currently have information and communication technologies, the current state and mechanisms of use of which are a factor that requires a radical change in the structure of the economic system and the nature of the links between its elements. The global economy is developing a direct communication network, which is beginning to form a platform business model. The practical significance of the article is to study the information factors of change in the structure of the modern economic system in order to determine the means of accelerating its development.
The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of the development of information and communication technologies on the structure of the economic system. The urgency of the problem is due to the need to understand the factors that determine the structure and scenarios of economic development in the transition to the fifth information revolution. The informational essence of connections in any economic system requires consideration of phenomena and processes in terms of their impact on the state of economic entities, ensuring their communications, the emergence of the system. Therefore, the article implements a systematic approach as a single methodological principle. Accordingly, within the limits of the specified approach the following methods are used: activity method as the active system – economic in its development and transformation is investigated; the functioning of the system and its elements is analyzed under conditions of uncertainty; elements of the system are presented as interacting with each other and with the system. In the process of research, the economic system is considered as a unity of material, energy, information flows and as one that is constantly changing its state. Thus, the evolution of the structure of the economy from the pre-market period to the present is studied as a process of interaction of economic entities – the division of labor, its specialization, cooperation. Each stage of the development of communication of economic entities is closely related to a certain stage in the evolution of the means of obtaining, analyzing, storing and transmitting information. This relationship provides both incentives for the development of information technology and the impetus for the development of communications between economic entities. In turn, the development of communications provided a reduction in transaction costs of economic entities in case of changes in organizational forms of activity. We currently have information and communication technologies, the current state and mechanisms of use of which are a factor that requires a radical change in the structure of the economic system and the nature of the links between its elements. The global economy is developing a direct communication network, which is beginning to form a platform business model. The practical significance of the article is to study the information factors of change in the structure of the modern economic system in order to determine the means of accelerating its development.
Бібліографічний опис
Конохова З. П. Інформаційно-комунікаційні технології – чинник трансформації структури економічної системи [Електронний ресурс] / З. П. Конохова // Економіка та суспільство. – 2021. – Вип. 28. – 5 с. – Режим доступу: https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/516/494, вільний (дата звернення 12.05.2023 р.).