Lyrical I in Poetic Discourse of Carl Sandburg: A Linguo-Cognitive Approach




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Canadian Center of Science and Education


The article deals with the linguo-cognitive analysis of the expression of the lyrical I in the poetic discourse of the prominent representative of the epoch of American modernism—Carl Sandburg. The lyrical I is understood as a poet’s imagery in which the image of a lyrical hero and the image of the author are united in a syncretic way and which represents a three-fold linguo-cognitive construct that incorporates a conceptual, pragmatic and verbal embodiments. Based on the analysis made in the research, the authors arrived at the conclusion that Carl Sandburg’s lyrical I describes a man of labor, depicts a difficult life of a man in an industrial city, shows the author’s appeal in support of a man’s fighting for his rights, for peace and freedom. In the poetic discourse of Carl Sandburg, the lyrical I is represented with the help of an urban figurativeness, a newspaper style of the language, a perfect skill of use of a blank verse resembling a song folklore, and a wide use of local expressions and dialectal words, colloquial language and prosaisms.


Бібліографічний опис

Babych V. Lyrical I in Poetic Discourse of Carl Sandburg: A Linguo-Cognitive Approach [Electronic resource] / Vira Babych, Iryna Nedainova // International Journal of English Linguistics. – Electronic text data. – 2020. – Vol. 10, No 3. – P. 133-140. – URL:, free (date of application 20.02.2024).



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