Визначення методології навчання майбутніх інженерів з автоматизації енергосистем
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Назва тому
У статті визначено зміст професійних компетентностей інженера з автоматизації енергосистем. Проаналізовано види робіт у межах кожної компетентності. Визначено, що ефективне виконання професійних дій потребує встановлення причинно-наслідкових зв’язків побудови та функціонування систем управління об’єктами енергосистеми. Показано доцільність застосування каузального навчання для майбутніх інженерів з автоматизації енергосистем на базі причинно-наслідкових моделей знань. Розроблено причинно-наслідкові моделі системи знань про функціонування та побудову систем управління об’єктами енергосистеми, що можуть застосовуватись на всіх рівнях деталізації.
In the article the existent problems of professional preparation of engineers are indicated on automation of grids that can be decided by means of realization of competence-based approach in educating. Competence-based approach is oriented on forming of professional competences in the process of educating. In the article maintenance is certain professional competences engineer on automation of grids, namely operating, project, organizationally-administrative and research. The types of work within each competence is analyzed. It is shown that effective implementation of professional actions within the framework of operating competence requires establishing cause-and-effect connections of functioning of control system of object of grid. Project competence is associated with the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships of the control system of the object grid. Mastering the organizational and administrative and research competencies is not possible without establishing causality construction and operation of the control system of the object grid. The expediency of application of the causal training for future engineers on automation of grids on the basis of a causal model of knowledge is shown. The structural elements of the model are the concepts that are presented in the form of subsystems: the purpose, the principle of operation, the device and the parameters. Develop a causal model of knowledge of the operation and construction of power grid facilities management systems, which can be applied at all levels of detail. The models should serve as a methodological basis for the presentation of courses of training engineers on automation of grids.
In the article the existent problems of professional preparation of engineers are indicated on automation of grids that can be decided by means of realization of competence-based approach in educating. Competence-based approach is oriented on forming of professional competences in the process of educating. In the article maintenance is certain professional competences engineer on automation of grids, namely operating, project, organizationally-administrative and research. The types of work within each competence is analyzed. It is shown that effective implementation of professional actions within the framework of operating competence requires establishing cause-and-effect connections of functioning of control system of object of grid. Project competence is associated with the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships of the control system of the object grid. Mastering the organizational and administrative and research competencies is not possible without establishing causality construction and operation of the control system of the object grid. The expediency of application of the causal training for future engineers on automation of grids on the basis of a causal model of knowledge is shown. The structural elements of the model are the concepts that are presented in the form of subsystems: the purpose, the principle of operation, the device and the parameters. Develop a causal model of knowledge of the operation and construction of power grid facilities management systems, which can be applied at all levels of detail. The models should serve as a methodological basis for the presentation of courses of training engineers on automation of grids.
Ключові слова
компетентність професійна, система знань, модель причинно-наслідкова, professional competence, causal model, knowledge system
Бібліографічний опис
Рудевіч Н. В. Визначення методології навчання майбутніх інженерів з автоматизації енергосистем / Н. В. Рудевіч // Теорія і практика управління соціальними системами: філософія, психологія, педагогіка, соціологія. – 2015. – № 2. – С. 96-104.