Noun Inflectional System of Interslavic Language
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Linguistics nowadays is extending the limits of theory. Many systems of morphological analysis, synthesis and lemmatization that focus on the grammatical specificity of the appropriate language have been developed in recent decades. Interlsavic language that has recently emerged is gaining popularity. Thus, we have formalized the model for the noun inflectional paradigm of Interslavic language This article describes the noun inflectional paradigm of Interslavic language developed on the basis of the Shirokov`s inflectional paradigm. Also, this study analyzes the grammar states of the noun in paradigm classes. The author suggests differentiation of grammatical groups and paradigmatic classes for Interslavic language.
Бібліографічний опис
Kupchenko A. Noun Inflectional System of Interslavic Language [Electronic resource] / A. Kupchenko, Y. Kupriianov // Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (COLINS 2020) : proc. of the 4th Intern. Conf., April 23-24, 2020. Vol. 2. – Electronic text data. – Lviv, 2020. – P. 232-233. – Access mode:, free (date of the application 15.02.2024.).