Кафедра "Менеджмент"

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Від грудня 2021 року кафедра має назву "Менеджмент", попередня назва – "Менеджмент та оподаткування".

Кафедра "Менеджмент та оподаткування" заснована у 1991 році, добре відомим в Україні організатором науки та освіти, доктором технічних наук, заслуженим діячем науки і техніки України, академіком Леонідом Миколайовичем Івіним та є першою в Україні кафедрою менеджменту.

Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту економіки, менеджменту і міжнародного бізнесу Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут". За понад 30-річний період кафедрою здійснено підготовку і випуск понад 2000 фахівців в області менеджменту.

У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 3 доктора економічних наук, 23 кандидата наук: 18 –економічних, 2 – технічних, 1 – фізико-математичних, 1 – педагогічних, 1 – наук з державного управління; 2 співробітника мають звання професора, 18 – доцента. Викладачі кафедри мають практичний міжнародний досвід та володіють англійською мовою, що дає змогу проводити навчання як українською, так і англійською мовами.


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 10 з 10
  • Ескіз
    Methodological recommendations to perform independent, individual and practical work of the course "Entrepreneurship"
    (National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2023) Prokhorenko, O. V.; Sychova, O. E.; Gorovyi, Dmytro Anatoliiovych
    The student starts studying the educational discipline "Entrepreneurship" after having listened to most of the educational disciplines of humanitarian and professional cycles. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study of the discipline "Еntrepreneurship" is the previous educational disciplines: ", "Venture entrepreneurship", "Marketing", "Management". In turn, knowledge from this discipline ensures the successful assimilation of such educational disciplines as: "Social entrepreneurship", "Controlling entrepreneurial activity", "Assessment of business efficiency" and others, as well as the implementation of trainings, interdisciplinary complex coursework, master's theses. The purpose of teaching this educational discipline is the formation of a system of professional competencies in students regarding the laws of conducting international business, the place, role and influence on the development of the country and its state in the world economy. Тhe main goal of researching entrepreneurial activity is to create and discover new information that did not exist before, and until the creation process is completed, this information does not exist and cannot be known to anyone, and therefore it is not within human power to make neoclassical decisions about placement in advance resources in accordance with expected costs and benefits.
  • Ескіз
    On the way to QMS implementation: the main milestones and issues in emerging economy
    (2022) Lebedynets, V.; Prokhorenko, O. V.; Brin, P. V.; Nehme, M. N.
    The aim of the research is to analyze typical problems in the implementation of quality management systems (QMS) on the basis of private production enterprises which operate in emerging economy context and to develop a rational strategic plan for the design and implementation of such a system, taking into account the experience of successful organizations. The main benefits of implementing QMS are presented. In the article it is recommended to consider the formation of QMS as a project with the appropriate stages of activities. The following positions are envisaged at the initiation stage: formalization of the decision on QMS implementation, appointment of project participants, project team training, as well as development of mission, vision, quality policy and QMS process structure. At the implementation stage, it is proposed to develop and approve QMS documents, as well as to implement an internal audit program. At the stage of project closure, it is advisable to put into operation the developed system and pass a certification audit in order to obtain a certificate of compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001. The article presents the structure, content, sequence and estimated duration of all the stages of the project, as well as the division of responsibilities between the project team members. Emphasis is placed on the main issues which can arise at different stages of such a project. In the paper the following range of issues was identified: inconsistency of QMS processes structure with the existing organizational structure of the enterprise; incorrect definition of the performance indicators for processes at different hierarchy levels; erroneous decisions in the internal documentation system organizing. In its turn, in the article the causes for the above-mentioned issues were identified, namely: insufficient motivation of project participants, lack of time or other necessary resources, unwillingness to change the current management system of the company, inconsistency of real goals with the stated ones, etc. In the article it is proposed to divide the main causes of issues into three basic groups: by project participants (personal), bureaucratic (systemic) and leadership (administrative). The authors propose a number of measures to minimize the risks of issues in the QMS implementation, and determine the distribution of areas of responsibility for these measures organizing.
  • Ескіз
    Strategic Contribution of a Business Process to Company's Performance
    (University of Tehran, 2020) Brin, P. V.; Prokhorenko, O. V.; Nehme, M. N.; Trabulsi, H.
    The study is aimed at assessing the strategic importance of a business processes for achieving sustainable competitive advantage, therefore, in this article the theoretical approach for measuring the strategic contribution of a business process to an enterprise’s business system is presented. For evaluating of a business process strategic importance the study proposes the system of economic and managerial indicators, which includes the process’ contribution to the added value, its compliance to critical success factors, and its organizational involvement. Сombining these three indicators into one integral allows it to be used in different types of matrix analysis to make decisions on improving of a company’s business system.
  • Ескіз
    Organizational development concept definition: historical aspect and morphological analysis
    (Видавничий дім "Інтернаука", 2020) Osondu, Marvis G.; Prokhorenko, O. V.
    The article is aimed at studying approaches to the definition of “Organizational Development” (OD). A study of definitions and characteristics of the OD concept has shown that most authors use keywords to explain the essence of the concept, others focus on the constituent elements as objects of influence. Many of researchers add a goal or desired outcome, and others consider organizational development more likely in terms of the approaches used. A number of definitions provided by various authors from 1970 to the present are considered. Using of morphological analysis, the definition was decomposed by the formula “what, of what, for what and with what” into the following constituent elements: keyword, object of influence, goal, approach or means. The most repetitive keyword is “process”, the most common goal is “effectiveness and efficiency of the organization”. Objects as operands are organizational strategies, structure and culture. And for the most part, the authors note the behavioral approach as the main one used in organizational development. A generalized definition is made of the most recurring elements. Each of the elements was subjected to further analysis in chronological order. In particular, it was defined a change in the formulation of OD goal to ”meet the needs of stakeholders” and in approaches to organizational development, namely from a purely behavioral to systemic. Given these considerations, Organizational Development is defined as an ongoing process of transforming organizational strategies, structures and culture to meet external and internal stakeholders through a system of approaches, most notably behavioral. This definition allows you to form an idea of OD as a process, and consider it in the dynamics and identify the objects of influence or focus of attention and management efforts; declares the main goal of development, on which depends the formulation of the desired current results. Based on these three components, approaches or methods of influence should be identified, because, as noted, only the behavioral approach is not exhaustive in OD.
  • Ескіз
    Management of organizations
    (2022) Brin, P. V.; Prokhorenko, O. V.
  • Ескіз
    International collaboration learning: using instruments Web 2.0 for organizing studying process in adverse conditions (Covid-19; the war in Ukraine)
    (Liepaja Marine College, Latvia, 2022) Brin, P. V.; Prokhorenko, O. V.
  • Ескіз
    Guidelines for bachelor’s thesis preparation
    (2022) Krasnokutska, N. S.; Prokhorenko, O. V.; Nashchekina, O. M.; Kovshyk, V. I.
    This manual is intended to provide guidance for writing a thesis to students pursuing a bachelor degree in Management and studying within the Business Administration or the Management of Organizations and Administration educational programs.
  • Ескіз
    Management review: the key points
    (2022) Brin, P. V.; Prokhorenko, O. V.
  • Ескіз
    A manual for master's thesis preparation (the structure and formatting requirements)
    (2021) Krasnokutska, N. S.; Nashchekina, O. M.; Prokhorenko, O. V.; Horbunov, M. P.
    The final step in the graduate program leading to the Master of Management degree is the submission of a Master’s thesis. A Master’s thesis represents a research project carried out by a student under the direction of a faculty member. The academic curriculum allots 450 hours to the thesis preparation, which corresponds to 15 ECTS credits. A thesis should be prepared in accordance with the university’s standards and requirements for a Master’s thesis concerning its structure, contents, volume as well as the manuscript formatting. This manual is complementary to the Guidelines for the Preparation of Master’s Theses and intended to help students pursuing their master’s degree in management within the educational and professional programs “Management of Organizations and Administration” and “Business Administration” prepare the manuscripts of their master’s theses. The manual lays out the requirements for the manuscript structure and provides instructions for the manuscript formatting (font type, font style, font size, spacing etc.). The manual is based on two standards developed at National technical university “Kharkiv polytechnic institute”: СТЗВО-ХПІ-2.01-2018 і СТЗВО-ХПІ-3.01-2018. It is not meant to be an exhaustive guide for the thesis manuscript formatting but it covers the most important issues and provides examples of the formatting of structural elements of the manuscript. The students should submit both an electronic copy of their theses and a hard copy properly bound. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that the thesis meets the formatting requirements described in this manual. Before submitting their Master’s theses to the department, students should contact the faculty member responsible for checking the manuscripts for the compliance with the structure and formatting requirements and get his/her approval (signature on the title page).
  • Ескіз
    Assessment of the efficiency of outsourcing at industrial enterprises
    (Leipzig University, 2018) Prokhorenko, O. V.
    A method for assessing the effectiveness of business process outsourcing is proposed. Also elements of income and costs in outsourcing are described.