Кафедра "Мікро- та наноелектроніка"
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Від 2022 року (НАКАЗ 31 ОД від 21.01.2022 року) кафедра має назву "Мікро- та наноелектроніка", первісна назва – "Фізичне матеріалознавство для електроніки та геліоенергетики". З 1.09.2024 р. (НАКАЗ 303 ОД від 28.08.2024 року ) кафедра "Радіоелектроніка" приєднана до кафедри "Мікро- та наноелектроніка"
Кафедра "Фізичне матеріалознавство для електроніки та геліоенергетики" була заснована у 1988 році з ініціативи Заслуженого діяча науки та техніки України, доктора фізико-математичних наук, профессора Бойка Бориса Тимофійовича.
За час існування кафедри в галузі електроніки на основі тонкоплівкових моделей були розроблені: нові технологічні методи виготовлення надійних конденсаторів на основі танталу та ніобію, елемент захисту електронних схем від імпульсних перепадів напруги, що не має світових аналогів, резистивний газовий датчик адсорбційно-напівпровідникового типу для аналізу навколишнього середовища тощо.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту комп'ютерного моделювання, прикладної фізики та математики Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 1 доктор технічних наук, 4 кандидата технічних наук, 2 кандидата фізико-математичних наук; 3 співробітника мають звання доцента, 2 – старшого наукового співробітника, 1 – старшого дослідника.
Документ Adopting of DC Magnetron Sputtering Method For Preparing Semiconductor Films(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017) Kirichenko, M. V.; Zaitsev, R. V.; Dobrozhan, A. I.; Khrypunov, G. S.; Kharchenko, M. M.It has been carried out the experimental studies of the process of cadmium telluride magnetron sputtering with direct current, and the impact of a magnetron sputtering mode on CdTe films crystalline structure. In order to create thin-film solar cells based on cadmium sulfide and telluride CdTe films for the base layers of thin film solar cells was obtained on flexible polyimide substrates by magnetron sputtering with direct current for the first time. It has found that increasing the magnetron discharge current up to 80 mA leads to increase in coherent scattering regions what is due to an increase in the thickness of the cadmium telluride films of the hexagonal modification having a columnar structure.Документ Attestation of solar cells by back EMF method(Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine, 2014) Lobatenko, D. D.; Kirichenko, M. V.; Zaitsev, R. V.; Kopach, V. R.Документ Automation of Quasi-Closed Space Method Based on ARM Microcontroller(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016) Zaitsev, R. V.; Kirichenko, M. V.; Prokopenko, D. S.; Zaitseva, L. V.Документ Back surface reflector optimization for thin single crystalline silicon solar cells(Scientific and Technological Corporation "Institute for Single Crystals", 2007) Kopach, V. R.; Kirichenko, M. V.; Shramko, S. V.; Zaitsev, R. V.; Tymchuk, I. T.; Antonova, V. A.; Listratenko, A. M.It has been shown that for single crystalline silicon solar cells (Si-SC) with 180-200 μm thick base crystals, the optimum back surface reflector (BSR) is TiO₂/Al with 0.18 μm thick oxide layer. At such BSR, the reflection coefficient for photoelectric active sunlight reaching the back surface of Si-SC at 0.88-1.11 μm wavelengths attains 81 to 92 % against of 71 to 87 % at direct Al contact with back surface of silicon base crystal.Документ Conception of Flexible Thin-Film Solar Battery for Autonomous Hybrid Thermophotoenergy Unit(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016) Kirichenko, M. V.; Zaitsev, R. V.; Lobotenko, D. S.; Zaitseva, L. V.Документ Constructive solution of highly effective photoenergy module: development and experimental testing(Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт", 2019) Zaitsev, R. V.; Kirichenko, M. V.; Khrypunov, G. S.; Zaitseva, L. V.; Chugai, O. N.; Drozdova, A. A.Based on experimental study and computermodeling of working temperature influence on the efficiency of Chinese production silicon solar cells identified temperature dependence of efficiency shows the feasibility of using Chinese production Si-SC in the construction of photovoltaic thermal system, which together with the heat pump is part of a combined system for hot water supply, heating and air conditioning. Based on a detailed analysis of the working temperature influence on the efficiency of photovoltaic processes that determine the solar cells work, it has been developed the optimal construction and technological solution of hybrid solar generated module, the main feature ofwhich is the heat exchange block, designed to reduce the solar cells working temperature. The experimental testing of hybrid modules samples equipped with developed cooling system, high-voltage part of power take-off system demonstrates their reliability and high efficiency which allow to achieve the such module efficiency up to 18.5 %.Документ Dependence of minority charge carriers lifetime on point defects type and their concentration in single-crystal silicon(Scientific and Technological Corporation "Institute for Single Crystals", 2011) Zaitsev, R. V.; Kirichenko, M. V.; Doroshenko, A. N.; Khrypunov, G. S.Using the computer simulation method it was studied the dependences of nonequili-brium electrons lifetime from concentration of elementary bulk point defects and various complexes of the bulk point defects, which may be present in the diode structures based on p-type conductivity boron doped silicon crystals with 10 Ohm-cm resistivity, grown by the Czochralski method. A number of obtained results well correlated with the experimental data related to the effects of photon degradation in solar cells which based on considered type silicon crystals (Si-SC) and influence of a stationary magnetic field on such devices efficiency. Overall, our results provide additional possibility for the evolution features prediction of electronic, and consequently, functional parameters, not only for Si-SC, but also for other devices based on such diode structures. It will allow looking for the most efficient and cost effective ways to optimize their design-technological solutions, and also estimates their reliability and durability level.Документ Design of silicon solar cells with horizontal aligned p-n junctions for high voltage operation(National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 2014) Semenenko, M. O.; Klyui, N. I.; Ganus, V. O.; Kirichenko, M. V.; Zaitsev, R. V.; Kharchenko, M. M.Документ Development and approbation the automatization complex current-voltage characteristics measurement(Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine, 2014) Prokopenko, D. S.; Zaitsev, R. V.; Kirichenko, M. V.Документ Development and new application of single-crystal silicon solar cells(2011) Khrypunov, G. S.; Kopach, V. R.; Kirichenko, M. V.; Zaitsev, R. V.Документ Double-layer ITO/Al back surface reflector for single-junction silicon photoconverters(Scientific and Technological Corporation "Institute for Single Crystals", 2008) Kopach, V. R.; Kirichenko, M. V.; Shramko, S. V.; Zaitsev, R. V.It has been shown that to increase the efficiency and manufacturability of single-crystal silicon photovoltaic solar energy converters (Si-PVC) with 180-200 μm thick base crystals having a polished photoreceiving surface and double-layer back surface reflector (BSR) consisting of a transparent oxide and aluminum layers, a conductive transparent indium-tin oxide (ITO) layer of 0.25 μm interference thickness is to be used as the nonmetallic BSR layer. It provides the ITO/Al BSR reflection coefficient in the range of 85 < R < 96 % for solar radiation photoactive component incident the Si-PVC back surface at substantially zero contribution of ITO layer resistance to the device series resistance. In the case of Si-PVC with inverted pyramid type texture of crystal photoreceiving surface at which the specificity of light distribution in the crystal causes total reflection of radiation from Si/ITO interface, the ITO layer thickness should be experimentally optimized in the 1-2 μm range independently of base crystal thickness to minimize the photoactive radiation losses and ITO layer resistance.Документ Effect of extraterrestrial solar UV radiation on structure and properties of ZnO films obtained by wet chemical methods(Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University, 2019) Klochko, N. P.; Khrypunova, I. V.; Klepikova, K. S.; Petrushenko, S. I.; Kopach, V. R.; Zhadan, D. O.; Khrypunova, A. L.; Dukarov, S. V.; Lyubov, V. M.; Kirichenko, M. V.Документ Effect of Plasma, RF, and RIE Treatments on Properties of Double-Sided High Voltage Solar Cells with Vertically Aligned p-n Junctions(2016) Semenenko, M. O.; Dusheiko, M. G.; Mamykin, S. V.; Ganus, V. O.; Kirichenko, M. V.; Zaitsev, R. V.; Kharchenko, M. M.; Klyui, N. I.Si-based solar cells with vertically aligned p-n junctions operating at high voltage were designed and fabricated. The plasma treatments and antireflection coating deposition on the working surfaces of both single- and multijunction cells were made using the special holders. It was shown that additional treatment of solar cells in argon plasma prior to hydrogen plasma treatment and deposition of diamond-like carbon antireflection films led to the improvement of the cell efficiency by up to 60%. Radio frequency waves support plasma generation and improve photoelectric conversionmainly due to reduction of internal stresses at the interfaces. Application of reactive ion etching technique removes the broken layer, reduces elastic strain in the wafer, decreases recombination of charge carriers in the bulk, and provides cell efficiency increase by up to ten times.Документ Electronic Parameters of a New Thin Film Composition for Kesterite Solar Cell(Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника, 2017) Klochko, N. P.; Khrypunov, G. S.; Kopach, V. R.; Lukianova, O. V.; Lyubov, V. M.; Kirichenko, M. V.Документ Flexible thermoelectric module based on zinc oxide thin film grown via SILAR(2021) Klochko, N. P.; Klepikova, K. S.; Khrypunova, I. V.; Zhadan, D. O.; Petrushenko, S. I.; Kopach, V. R.; Dukarov, S. V.; Sukhov, V. M.; Kirichenko, M. V.; Khrypunova, A. L.In this work, we used the low temperature solution growth Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) for a deposition of the nanostructured undoped and indium doped (ZnO and ZnO:In) thin films on flexible polyimide (PI) substrates for their use as cheap non-toxic thermoelectric materials in the flexible thermoelectric modules of planar type to power up portable and wearable electronics and miniature devices. The use of a zincate solution in the SILAR method allows to obtain ZnO:In film, which after post-growth annealing at 300 ◦C has low resistivity ρ ≈ 0.02 Ω m, and high Seebeck coefficient 147 μV/K and thermoelectric power factor at near-room temperatures. As evidence of the operability of the manufactured films as the basis of the TE device, we have designed and tested experimental lightweight thin-film thermoelectric module. This TE module is able to produce specific output power 0.8 μW/m2 at ΔT = 50 K.Документ Flexible thin films for solar cells based on cadmium sulfide(НТУ "ХПІ", 2018) Zaitsev, R. V.; Khrypunov, M. G.; Kirichenko, M. V.; Khrypunova, I. V.For the purpose of creation of the economic, suitable for large-scale application technology of formation of a layer of wide-scale "window", for thin-film photo-electric converters on the basis of sulfide and telluride of cadmium the pilot studies of temperature effect of a deposition of the films of sulfide of cadmium received by method of magnetron dispersion on a direct current on their optical properties and crystalline structure were conducted. By method of a two-channel optical spectroscopy it is established that a deposition of films of sulfide of cadmium at a temperature of 160 °C allows to form layers with a width of forbidden region of 1,41 eV that approaches value, characteristic of monocrystals, and the density of the photon flux passing through a cadmium sulfide layer in a spectral interval of a photosensitivity of telluride of cadmium at the level of 37,0 W·nm·cm².Документ High-voltage power take-off system for photovoltaic station(Кременчуцький національний університет ім. Михайла Остроградського, 2016) Zaitsev, R. V.; Kirichenko, M. V.; Khrypunov, G. S.; Prokopenko, D. S.Документ Hybrid thermophotoenergy module with thin-film solar cells(Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2016) Zaitsev, R. V.; Zaitseva, L. V.; Kirichenko, M. V.Документ Increasing of the effectiveness of the industrial silicon photo-electric transformers for the hybrid photo-power module(Луцький національний технічний університет, 2017) Zaytsev, R. V.; Kirichenko, M. V.; Zaytseva, L. V.; Veselova, N. V.Possibilities of increase in effectiveness over 20% for Chinese made silicon photo-electric transformers have been investigated. By the method of computer designing operation it is established that the lifetimes of nonequilibrium charge carriers realized in such photo-electric transformers which make 520 mcs do not limit a possibility of increasing their efficiency over 20%. It is shown that increase in density of a photo current up to 43.1 mA/cm² leads up to 20.1% to body height of efficiency, and decrease in density of the diode saturation current to 3.1∙10⁻¹⁴ A/cm² - causes body height of efficiency to 20.4%. Simultaneous change of these of a diode characteristic leads to increase of efficiency up to 23.1%. In work physicotechnological approaches for increase in density of a photo current and decrease of density of the diode saturation current in ready photo-electric transformers are offered.Документ Influence of UV light of extraterrestrial solar irradiance on structure and properties of ZnO films prepared through pulsed electrochemical deposition and via SILAR method(Сумський державний університет, 2018) Klochko, N. P.; Klepikova, K. S.; Petrushenko, S. I.; Kopach, V. R.; Khrypunov, G. S.; Zhadan, D. O.; Dukarov, S. V.; Lyubov, V. M.; Kirichenko, M. V.; Surovitskiy, S. V.; Khrypunova, A. L.The investigations of effect of long-wave (UVA) and short-wave (UVC) ultraviolet light of extraterres-trial solar irradiance on the nanostructured zinc oxide arrays, which were grown by pulsed electrodeposition, as well as on the ZnO and ZnO:In films produced by Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction technique (SILAR) confirmed their suitability as UVA-active photosensitive materials. The crystal structure, surface morphology, chemical composition and optical properties found no obvious significant destructive changes after UVC irradiation. However, we detected some irreversible changes in the nature of point defects under the influence of UVC, which affect the ZnO and ZnO:In resistivity, activation energy, photosensitivity and thermoelectrical properties.