Кафедра "Туризм i готельно-ресторанний бізнес"
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Від листопада 2021 року кафедра має назву "Туризм і готельно-ресторанний бізнес". Перейменована під час реорганізації кафедри "Бізнес-аналітики, обліку та готельно-ресторанної справи" (НАКАЗ 552 ОД від 26.11.2021 року).
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Результати пошуку
Документ Optimization of factorial portfolio of trade enterprises in the conditions of the non-payment crisis(IBIMA publishing, 2019) Nesterenko, Svetlana; Drobyazko, Svetlana; Abramova, Olha; Siketina, Natalya HennadievnaThe economic mechanism for factoring management of trade enterprises was improved by applying a tool for refinancing receivables involving third parties, which will contribute to the effective management of fundraising processes from the standpoint of the income approach. The instruments for the implementation of the economic mechanism of factoring management of commercial enterprises, consisting of five blocks were improved (analysis of commercial enterprise debtors’ solvency in order to transfer them to factoring services; analysis of accounts receivable and assessment of its real value; planning of cash flows from factoring operations; factoring implementation assessment; monitoring and control of the repayment of receivables in the process of factoring services), that allows substantiating practical recommendations for improving the level of factoring management. Based on the concept of a portfolio of investments, a factoring model was built to optimize the debtors of the enterprise.Документ Adaptive development of competitive advantages of an industrial enterprise on the basis of analysis and ensuring the competitiveness of its products(Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Gospodarcza, 2019) Siketina, Natalya HennadievnaInsufficient theoretical study of the issues of adapting the resource potential of an enterprise in the context of imperatives of innovative development reinforces the theoretical and practical significance of conducting a study aimed at studying the processes of the essence of adapting the resource potential of an industrial enterprise within a cluster, developing tools for evaluating and managing this process, allowing to model alternative uses of key components their potential within the cluster. Successful implementation of this task implies the development of an organizational and managerial mechanism for managing the potential of industrial enterprises - potential cluster members, including the formation of a capitalization strategy for their resource potential, an important unit that is information-analytical tools integrated into the cluster management system as a whole. This determined the relevance of the allocation of this spectrum of problems in an independent direction of scientific research, had a direct impact on the choice of topics, setting goals and objectives.Документ Determination of audit activity in modern conditions(Leipzig University, 2018) Siketina, Natalya HennadievnaThe task of compulsory audit of financial statements is the provision of reasonable assurance that is accepted and performed by the entity in accordance with the requirements of this Law and international standards of audit by checking the financial statements or consolidated financial statements in order to express an independent opinion of the auditor on its compliance with all significant aspects and compliance with the requirements of international financial reporting standards or national accounting (statutory) standards and laws of Ukraine.Документ Adaptation industrial enterprises to changed competitive environment(Science initiative "Universum", 2018) Siketina, Natalya HennadievnaCompetitive environment results in positive changes in market agents' relations. At the same time, it is characterized by constant, often unpredictable, changes in the conditions of their existence, which, for one, positively affects production activity, while others have a negative impact on efficiency, often leading them to bankruptcy. These features of the competitive environment require the identification of the mechanism of adaptation of enterprises to its changes, namely, the reengineering of the internal environment of the enterprise, in accordance with the variability of external economic conditions, based on a certain production policy.Документ Innovative development of industrial enterprises on the basis of adaptive process(Мукачівський державний університет, 2018) Mehovich, S. A.; Siketina, Natalya HennadievnaThe article is devoted to topical issues of adaptation of industrial enterprises under the influence of a changing competitive environment. The theoretical issues of the economic category of "adaptation", "adaptation process" and "adaptation system" with respect to industrial enterprises are investigated. The basis for ensuring the development of industrial enterprises has been determined. The system nature of the task of optimizing the interaction of the external and internal structure of the enterprise has been determined.Документ Necessity application dispersion analysis of enterprises in modern conditions(Харківський національний університет міського господарства ім. О. М. Бекетова, 2018) Siketina, Natalya HennadievnaThe dispersion analysis is used to determine the relationship between the indicators, quantitative assessment of risk parameters. In the analysis of enterprises can different methods and models of analysis are used. Their number and the breadth of application depends on the specific objectives of the analysis and is determined by it tasks in each individual case. When collecting compulsory statistical information, it is quite easy to conduct a dispersion analysis of domestic activities to ensure financial and economic security.Документ System-issues of development of hotel business(Уманський національний університет садівництва, 2018) Siketina, Natalya HennadievnaThe development of a hotel business development strategy should include the following methodological approaches to the sequence of execution of works: the definition of goals and objectives for gaining strategic positions in the market, achieving the necessary technical level and product quality, increasing the efficiency of service delivery; determining the real possibilities of the hotel company for the implementation of the stated goals and objectives; justification of the development strategy, that is, the development of long-term and current measures of economic and financial development of the hotel company in order to provide the above-mentioned tasks; estimation of probable results; the development and adoption of corrective measures to achieve the planned results activity of hotel enterprise.So in deciding to optimize the development of the hotel business, it is necessary to determine the ways of its implementation, that is, to choose the appropriate strategy of activity.Документ Analysis of economic concept of adaptation of the enterprises(МЕНПІК "Economy", 2018) Siketina, Natalya HennadievnaEach enterprise, organizing and developing production and marketing activities, must always take into account the factors associated with changes in the external and internal competitive environment for it. The research of the essence of the concept of "adaptation" makes an important contribution to the understanding of adaptation. One can understand the adaptation of industrial enterprises as a flexible process of adapting to constant changes from the outside on the basis of sustained support for internal changes aimed at supporting the competitiveness of the enterprise.Документ Achievements economic efficiency of machinebuilding enterprise based on indicators competitiveness of its products(Yunona Publishing, 2018) Siketina, Natalya HennadievnaThe non-price factor in the process of assessing the level of petitiveness of products is practically not used, therefore its level, calculated without its consideration, does not objectively reflect the specific situation on the market. Summing up outlined above conclude that the use of the non-price and logistic approach as factors of increasing the competitiveness of products implies that decisions taken in relation to purchasing, transportation and storage of products should also be considered from their influence on the formation of costs and profits of the enterprise. The proposed approach for calculating non-price and logistic factors ensuring the competitiveness of products will provide a more accurate assessment he level of competitiveness of domestic products by accounting for expenses associated with the movement of goods. Work in this direction is promising, especially for products sold on the foreign market.Документ Strategies for sustainable development of machine-building enterprise(Mieszko I School of Education and Administration, 2018) Siketina, Natalya HennadievnaEnterprises must identify those that affect its activities, identify the acceptable level of risk and how to calculate it, in order to reduce or prevent the risk of making managerial decisions. Since in the process of functioning of the enterprise there is a lagging of the values of the actually obtained indicators from the desired, there is not only the need to respond to changes in the environment of the enterprise, as well as their prediction. Consequently, the management of machine-building enterprises should develop a forecast of possible changes (positive and negative deviations) in the dynamics of the main indicators of its activities