Кафедра "Педагогіка та психологія управління соціальними системами ім. акад. І. А. Зязюна"

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Від 2014 року кафедра має назву "Педагогіка та психологія управління соціальними системами ім. акад. І. А. Зязюна", первісна назва – "Педагогіка та психологія управління соціальними системами".

Кафедра "Педагогіка та психологія управління соціальними системами" – перша та єдина в Україні кафедра серед технічних ЗВО України, яка цілеспрямовано займається проблемами лідерства та управлінської підготовки на різних рівнях освіти, створена 15 лютого 2000 року. Від 2000 року під керівництвом чл.-коресп. НАПН України, доктора педагогічних наук, професора Олександра Георгійовича Романовського функціонує наукова школа лідерства "Формування особистості лідера в науці, освіті, бізнесі", від 2015 року – Центр лідерства.

Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту соціально-гуманітарних технологій Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".

У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 2 доктора педагогічних наук, 1 доктор наук з державного управління, 12 кандидатів педагогічних, 11 – психологічних, 2 – технічних, 1 – мистецтвознавства, 1– філософських, 1 – наук з державного управління; 5 співробітників мають звання професора, 21 – доцента.


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 6 з 6
  • Ескіз
    Use of smart technologies in the training of specialists in higher education institutions
    (2023) Kostyria, Iryna; Bereziuk, Dmytro; Sadovyi, Mykola; Podoprygora, Nataliia; Tryfonova, Olena
    Attention is focused on the importance of the use of smart technologies in the training of specialists in institutions of higher education. From the perspective of the educational system, smart society and smart education are presented, which are included in the content of a new type of education, in which the use of smart information technologies is mandatory. The main task of the educational space for smart education is written down - creating a basis for the possibility of realizing the intellectual and creative potential of education seekers. New opportunities for the education system created by smart technologies are described. The advantages of smart technologies and the features of their application in the educational process are listed. The main principles of smart education are highlighted and the components of smart education are listed. Online platforms, online services, portals, and applications, which are presented as smart technology tools within the scope of the study, were identified and divided into the groups of smart store, smart interaction, smart response, and smart trainer.
  • Ескіз
    Spiritual and moral value orientations as a guarantee of personally significant qualities of student youth
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2021) Kostyria, Iryna; Filipenko, Larysa
    In the article it is studied out that the spiritual and moral value orientations education of students is becoming increasingly important. It is determined that the need to establish in education approaches that ensure a harmonious balance of moral and professional qualities of graduates of higher education institutions is emphasized in the strategic documents of education of Ukraine. The research emphasizes that the effectiveness of spiritual and moral education of future engineers is realized due to students' awareness of the essence of spiritual and moral value orientations, as well as stimulating the need for professional self-development of future professionals. The article describes the implementation of the author's special course “Spiritual and moral value orientations: ways of education” in the educational process of Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University.
  • Ескіз
    Youth leadership in England
    (2020) Kostyria, Iryna; Tahiri, Younes
  • Ескіз
    Teaching of professionally oriented foreign language on the basis of a competency-based approach in technical universities
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020) Kostyria, Iryna; Fandieieva, Alina
    The article reveals the implementation of a competency-based approach in the process of teaching of professionally oriented foreign language makes it possible to ensure the integrity of professional training of future professionals and the implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”. The main directions of implementation of a competency-based approach in the process of teaching of business foreign language to future specialists of technical universities have been determined: updating of a target-oriented component and improving the substantial component in a system of professionally oriented training of foreign language; reorientation of the educational process from knowledgeoriented one to practice-oriented one; determination of learning outcomes in the form of foreign language competencies formed in student; application of such educational technologies that would contribute to the creation of educational and professional situations, the main purpose of which is to ensure the formation of certain foreign language competencies in students during the educational process.
  • Ескіз
    Leadership position as a predictor of professional success of a future teacher of higher education
    (2020) Kostyria, Iryna
    The aim of the publication is to present the results of a study of the correlation between leadership position indicators of future teachers of higher education and their potential professional success, which was assessed using the expert assessment method. It is specified that the leadership position of a future higher education lecturers is a personal formation, which includes a future professional's awareness of the readiness to fulfill the role of a leader and the ability to organizational impact on the teaching staff. The empirical study (n = 58) revealed statistically significant correlations between all the research constructs, which confirmed the need to develop a focused program to form a leadership position for future higher education lecturers.
  • Ескіз
    Formation of the leadership position of professionals in higher education institutions
    (LUMEN Publishing House, Romania, 2020) Shelestova, Liudmyla; Kostyria, Iryna; Fedyaeva, Valentina; Brychok, Svitlana; Bohomolova, Maryna; Tomashevska, Iryna
    The article theoretically substantiates, develops and experimentally verifies pedagogical conditions for forming the leadership position of future engineers in higher education institutions of technical profile. The concept of the leadership position of a future engineer was first defined as a conscious willingness to fulfill the role of a leader and the totality of all relations of his personality to the reality formed in a certain system of group relationships generated by this awareness. The basic components of a leadership position are defined: motivational-value, cognitive, activity and personal. It is experimentally proved that pedagogical conditions of formation of the leadership position of the future engineer in the institution of higher technical education are: involvement of students in practical independent activity, which involves the application of organizational, communicative, cognitive, reflexive skills and causes the manifestation of their leadership; modeling of profession-ally oriented tasks, which require students to choose the best ways of leadership influence in situations of dialog and group interaction; nurturing a valuable attitude to leadership in out-of-class and classroom work. The model of realization of pedagogical conditions of formation of the leadership position of future engineers in institutions of higher technical education has been developed, which includes the purpose, methodological approaches, methodological support of the realization of pedagogical conditions, estimation of levels of formation of leadership position in future engineers. The special importance of the complex and consistent introduction of pedagogical conditions in work with future engineers is shown.