Публікація: Двоїстий характер впливу тіньової економіки на рівень економічної безпеки
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Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"
У статті розроблено теоретико-методологічних підходів до забезпечення економічної безпеки в умовах протидії тіньовій економіці. Відповідно до поставленої мети в статті вирішено наступні завдання: виявлено структуру загроз економічній безпеці та визначити їх види; досліджено підходи до поняття «тіньова економіка» та уточнено її визначення; досліджено вплив тіньової економіки на рівень економічної безпеки; обґрунтовано політику протидії тіньовій економіці. Доведено, що тіньова економіка є важким для дослідження та обліку феноменом. Визначень тіньової економіки є досить багато, що пов’язано з тим, що у структурі вона досить різноманітна. Запропоновано сюди включати різноманітні види діяльності, які не враховуються офіційною статистикою, не включаються до ВВП, тобто, що існують поза правовим полем. Це є причиною тому, що тіньову економіку неможливо точно виміряти і часто дані про розміри тіньової економіки з різних джерел суттєво розходяться. Проведене дослідження надає підстави зробити висновок про двоїстий характер тіньової економіки, яка крім явно виражених недоліків та загроз економічній безпеці, має і певні позитивні моменти, зокрема, в соціально-економічній сфері країни. Значний обсяг тіньової економіки в нашій країні, що продовжує нарощуватися, видається дуже небезпечним з точки зору економічної політики в умовах глобалізації.
The article develops theoretical and methodological approaches to ensuring economic security in the conditions of combating the shadow economy. In accordance with the set goal, the following tasks are solved in the article: the structure of threats to economic security is revealed and their types are determined; approaches to the concept of "shadow economy" were investigated and its definition was clarified; the influence of the shadow economy on the level of economic security was investigated; the policy of combating the shadow economy is substantiated. It has been proven that the shadow economy is a difficult phenomenon to study and account for. There are quite a few definitions of the shadow economy, which is due to the fact that it is quite diverse in structure. It is proposed to include here various types of activities that are not taken into account by official statistics, are not included in GDP, that is, that exist outside the legal field. This is the reason why the shadow economy cannot be accurately measured and often data on the size of the shadow economy from different sources differ significantly. The conducted research gives reasons to conclude about the dual nature of the shadow economy, which, in addition to clearly expressed shortcomings and threats to economic security, also has certain positive aspects, in particular, in the socio-economic sphere of the country. A significant amount of the shadow economy in our country, which continues to grow, seems very dangerous from the point of view of economic policy in the conditions of globalization. This causes the degradation of national tax systems. Also, economic policy based on incorrect indicators of economic statistics negatively affects the stability of economic development. And the results of the development of international institutions regarding the coordination of economic policy, which is a favorable factor in the functioning of the modern global economy, may also be ineffective. It has been proven that the shadow economy in the post-Soviet countries acts as a certain tool for maintaining economic and social balance. The authors believe that in the conditions of the transition period, with the help of the shadow sector, conditions are created for the survival of business and the population. Despite all the disadvantages, shadow activity also provides certain advantages: for small businesses - increased profits; the active population - the opportunity to work and receive income; consumers - to buy goods and services at lower prices. It is substantiated that, despite the listed positive aspects, any manifestation of the shadow economy is dangerous for the full development of the countries' economy. These phenomena will lead to the growth of corruption, a sharp increase in the stratification of the population, increase inflation, worsen working conditions and slow down economic development in general.
The article develops theoretical and methodological approaches to ensuring economic security in the conditions of combating the shadow economy. In accordance with the set goal, the following tasks are solved in the article: the structure of threats to economic security is revealed and their types are determined; approaches to the concept of "shadow economy" were investigated and its definition was clarified; the influence of the shadow economy on the level of economic security was investigated; the policy of combating the shadow economy is substantiated. It has been proven that the shadow economy is a difficult phenomenon to study and account for. There are quite a few definitions of the shadow economy, which is due to the fact that it is quite diverse in structure. It is proposed to include here various types of activities that are not taken into account by official statistics, are not included in GDP, that is, that exist outside the legal field. This is the reason why the shadow economy cannot be accurately measured and often data on the size of the shadow economy from different sources differ significantly. The conducted research gives reasons to conclude about the dual nature of the shadow economy, which, in addition to clearly expressed shortcomings and threats to economic security, also has certain positive aspects, in particular, in the socio-economic sphere of the country. A significant amount of the shadow economy in our country, which continues to grow, seems very dangerous from the point of view of economic policy in the conditions of globalization. This causes the degradation of national tax systems. Also, economic policy based on incorrect indicators of economic statistics negatively affects the stability of economic development. And the results of the development of international institutions regarding the coordination of economic policy, which is a favorable factor in the functioning of the modern global economy, may also be ineffective. It has been proven that the shadow economy in the post-Soviet countries acts as a certain tool for maintaining economic and social balance. The authors believe that in the conditions of the transition period, with the help of the shadow sector, conditions are created for the survival of business and the population. Despite all the disadvantages, shadow activity also provides certain advantages: for small businesses - increased profits; the active population - the opportunity to work and receive income; consumers - to buy goods and services at lower prices. It is substantiated that, despite the listed positive aspects, any manifestation of the shadow economy is dangerous for the full development of the countries' economy. These phenomena will lead to the growth of corruption, a sharp increase in the stratification of the population, increase inflation, worsen working conditions and slow down economic development in general.
Ключові слова
тіньова економіка, економічна безпека, двоїстий характер, переваги, недоліки, промислові підприємства, shadow economy, economic security, dual nature, advantages, disadvantages, industrial enterprises
Бібліографічний опис
Двоїстий характер впливу тіньової економіки на рівень економічної безпеки / П. Г. Перерва [та ін.] // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ" (економічні науки) = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI" (economic sciences) : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2022. – № 1. – С. 63-69.