Кафедра "Міжкультурна комунікація та іноземна мова"

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Офіційний сайт кафедри http://web.kpi.kharkov.ua/mkia

Кафедра "Міжкультурна комунікація та іноземна мова" була відкрита 2 лютого 2004 року.

Кафедра ставить за мету отримання студентами інтегрованих знань у сфері іноземних мов, міжкультурної комунікації, Інтернет-комунікації, медіа-комунікації та PR-комунікації.

Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту міжнародної освіти Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут". Кафедрою створена мережа міжнародного партнерства, до якої було залучено понад 20 зарубіжних університетів, організацій та професійних фундацій. Унікальний досвід, здобутий проєктною командою кафедри в межах міжнародного співробітництва, дає підставу вважати її конкурентоспроможною на ринку освітніх послуг, яка здійснює навчальну діяльність на рівні міжнародних стандартів.

У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 1 доктор філологічних наук, 1 доктор психологічних наук, 8 кандидатів філологічних наук; 1 співробітник має звання професора, 4 – доцента.


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 7 з 7
  • Ескіз
    Механізми формування розумових мовленнєвих дій у процесі навчання іноземної мови
    (Класичний приватний університет, 2019) Сергеєва, Тетяна Вікторівна; Назимко, О. В.
    У статті аналізуються та виносяться на розгляд основні теоретичні підходи наявного у вітчизняній і зарубіжній психології розуміння розумових мовленнєвих дій у процесі навчання іноземної мови. Розкрито основні концепції, підходи та моделі породження та сприйняття мовленнєвого висловлювання. Визначено одиницю мовленнєвої діяльності. Розглянуто процесуальні характеристики мовленнєвих дій усіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності. Зазначено вплив механізму породження та сприйняття іншомовного висловлювання на формування мовленнєвої компетентності.
  • Ескіз
    Metaverse as developmental ecosystem for students' development
    (2023) Stchekine, Boris; Sergeyeva, Tetyana; Novytska, Daria
    It is analyzed the prospect of integrating educational component into the “Metaverse”. It is traced the origin story of the idea from the ancient religious, philosophical and psychological concepts. It is proposed: 1) to create “Metaverse” as developmental ecosystem taking into account the laws of personality development; 2) to involve not only figurative but also abstract thinking to expand the way of describing the “Metaverse” through abstract schemes in addition to images; 3) to introduce moral dimension into the assessment of possible “Metaverse” impact on users’ mind and body as well as on the real world. It is assumed that modeling a digital learning environment based on the internal laws of human development will optimize the entire process. The built-in educational component will provide a virtual learning environment with developmental capacity vastly superior to simulated reality. An innovative Eco-Humanistic Developmental Model is proposed for integration. It is focused on human existential, social and career metasenses of self-development, synergistic interaction and competencies development. In contrast to the situational approach, the process is modeled in its existential integrity. It is based on the idea of human development as a living self-developing system in interaction with the surrounding world as a developmental environment. In the process of balancing actual needs, personal abilities and conditions of environment the synergetic development of all three components is taken place. As a result, not only cognitive and personality development is optimized, but also there is an awareness of interdependence and mutual development of self and environment. The concept, structure, strategy, mechanisms and tools of innovative e-learning courses based on Eco-Humanistic principles are presented. To confirm the efficiency of the proposed approach the results of a research within the framework of a long-term developmental experiment are presented. The prospect of multidisciplinary research is revealed.
  • Ескіз
    E-learning multidisciplinary developmental environment based on new European research paradigm
    (2023) Njoo, Jim; Sergeyeva, Tetyana; Turlakova, Natalya
    The research raises the problem of improving strategies, technologies, methods, techniques and tools of e-learning in connection with the change in the research paradigm, which will inevitably affect the education paradigm. Modern education, in fact, develops agents of changes who are called upon to maintain and develop the viability of society in the face of systemic economic, social and environmental crises. Therefore, goal-oriented science and education are gradually being transformed into impact-oriented, with the introduction of social, moral, economic, environmental and security criteria. The New European Bauhaus initiative is the quintessence of modern trends in the development of an advanced society, as a human-centered and aimed at human wellbeing through the formation of a sustainable-enriching-inclusive environment. The scale and speed at which changes are taking place require a new approach to students’ development. They must respond quickly to changes and use a challenge as an opportunity for development. Within the framework proposed by the authors, the eco-humanistic approach to human-environment interaction respond to new demands and can be integrated into e-learning multidisciplinary developmental environment, which simulates the real conditions of self-development in an ambiguous situation. The metacognitive approach as well as tailor-made and fit for purpose innovations make it possible to consciously manage the process of one's own development depending on individual conditions and needs. Modeling real work and life developmental environment demands multidisciplinary and multi-actor approaches for co-creation of efficient e-courses of a new generation. The authors propose an innovative strategies, techniques and tools for providing efficiency of e-courses.
  • Ескіз
    Multidisciplinary scale of e-learning within university innovative digitalized ecosystem
    (2023) Gleria, Vid de; Sergeyeva, Tetyana; Orda, Oleksandra
    The research presents a multidisciplinary scale of e-learning in the context of digital transformations, caused by the system of modern crises. A proposed innovative approach considers e-learning as a component integrated into the holistic process of students’ cognitive and personality development or self-development. The synergetic interaction of the student with the developmental environment as innovative ecosystem involves a big variety of e-training activities based of the model of real project development. The complexity of the ecosystem determines the diversity of interaction modes. The system-forming factor is the profile of student as agent of positive changes.
  • Ескіз
    Students' soft skills development based on interaction with training environment within e-learning
    (2023) Festeu, Dorin; Sergeyeva, Tetyana; Turlakova, Natalya
    The research is intended to provide an insight into the practice of soft skills development in the process of students’ interaction with e-learning environment. The discussion calls upon the subject developers for a review of both the strategies of soft skills selection and the principles of transforming training courses into e-format. The research is structured as follows: first, it reveals the ways of selecting a balanced optimal set of the university graduate’ soft skills on the basis of meta-level typology and individualization. Second, it identifies the principles of organizing efficient training activities aimed at the soft skills development that is based on modelling the existential (real life) situation of self-development. Third, it presents an example of the efficient training course transformation into e-learning format without losing its developmental capacity. It is worth noting that this paper provides an important source of information and creative ideas for e-learning courses aimed at soft skills development. The new normal caused by COVID-19 pandemic and student-centered paradigm of education requires a revision of the traditional higher education basics. The system-forming factor is the student as a holistic living system, which is self-developing and includes cognitive, communicative and regulatory functions. Traditional mainly cognitive goals were supplemented by the practical goals of soft skills development as important components of professional, social and existential competencies. Achieving this goal through the student-training environment interaction has gained additional capacity due to the unprecedented development of digital technologies. Modern challenges as well as technological opportunities have required multidisciplinary solutions. Solving a whole chain of interrelated problems has necessitated a system approach to ensuring efficient student interaction with the e-environment, which acquired additional developmental capacity through technology.
  • Ескіз
    Student – Training Environment Interaction: Soft Skills Development within E-learning
    (2021) Sergeyeva, Tetyana; Festeu, Dorin; Bronin, Sergiy; Turlakova, Natalya
    The paper is intended to provide an insight into the practice of soft skills development in the process of students’ interaction with e-learning environment. The discussion calls upon the subject developers for a review of both the strategies of soft skills selection and the principles of transforming training courses into e-format. The paper is structured as follows: first, it reveals the ways of selecting a balanced optimal set of the university graduate’ soft skills on the basis of meta-level typology and individualization. Second, it identifies the principles of organizing efficient training activities aimed at the soft skills development that is based on modelling the existential (real life) situation of self-development. Third, it presents an exampleof the efficient training course transformation into e-learning format without losing its developmental capacity. It is worth noting that this paper provides an important source of information and creative ideas for e-learning courses aimed at soft skills development.
  • Ескіз
    Виртуальное групповое обучение (с использованием Skype-технологий) как средство реформирования магистерских программ университетов
    (2010) Горошко, Елена Игоревна
    В статье анализируется обучение студентов основам английского академического письма для специальных целей с помощью метода проектов и программы интернет-телефонии Skype. Описан опыт проведения такого обучения на основе преподавания модуля по кросс-культурной деловой коммуникации (как части базового магистерского курса по направлению "Менеджмент внешнеэкономической деятельности") в рамках совместного американо-украинского виртуального класса. Приводится анализ данных, полученных с помощью SWOT-анализа ожиданий студентов от модуля и их оценочного опроса, а также подробно рассматриваются положительные и отрицательные cтороны такого обучения. Показано, что образовательные практики должны гораздо быстрее реагировать на изменения и процессы, которые происходят в современном информационно-коммуникативном обществе, учитывая усиления уровня глобальности и виртуальности многих протекающих в нем социальных практик.